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Health and Safety Audit

Safety Programs and Recordkeeping

  • The district has a safety committee.

  • Deficiencies in safety programs were noted.

  • Right to Know

  • Infection Control Plan

  • AWAIR - Transportation, Arenas or PACs

  • Respiratory Protection Program - Should, at min, address medical determination and cleaning/storage/maintenance.

  • Chemical Hygiene

  • Lockout/Tagout - LOTO

  • Confined Space Entry Program

  • Other safety programs

  • Deficiencies in Recordkeeping and First Reports of Injury were noted.

  • OSHA posters were not provided, updated and/or posted.

  • Reference: https://www.dli.mn.gov/about-department/workplace-posters

Health and Safety Training - Initial, annual and as needed

  • Bloodborne Pathogen training was not provided to staff exposed to OPIM at the required intervals. 1910.1030

  • Employee Right to Know training was not provided to staff exposed to hazardous substances, harmful physical agents and infections agents.

  • LOTO training was not provided to authorized, affected or other staff. 1910.147

  • Respiratory Protection training was not provided to staff. 1910.134

  • AWAIR training was not provided to appropriate staff.

  • Chemical Hygiene training was not provided to affected staff.

Walkways and Working Surfaces

  • Areas were not kept clean, orderly, and sanitary condition. 1910.22

  • The floor and or walking-working surface was not maintained in a clean and dry condition or free from hazards such as sharp or protruding objects, spills, snow, and ice. 1910.22

  • Obstructions, such as nails, splinters, holes or loose boards were identified in walkways or on working surfaces?

  • Tools, materials, equipment, and other objects obstructed walkways or routes of egress.

  • Hazards associated with loads/platforms/boilers were identified.

  • Platforms lack a 3.5in toe board AFF. 1910.29

  • The maximum load rating was not indicated on the walking-working surface.1910.22

  • Loads/Platforms. The employer did not provide, and ensure each employee uses, a safe means of access and egress to and from walking-working surfaces. Extends 42in above the floor.

  • Hazards associated with ladders were identified. 1910.23

  • Floor holes or openings were not covered or guarded. 1910.28

  • Employees were exposed to fall hazards on a walking-working surface (platforms, boilers, stairway landings, docks, openings) with an unprotected side or edge that is 4 feet (1.2 m) or more above a lower level is protected from falling by: guardrail, safety net or PFAS.

  • Hazards associated with stairways, handrails and guardrails were identified.

  • Stairways. Each flight of stairs having at least 3 treads and at least 4 risers is equipped with stair rail systems and handrails as follows. 1910.28(b)(11)(ii)

  • Ship stairs and alternating tread type stairs were not equipped with handrails on both sides.

  • The top edge height of top rails, or equivalent guardrail system members, were not 42 inches (107 cm), plus or minus 3 inches (8 cm), above the walking-working surface. The top edge height may exceed 45 inches (114 cm), provided the guardrail system meets all other criteria of paragraph (b) of this section (see Figure D-11 of this section) 1910.29

  • Midrails, screens, mesh, intermediate vertical members, solid panels, or equivalent intermediate members were not installed between the walking-working surface and the top edge of the guardrail system as follows when there is not a wall or parapet that is at least 21 inches (53 cm) high 1910.29

  • Guardrail systems were not smooth-surfaced to protect employees from injury, such as punctures or lacerations, and to prevent catching or snagging of clothing. 1910.29

  • Handrails did not meet the requirements for height, finger clearance and/or surfaces. 1910.29

  • Hazards associated with roofs were not protected.

  • Roofs. When work is performed less than 6 feet (1.6 m) from the roof edge, the employer must ensure each employee is protected from falling by a guardrail system, safety net system, travel restraint system, or personal fall arrest system.

  • Roofs. When work is performed at least 6 feet (1.6 m) but less than 15 feet (4.6 m) from the roof edge, the employer must ensure each employee is protected from falling by using a guardrail system, safety net system, travel restraint system, or personal fall arrest system. The employer may use a designated area when performing work that is both infrequent and temporary.

  • Roofs. When work is performed 15 feet (4.6 m) or more from the roof edge, the employer must: Protect each employee from falling by a guardrail system, safety net system, travel restraint system, or personal fall arrest system or a designated area. The employer is not required to provide any fall protection, provided the work is both infrequent and temporary; and Implement and enforce a work rule prohibiting employees from going within 15 feet (4.6 m) of the roof edge without using fall protection in accordance with paragraphs (b)(13)(i) and (ii) of this section.

  • Other hazards associated with walking or working surfaces were identified.

Exit Routes and Emergency Planning

  • Each school building was inspected by the state fire marshal or contracted local gov agency at least once every three years.

  • Exit routes are unobstructed, free from snow, ice, explosives, flammables or decorations. 1910.37

  • Exit routes were not clearly marked “Exit,” as well as indicating the direction of travel to the exit, if not immediately apparent.

  • Exit route doors were not operable from the inside at all times without keys, tools, or special knowledge. A device such as a panic bar that locks only from the outside is permitted on exit discharge doors. 1910.36

  • Exit sign is missing or not working. 1910.37

  • Each doorway or passage along an exit access that could be mistaken for an exit must be marked "Not an Exit" or similar designation, or be identified by a sign indicating its actual purpose. 1910.37

  • Safeguards designed to protect employees during an emergency (e.g., sprinkler systems, alarm systems, fire doors, exit lighting) were not in proper working order at all times.

  • Minimum elements of an emergency action plan were not in place (written plan, training, notification, drills).

  • Doorways, emergency exits and/or fire protection equipment were blocked.

  • Fire extinguishers were not inspected or maintained.

  • The best practice is to store fire extinguishers to prevent condensation from building up on the bottom. Consider storing on a perforated mat/board, shelving or a pallet.

  • Other hazards associated with exit routes and emergency planning were identified.

  • Other hazards associated with fire and life safety were identified.

  • Hazards associated with storage of combustible and hazardous materials were identified.

Emergency Eyewash Stations and Showers

  • Information on emergency eyewashes and showers can be found online: https://www.dli.mn.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/emergency_eyewashes_showers.pdf

  • Hazards associated with eyewash stations or showers were identified.

  • Eyewash stations were not regularly tested and documented.

  • Emergency showers were not tested at least annually.

  • Eyewash or shower was obstructed.

  • Eyewash or shower was not functioning properly.

Electrical Hazards

  • Electrical equipment was not free from recognized hazards. 1910.303

  • Installation and use. Listed or labeled equipment was not installed and used in accordance with any instructions included in the listing or labeling.

  • Blocked electrical panels were identified.

  • Ungrounded equipment was identified such as the AV cart, vacuum, dryer, extension cord, box fan and/or refrigerator.

  • Hazards associated with RPTs/surge protectors were identified such as daisy chaining, missing ground pin and/or damage. Power strips are not permitted by MDE.

  • Electrical hazards such as exposed live parts (missing knockouts, broken or missing covers), reversed polarity, path to ground, broken strain reliefs, spliced cords, unused openings unguarded, and/or no dead front protection were noted.

  • Flexible cords and cables were used to substitute fixed wiring, run through holes in wall, ceilings, floors, doorways, windows or openings, attached to building surfaces or installed improperly. 1910.305

  • Cheater plugs were used.

  • Combustibles were stored within 3ft of the electrical panel.

  • Unprotected light bulbs within 7ft AFF were noted.

  • Electrical panel did not have a legend.

  • Electrical hazards were found in a wet location.

  • Clip lights or heat lamps were not grounded or anchored.

  • GFCIs were not used in wet/exterior locations.

Compressed Gases and Welding

  • Compressed gas cylinders were improperly stored - not nested, missing valve protection caps, near heat source, and/or open valves.

  • Oxygen and acetylene stored together. No min distance of 20ft or by a noncombustible barrier at least 5ft high having at least a 1 hr fire rating.

  • Hot work permits are not completed or maintained.

  • Adequate ventilation is not provided where welding, cutting or brazing occur.

  • Hazards associated with compressed gases were identified at the time.

  • Other hazards associated with welding, cutting or brazing were identified.

Other Safety Hazards

  • Other safety hazards were noted.

  • Other safety hazards were noted.

  • Other safety hazards were noted.

  • Emergency latch on the freezer was not working properly

  • Do not store food and hazardous or infectious materials in the same refrigerator/freezer/cabinet. Train staff on safe storage of food products and periodically inspect for incompatible storage

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Eye and face protection was not used, provided, inadequate or not maintained.

  • Respiratory protection was not used, provided, inadequate or not properly cleaned/stored/maintained. 1910.134

  • Employees who voluntarily use a respirator were not provided Appendix D. 1910.134

  • Reference: https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.134AppD

  • A medical evaluation was not performed for employees wearing respirators. 1910.134

  • Fit testing was not done for employees wearing respirators. 1910.134

  • Respirators were not properly used preventing a tight seal. 1910.134

  • Hearing protection was not used, provided, inadequate or not maintained.

  • Appropriate personal protective equipment was not provided, maintained and/or used when exposed to hazards.

  • Appropriate personal protective equipment is not provided, used or maintained for hazards associated with welding, cutting or brazing.

Additional MN Statutes and Rules

  • Employees working in areas where there is danger of scalp injury if the employee's hair should become entangled in moving machinery parts shall be protected by having their hair contained or secured in a shop cap, snood, or similar device. 5205.0020

  • High visibility personal protective equipment is provided when working adjacent to moving motor vehicle traffic and maintained. 5205.0030

  • Carbon Monoxide monitoring is done where internal combustion engine powered industrial trucks are operated indoors at least quarterly and tailpipe exhaust gas is measured as part of a regular maintenance program. 5205.0116

  • Garage ventilation was not provided or inadequate per 5205.0200

  • Buildings, walkways and asbestos were not maintained. 5205.0660

  • Blocking and cribbing of machinery was not done or inadequate.

  • Overhead door lacks safety protection from entrapment. No constant pressure or reversing edge or three-button control switch with sign - Warning. To prevent entrapment do not start door downward unless doorway is clear. 5205.0675

  • Knives and cutting tools were not kept in sheaths or holders.

  • Foot actuated machines were not protected to prevent unintended operation.

  • Inspect cranes, hoists and chains. More info can be found online: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/5205.1200/

  • Make sure staff using a chainsaw have had appropriate training. More info can be found online: http://www.dli.mn.gov/business/workplace-safety-and-health/mnosha-wsc-chain-saw-safety

  • Be sure to comply with required elements of MN Rule 5205.0200 Garage Ventilation. More information can be found online: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/pdf/5205/2017-09-19%2014:17:06+00:00

Material Handling and Storage

  • Flammable and combustible substances, such as paint thinners, solvents, rags, scrap, and waste, being disposed of or stored in covered, fire-resistant containers.

  • Safety gas cans were not used.

  • The integrity of a flammable storage cabinet was compromised when an additional lock-set was added. Modifications made to approved products often voids the approval and warranty. When replacing this cabinet, consider a cabinet with a better lock.

Machine Guarding

  • Anti-magnetic switch/Power failure restart was needed on the following pieces of equipment:

  • Band Saw

  • Drill Press

  • Radial Arm Saw

  • Table Saw

  • Combination Sander

  • Grinder

  • Belt Sander

  • Spindle Sander

  • Other

  • Guarding was needed on the following pieces of hazardous equipment:

  • Rotating Shafts

  • Band Saw

  • Belt Sander

  • Disk Sander

  • Drill Press

  • Belt and Pulley

  • Garbage Disposal

  • Mixer

  • Paper Cutter

  • Radial Arm Saw

  • Spindle Sander

  • Table Saw

  • Hydraulic Press: A barrier guard shall be maintained on all hydraulic presses, whether hand or power operated, where there is a possibility of materials being ejected from the press.

  • Horizontal Band Saw

  • Fan blades less than 7 ft AFF

  • Grinder - Guard missing or deficient, tool rest gap >1/8 in, tongue guard >1/4 in

  • Other hazardous equipment

  • Equipment needs to be secured or anchored to prevent walking or moving. 1910.212

  • Table saw used for ripping was not provided with a spreader. 1910.213

  • Table saw used for ripping was not provided with nonkickback fingers or dogs. 1910.213

  • Adjustable stop missing so that the radial arm saw blade extends beyond the bench. 1910.213

  • Radial arm saw did not automatically gently return to the start position. 1910.213

  • Other machine guarding hazards were identified.

Toxic and Hazardous Substances

  • Hazards associated with asbestos were identified.

  • Assessments and/or inspections of asbestos in the workplace were not completed or updated as required.

  • Exposure monitoring was not completed and/or records were not kept for the required duration.

  • The warning signs required by paragraph (j)(4)(i) of this section shall bear the following legend: DANGER<br>ASBESTOS<br>MAY CAUSE CANCER<br>CAUSES DAMAGE TO LUNGS<br>AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY 1910.1001(j)(4)(ii)(B) <br>In addition, where the use of respirators and protective clothing is required in the regulated area under this section, the warning signs shall include the following: <br>WEAR RESPIRATORY PROTECTION AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING IN THIS AREA

  • Training was not provided prior to or at the time of initial assignment and at least annually thereafter or school district employees who participate in operations and maintenance as the Designated Person were not provided 14-hour Operations and Maintenance and 2hr awareness training.

  • Hazards associated with housekeeping and ACM were present

  • Respirator fit testing and physical exams including pulmonary function testing and chest xrays were not required for staff working with asbestos.

  • Hazards associated with the Chemical Hygiene Plan were identified. 1910.1450

  • The Chemical Hygiene Plan was missing or inadequate. 1910.1450

  • Chemicals were improperly stored such as flammables with strong oxidizers, corrosives stored above eye level or acids not stored in an acid cabinet and/or excessive risk chemicals were identified.

  • Reference: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/sfm/programs-services/inspections/Documents/Science-safety-checklist.pdf

  • The main gas shut off valve was not identified and/or inaccessible.

  • Fume hood testing was not completed at least annually and documented.

  • Fume hood was used for chemical storage.

  • Ventilation in the storage room was not exhausted separately from the classroom.

  • Storage shelves were inappropriate, inadequate or deficient (1/4 in lip).

  • Broken glassware and sharp objects were not stored/disposed of in appropriate containers.

  • Food and chemical prep/storage were co-mingled or refrigerators used for chemical storage were not labeled "No Food."

  • Spill control kits were not readily available.

  • Other hazards associated with toxic and hazardous substances were identified.

Infectious Agents

  • Hazards associated with bloodborne pathogens were identified? 1910.1030

  • The exposure control plan was not reviewed annually, inadequate or missing.

  • Work practices or engineering controls for bbp were inadequate or missing.

  • Hazards associated with housekeeping and regulated waste were identified.

  • Post exposure follow-up was inadequate.

  • Recordkeeping issues were identified.

General Safety

  • Wooden ladder was broken or in poor condition.

  • Vacuums used for dust collection are approved for that purpose.

  • SDS were available and maintained.

  • Compressed air for cleaning was not reduced to less that 30psi. 1910.242

  • Hand and portable tools were not maintained in a safe condition. 1910.242

  • Fall protection safety guarding is needed at choral risers or at other locations.

Pool Hazards MR Chapter 4717

  • Hazards associated with pools were noted during the walkaround.

  • All outlets except for unblockable drains were equipped with covers in compliance with ASME or ANSI

  • All covers and grates have been inspected to ensure that they were properly installed and are not broken or loose.

  • Pools have an unblockable suction outlet or drain

  • Pools have at least two suction outlets, in parallel with approved covers.

  • Pools have a gravity outlet or any other system determined by MDE to be effective.

Accessibility Issues

  • Accessibility issues were identified:

Audit Completion Details


  • Summary

  • Audit Participant(s)

  • Report Recipient

  • Full Name of the Inspector

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