Title Page
Site ID/Building Name
Floor/Corridor Number
Site Location
Installation Completed By
Contractor Company Name (if applicable)
Contractor Engineer Name
Project Manager/Site Supervisor Name
Report Start Date
Record Of Installation
Instructions for logging fire stopping items as follows: <br><br>-All entries made into this log must be valid against the methods laid out within Hilti standards.<br><br>-Any reinstatements authorised by building management made into existing passive systems such as mineral batt or, mortar compound must not be recorded into the log. <br><br>-Any reinstatement authorised by building management made into the walls, floors, and partitions containing existing defects must not be recorded into the log. <br><br>-Pre & Post images must be provided for each entry. The images must be clear and taken front on to ensure clarity. <br><br>-Product use will be automatically set as a response post selecting the substate type and service type being reinstated. Note: The post image must match the product applied. <br><br>Instructions for product use as follows: <br><br>-HILTI CFS-IS Intumescent Sealant must be used when fire stopping around any C&C Data service passing through a solid floor or, solid wall. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO COMMUNAL AREAS! IN COMMUNAL AREAS SOILD WALL MUST BE REINSTATED USING FSI.<br> <br>-A HILTI Cable Disc must be used when fire stopping around any C&C Data service passing through a plasterboard partition within a riser cupboard/intake room or, above the ceiling line to where fire breaks are present within the void. <br><br>-FSI Pyroacoustic Fire Stop Sealant must be used when fire stopping around any C&C Data service passing through a solid wall or, plasterboard partition below the ceiling line within a communal area that is visible to residents and other building users.
Reinstatement Log
Operative Name
Re-instatement Date
Location Of Fire Stopping
Floor Level
Substrate Tryp
Position Of Fire Stooping Seal
Service Type
Applied Fire Stopping Solution
Intended Product Resistance Time
- 15 Minutes
- 30 Minutes
- 45 Minutes
- 60 Minutes
- 90 Minutes
- 120 Minutes
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