Title Page
Document Number
Company Name
Registered Address
Project Name
Project Sponsor
Project Manager
Date Prepared
Business Case Template
1. Executive Summary
1.1 Overview
Provide a précis of the introduction, background, problem statement and objectives, including information about the priority and importance of the project in the context of the Strategic Objectives of and benefits to the facility/organization.
1.2 Options Appraisal
Provide a brief summary of the options considered and the reasons for choosing the preferred option.
1.3 Costs and Benefits
Summarize the main points and include sufficient detail so that your executive or approval committee can use this as a ready reference.
2. Introduction
2.1 Background
Provide a brief history of how the project came into being, and from where the authority and drive for it comes, including background on the nature of the work conducted that explains why you want to take on the project.
2.2 Problem Statement
Summarize the problem that the project is aiming to address. Highlight any previous analyses of the problem that have been done and where the impetus for change exists; that is, where is the ‘pain’ and who is feeling it; and, if necessary, why your area or the department should be doing something about this and what are the likely consequences of not addressing the problem.
2.3 Strategic Objectives
2.4 Project Objectives
Highlight the products that are to be produced as a result of this project.
2.5 Related Projects
Briefly state any other projects that are being undertaken that relate to the same strategic and highlight whether there are interdependencies between this project and any of those projects.
Take or attach relevant photos and files.
3. Options Analysis
Major Risks
3.1 Preferred Option
State the preferred option and why.
4. Procurement
State what procurement action would need to be undertaken, including an indicative timetable and justification for the proposed approach.
5. Project Strategy
Key Milestones and Deliverables
Event / Milestone
Date (or elapsed time from start of project)
6. Costs–Benefits Analysis
Outline how calculations for savings and benefits have been made – include attributable costs.
Photos (optional)
7. Project Management and Control
7.1 Business Case
Write a brief statement on how this document will be kept up to date during the course of the project; that is, review points particularly where the expected scope, costs, benefits and savings figures are re-adjusted or confirmed.
How will different versions be identified?
7.2 Governance
Who will oversee progress (E.g. committee, executive sponsor, divisional head)
Who will manage the project?
How will the facility executive be kept informed of progress?
7.4 Progress Monitoring
Enter here the mechanisms that you will establish to monitor and compare actual achievements against your baseline plan.
8. Completion
Additional Comments
Project Manager Name & Signature