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Quiz Questions


  • Answer the following questions.

Q1: List 3 basic things you must do before entering the factory.

  • a.

  • b.

  • c.

Q2: Tick all the times that are NOT permitted in the factory

  • Select all your answers in the drop down tab.

  • One of the selected answers is wrong. Try again.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

Q3-7: True or False

  • Aquaworks Pty Ltd have a strict jewellery and glass policy.

  • This answer is incorrect. Try again.

  • I can't wear my watch in the factory; but a plain wedding band is OK.

  • This answer is incorrect. Try again.

  • If I'm not sure how to operate a machine, I should just try anyway.

  • This answer is incorrect. Try again.

  • Finished products, WIP, and packing materials can be kept on the floor.

  • This answer is incorrect. Try again.

  • I can bring peanuts or peanut products to the production area.

  • This answer is incorrect. Try again.

Q8: Food allergies can be very dangerous to some people. Tick the box if it is a COMMON food allergy.

  • Select all your answers in the drop down tab.

  • One of the selected food allergies is not common. Try again.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

  • Not all the answers have been selected yet.

Q9: Describe what action you would take if you noticed a food safety risk such as a piece of metal in a product being packed.

  • Type your answer in the space below.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.