Title Page

  • Company

  • Inspected by

  • Conducted on

  • Location

Site Control

  • Safety inductions for all on site

  • SAC in place

  • Safety notice board current

  • Are interface work areas adequately segregated

  • Project Paperwork/TBS in place and signed

Site Facilities

  • Offices clean, adequate & good lighting

  • Welfare provision clean and stocked

  • Designated smoking area

  • Tool/equipment sheds adequate

  • Canteen adequately provisioned

  • Drying room provided

  • Drinking water available


  • Environmental plans/measures in place

  • Is waste adequately segregated

  • Is the site free from spills

General Site Tidiness and Accessways

  • Standard of housekeeping acceptable

  • Waste management adequate

  • Clear, safe access to work areas

  • Stairways and accessways clear

  • Hoardings/fence and gates secure

Possession Arrangements

  • PICOP competency evidence in place

  • Authority to take possession granted by Signaller

  • PICOP protections placed correctly

  • PICOP in possession of WON

Worksite Protection

  • ES competency evidence in place

  • Worksite marker boards established

  • All TSCs signed in with ES

  • TSC locations of sites of work detailed

  • ES in possession of WON


  • PTS cards in date and carried on site

  • Do all staff on a Track Visitor Pass (TVP) have their ID and TVP printout

Personal Protective Equipment

  • PPE being used and in good condition

  • Face protection (glasses, goggles, shields) available and in good condition

  • Hearing protection available

  • Respirators and masks provided

Fire Extinguishers and Fire Protection

  • Fire extinguishers operable and kept in designated places at all times

  • All fire controls inspected and in date

COSHH Controls

  • COSHH plan in place

  • Chemical storage adequate/Fuel and tools kept on spill nappies?

  • Sufficient spill kits/plant nappies on site

  • Dust control adequate (Ballast)

First Aid

  • Is there a defibrillator on site?

  • Is there adequate first aid provision on site

  • Are first aiders named for the shift

Emergency Evacuation

  • Emergency plan in place. Assembly point designated. Emergency contact numbers displayed

LOLER Compliance

  • Lift Plan in place for required lifting operations.

  • Crane certification current

  • Slings/chains certified

  • Inspections being done

  • Emergency plan in place

Temporary Works - Excavations

  • Temporary Works register in place.

  • Temporary Works checks complete

  • Temporary Works Supervisor Appointed

  • Trench support in place (Trench Box/Sheet piles)

  • Access controlled/ leading edge protection

  • Safe means of access/egress

Permit to Dig

  • CAT scans carried out where excavations are being conducted

  • Permit to Dig in place where required

Hot Works

  • Hot work permits being issued

  • Exclusion zone set up and adhered to

  • Fire extinguishers on hand

  • Operators using PPE/RPE

Road Rail Vehicles

  • Pre Shift inspection completed

  • RRVO competency in place

  • Certificates of Thorough Examination in place and in date

  • Attachments in good condition

  • RRV exclusion zones implemented

  • RRV movements carried out safely

  • RRVC demonstrating good control of machine

  • RRV access and egress completed safely

  • RRV loading operations carried out safely, including trailer and tubs

Worksite (s)

  • Adequate lighting available for night works

  • TSC attending each workgroup

  • TSC maintaining good control of those under their responsibility

  • Good interaction between TSCs and RRVCS

  • Works carried out in a safe manner

  • Good standard of manual handling

  • Tools and equipment being used by those with relevant competencies

Welding & Stressing

  • Hot works permit in place

  • Fire controls on site/Dry Powder extinguisher

  • Exclusion zone set up and adhered to

  • Task specific PPE used

Audit Ownership

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.