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Risk factors for increased risk of introduction/spread of bTB
Is the herd size greater than 150
Is the herd size greater than 300
Are separate management groups used to reduce the risk of spread?
Type of herd
Is this a dairy herd?
Animal risks
Any purchase or other movement of cattle onto the farm?
Have any replacements been sourced from any of<br>a) A High Risk Area (the Defra defined HRA or Edge Area)<br>b) A herd which has had a TB breakdown in the past 5 years and or CHeCS level 2<br>c) A herd with an unknown bTB history to you as the purchaser
Are all purchased cattle pre movement tested before movement onto the farm?
Are cattle isolated and post movement test before introduction to the resident herd?
Are there other co-located species such as goats, deer, camelids which might also be at risk?<br>
Are any non bovines farmed in separate epidemiological groups?
Do you use a hire bull?
Management system
Do you use common/shared grazing?
Is the farm over 2 or more premises and/or multiple land parcels grazed by animals?
Feeding practices
Do you use the following feedstuffs, shown to increase risk by the margins shown over not using them: a) Rough pasture (7% per 10ha) b) Grass Silage (50%)
Is maize grown on farm or by close neighbours and/or maize silage fed to cattle?
Are mineral licks, feed and water troughs raised and adapted to minimise wildlife access
Are concentrates and/or TMR fed on the ground or in low level feeders?
Are calves fed proprietary milk substitute or low risk pasteurised milk?
Is waste milk, or pooled colostrum fed to calves without pasteurising?
Farm boundary maintenance and general biosecurity
Is direct contact possible with neighbouring cattle across boundaries? Note that it may be possible to use strategic grazing to reduce this risk.
Double fencing and gating is in place to prevent nose to nose - 3m exclusion?
General biosecurity
Slurry or manure is spread on land used for grazing cattle?
Is manure stored before spreading and then spread on arable land?
Is it possible that effluent or run off from neighbours pasture may contaminate fields, or that slurry from other farms is spread on pasture intended for grazing
Is shared equipment used without adequate cleansing and disinfection - including contractors and livestock transport?
Are visitors and/or farm staff allowed onto the farm without adequate disinfection?
Is there a provision of boot dips and protective clothing for visitors and farm staff?
Do personnel undertake cleansing and disinfection of protective clothing/equipment between different management groups?
With regards to biosecurity of feed - do any of the following apply: a) Feed trough areas accessible to badgers? b) Spilled feed around feed bins? c) Unprotected silage clamps?
Can badgers gain access to the cattle buildings?<br>
Can badgers access the feed stores?
Do cattle come into contact with badgers, directly or indirectly, when at pasture
Are there any measures in place to reduce contact with badgers at pasture? e.g fencing off setts and latrine areas
General herd health
Is there a known presence of concurrent immunosuppressive disease, including but not limited to BVD, Johnes and Nutritional Deficiency?
Is there a Veterinary agreed, active, herd health plan in operation including an up to date vaccination policy, which is adhered to based on the needs of the farm?
Are the cattle, buildings and equipment maintained in a state of good cleanliness?
TB history and testing
Has the herd experienced a breakdown in the last
Is there evidence to support previous recrudescence or repeated incursion(s) of bTB?
Are animals which have previously tested as IR (Inconclusive Reactors) present on the farm?
Have any TB tests become overdue?
If TB tests are split into part tests, is there a delay between each part?
Are reactors and IR animals correctly isolated from the herd?
Local area
There is at least one herd under OTFW within 10km of the farm boundaries, including any remote grazing
Is there a risk of cattle-cattle contact with neighbours who have a history of TB within the last 5 years
Do genotypes of M.bovis in previous reactors or slaughterhouse cases (SLH) match those of the local area?
Are there: a) Badger setts within 2km of the farm boundary? and/or b) Wild deer known to access the farm?
Has there been previous evidence of diseased badgers on the farm?