Title Page

Complete Inspection Contact info and inspection date.

  • Area or Yard

  • Building or Asset
  • Date Inspection Conducted On

  • Inspected by

  • Were other part of the inspection?

Building Trailer Inspection

  • The items below are what should be looked at during a workplace inspection. If it passes select pass. If it there is an issue select fail and complete the failed sections. If not applicable then select N/A. Additional issues can be added at the end of each section.

1. Bulletin boards and signs

  • Required postings

  • Safety signs

  • Additional Issues

2. Building

  • Physical condition

  • Fixtures

  • Guardrails

  • Employee facilities

  • Additional Issues

3. Floors and other work surfaces

  • Slip and trip hazards

  • Housekeeping

  • Additional Issues

4. Stairways and aisles

  • Slip and trip hazards

  • Lighting

  • Handrails and/or handholds

  • Additional Issues

5. Emergency and equipment

  • Emergency evacuation plan

  • Exit location, marking and accessibility

  • Exit and emergency lighting

  • Fire control equipment

  • Emergency showers and eyewash

  • First aid facilities

  • Additional Issues

6. Security

  • Entry and exit security

  • Security of restricted areas

  • Additional Issues

7. Furniture

  • Chairs

  • Desks, cabinets

  • Other furniture

  • Workstation ergonomics

  • Additional Issues

8. Machinery and tools

  • Machine guarding

  • Noise control

  • Lockout procedures

  • Equipment maintenance

  • Condition of tools

  • Warning signs

  • Machine workstation ergonomics

  • Spacing around machinery

  • Additional Issues

9. Material handling and storage

  • Material stacking and storage

  • Ergonomics

  • Size and condition of containers

  • Storage shelf/ rack capacity

  • Stepladders or stools

  • Trip hazards and obstructions

  • Material handling equipment

  • Forklifts and lifting device

  • Lifting device capacity posting

  • Battery charging

  • Dock boards and bridge plates

  • Chain hoists, ropes and slings

  • Additional Issues

10. Dangerous substances

  • Hazardous products labeling

  • Safety data sheets

  • Chemicals storage

  • Liquid fuels dispensing and handling

  • Hazardous waste identification and storage

  • Additional Issues

11. Electrical

  • Fuse / breaker panels

  • Junction boxes

  • Machinery grounding

  • Portable electric hand tools

  • GFCI protection

  • Extension cords

  • Lockout procedures

  • Additional Issues

12. Personal protective equipment

  • Condition

  • Use and care

  • Warning signs

  • Additional Issues

13. Vehicles

  • Maintenance

  • First aid kit

  • Emergency equipment

  • Dangerous goods transportation

  • Additional Issues

14. Environmental

  • Lighting

  • Ventilation

  • Indoor air quality

  • Additional Issues


  • Completion Date and Time

  • Initials of Inspector

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.