
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Project work areas are clean, free of excess trash/debris

  • Project materials have been stored / stacked safely

  • Project materials stored with clear aisles for travel

  • Trash receptacles are provided for work areas

  • Portable water containers on site with adequate amount for crews

  • Portable water containers clean / sealed with cups properly contained

  • Are jobsite port-a-lets clean and properly placed

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Hard hats worn / maintained as required by PPE pgm/mgf recommendations

  • Safety glasses in use

  • Hearing protection is worn where required

  • Face shield or googles worn as required

  • High visibility garments worn where required

  • Safety toe footwear being worn

  • Correct gloves being utilized for task being conducted

  • Respirators utilized as required

Fall Protection

  • Body harness worn properly

  • Lanyards are adequately secured to suitable anchorage

  • Perimeter guarding in place

  • Man-Lift tie off points are in good condition


  • Sloped, shielded or shored properly based on soil classification

  • Spoil set back 2' from excavation

  • Access and Egress is provided every 25 feet

  • Daily / periodic documented inspections conducted by competent person and posted at excavation

  • Propane bottles removed prior to start of welding

  • Ladders secured at top and extend 3' above

  • Ladder users facing ladders ascending and descending and not carrying a load

  • No work performed on slope above workers in the bottom of excavation

  • No workers in excavation during overhead lifts

  • Trench box certification paperwork on site

  • Water pumps utilized as necessary to reduce water accumulation and competent person monitoring pump

  • Ventilation adequate for any hazards that may exist

  • Barricades / Barriers installed for traffic control ( within 25' of roadway) pedestrian warning as needed

Scaffolds and Ladders

  • Scaffold built per specification

  • Scaffolding is inspected/tagged daily per requirements by competent person

  • Proper access and egress ladders provided, secured, and extends beyond the landing by 3'

Hoisting and Lifting Equipment

  • Proper rigging equipment utilized and in good condition

  • Proper rigging techniques used

  • Proper signaling used during lifts

  • Tag lines utilized during lifts

  • Stickers on fuel tank

Tools and equipment

  • Proper tools used for the job being performed

  • Guards on all hand grinders/circular saws (w/o modifications made)

  • Tools being carried correctly

  • Electrical cords free of visible damage

  • Tools are maintained in a safe condition

  • Tools are stored properly

  • Pneumatic / hydraulic hose connections properly secured (crows feet pins, whip checks)

  • Rebar caps installed on exposed rebar

Fire Protection

  • Flammables stored properly (bulk, portable in vehicles, proper distance, etc)

  • Oxygen and combustible cylinders separated

  • Containers labeled as to content

  • Fire extinguishers properly located and has current inspection tag

  • Compressed gas cylinders properly maintained

  • Containment of hot work and welding screens as required

  • Regulator gauges properly attached and maintained. Flash arrestors installed

  • Bulk fuel tanks grounded and electrical classification maintained

  • Portable equipment allowed to cool prior to refueling

  • Spout / funnel used during portable container refueling


  • Daily JSA available for review

  • Safety tailgate meeting content confirmed by worker interview(s)

  • JSA job steps described task being performed

  • JSA addresses specific hazards at the task location

  • JSA indicates utilization of Foreman/Employee handbooks for job discussions


  • MSDS's are readily available

  • Supervisor observed making safe behavior interventions

  • Employees observed making safe behavior interventions

  • Stop work authority observed being used by supervisor or employee(s)

Power Line Crossings

  • Overhead power lines have been identified

  • Proper signage posted, legible, visible to approaching equipment

  • Goal posts and flagging are in place

Seat belts used by all occupants

  • Observed damage has been reported

  • Power line spotter is present during work near / under power lines and when passing equipment under lines

  • Spotter has proper PPE and horn while performing spotter duties

Confined Space Entry

  • CSE properly identified as permit / non-permit required

  • CSE properly cleared, cleaned and isolated

  • CSE respiratory protection adequate for the task (ventilation / air supply)

  • CSE checklist and procedures on site with the attendant

  • Permitted CSE rescue equipment on site with trained personnel on hand

  • CSE lighting is 32v or less and all electrical shock concerns eliminated / mitigated

  • CSE external / introduced air contaminate concerns have been eliminated

  • Environmental hazardous monitoring is adequate for the task performed

Welding / Cutting

  • Hard hats/Safety glasses worn outside the immediate welding zone

  • Welding leads are positioned to prevent tripping hazards

  • Spent rods are properly disposed of in a bucket

  • Fully operational/inspected fire extinguishers are present at "hot work" location

  • Flash arrestors in place on gauges

  • Proper cribbing support supplied for bottom welding to prevent subsidence

  • Proper excavation floor to prevent laying in mud/water to weld

  • No loose clothing worn during grinding / buffing operations

  • Thermal burn protection being worn

  • Double eye protection used during buffing / grinding

Abrasive Blasting and Coating

  • Hoods with proper air supply being used

  • CO monitors installed (inside hood/inline or both when applicable)

  • Unnecessary personnel are cleared crosswind / upwind of the abrasive blast

  • Proper respiratory protection being worn during coating (wet & dry powder)

  • Remote switches are protected from inadvertent operations

  • Abrasive media pot work area clear of trip hazards, empty bags, pallets, etc.

  • Environmental requirements are being met where applicable

  • Hoses, hose connections are in proper working order, cotter pins in place, whip checks on all connections

  • Personnel fit tested when applicable and medical questionnaires completed


  • Silt fences and/or environmental logs installed and maintained

  • Wetland signage properly installed and maintained

  • Equipment is supplied with spill kits

  • No re-fueling within 100' of a wetland area

  • ROW boundary markers properly installed and being maintained

  • SPCC plan on site and requirements being met

  • Secondary containment in place for equipment / portable fuel storage etc.

  • Oil and fuel storage areas bermed and maintained dry

  • Proper ROW berming erosion control and flow water correctly directed to drainage area

  • Waste petroleum containers properly labeled and in secondary containment


  • DOT (Federal, local) temporary traffic control plan, specific to the site, exists

  • Traffic control signage properly stored when flaggers not in attendance

  • Flaggers wearing proper PPE

  • Flaggers properly trained

  • Flaggers properly using hand and sign communications with traffic

Body Position

  • Workers not observed in pinch point / caught between line of fire

  • Workers not observed in falling object line of fire

  • Workers not observed in a struck by line of fire

  • Workers observed using control to prevent strike against / strain line of fire

  • Workers observed using proper lifting techniques or helping each other

  • Workers observed ascending / descending in a safe manner

  • Workers observed properly using push / pull for the task to be done

  • Workers observed properly maintaining focus (eyes) on the task being done

  • Workers observed using proper center of balance / walking technique to prevent falls

  • Workers are not under suspended loads


  • All documents in cab of trucks secured in a binder

  • Crew truck checklist available / completed correctly

  • All lights, all lighting, windshield washer and wipers operational

  • Fire extinguisher secured and charged

  • Driver documentation in order (DL, CDL, medical card current)

  • Windshields free of cracks

  • Electrical cords inspected (Color coded)

  • Ladders inspected (color coded)

  • Rigging tackle inspected / documented

  • Fall protection maintained and has current inspection documented

  • Forklift operator has certification

  • Personnel lifts inspected and documented

  • Daily equipment checklists available for review / completed for the day's operations

Lock - Out / Tag-Out Review

  • Is a review conducted at least once a year

  • Procedures properly followed during LOTO operations

  • Employees involved understand procedure

  • Proper documentation present

Other Site Specific

  • Other

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.