
  • Trading Name

  • Proprietor(s)

  • Registration Number

  • Address of Premises

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address

  • Reason for Assessment

  • Date and Time Inspection Began

  • Officer Undertaking The Assessment

  • Proprietor/Staff in Attendance


  • EMP Notes

  • Other questions to ask/comments

Schedule of works

  • Is there a Schedule of Works?

  • Have the due items been completed?

Onsite Discussion

  • Number of long term sites

  • Number of camp sites

  • Number of short term sites

  • Is there more sites or changes since than last inspection/ last plan sent?

  • Is the fire separation the same as the other pre-existing dwellings/sites?

  • Does the new movable dwelling have a smoke alarm connected to the power mains (where consumer power mains are supplied to the movable dwelling)<br><br>

  • cl.36(2) A person who installs a newly constructed
    movable dwelling, other than a flexible annexe or
    tent, in a caravan park must ensure that the smoke
    alarm specified in subregulation (1) is connected
    to the consumer power mains where consumer
    power mains are supplied to the movable

Duties of Owners of Registered Caravan Parks (cl. 18)

  • Is the person responsible for the management of the caravan park available at the caravan park office during normal office hours?

  • As required by clause 18(1) of the regulations, a caravan park owner must ensure that the person responsible for the management of the caravan park is available at the caravan park office during normal office hours

  • Is the person responsible for the management of the caravan park contactable at all times in case of an emergency?

  • As required by clause 18(2) of the regulations, a caravan park owner must ensure that the person responsible for the management of the caravan park can be contactable at all times in case of an emergency

  • Is there emergency service vehicle access to the park at all times without delay (i.e no locked gates, blocked access - parked vehicles)?

  • As required by clause 18(3) of the regulations, a caravan park owner must ensure that emergency services vehicles can access the caravan park at all times without delay

  • Is the name and telephone number of the emergency contact person displayed in a prominent position at the caravan park office?

  • As required by clause 18(4) of the regulations, the caravan park owner must ensure that the name and telephone number of the emergency contact person are displayed in a prominent position at the caravan park office or other place determined by the council.

  • Is a register maintained that specifies:<br>- the name and address of each resident and short term occupier; and<br>- the arrival and departure date of each resident and short term occupier?

  • As required by clause 18(5) of the regulations, a caravan park owner must ensure that a register is maintained specifying:
    - the name and address of each resident and short term occupier; and
    - the arrival and departure date of each resident and short term occupier

  • Are the following displayed in a prominent position at the office:<br>- the caravan park registration certificate<br>- a plan of the caravan park<br>- a copy of the caravan park rules made under s.185 of the Act?

  • As required by clause 18(6) of the regulations, a caravan owner must ensure that the following are displayed in a prominent position at the caravan park office or other place determined by council:
    - the caravan park registration certificate
    - a plan of the caravan park
    - a copy of the caravan park rules made under s.185 of the Act

  • Are the following documents accessible on request to residents and short term occupiers:<br>- the Act<br>- the Regulations<br>- any exemptions granted under s. 519 of the Act (building exemptions)<br>- the caravan park rules made under s. 185 of the Act?

  • As per clause 18(7) of the regulations, a caravan park owner must ensure that the following documents are accessible, on request, to residents and short term occupiers-
    - the Act
    - the Regulations
    - any exemptions granted under s. 519 of the Act (building exemptions)
    - the caravan park rules made under s. 185 of the Act

Part 3 Standards - Fire and Emergency Management

  • Is firefighting equipment provided and maintained? <br>(occupants can undertake an initial fire attack, in locations accessible to all caravan park occupants, appropriate signage for fire equipment)<br>

  • Fire Fighter Authority Equipment - Is there reticulated water?

  • As there is reticulated water, fire hydrants should be provided for Fire Fighter Authority.

  • Are the fire hydrants provided and maintained/serviced?

  • Are the fire hydrants in operable locations and accessible?

  • Is there signage and markers?

  • As no reticulated water, a static water supply should be available for Fire Fighter Authority.

  • Is there a static water supply?

  • Is the static water supply of appropriate quantity?

  • Does the static water supply and/or fire authority equipment have appropriate fittings?

  • Is the fire authority equipment in a operable location?

  • Is there signage and markers?

  • Is the fire authority equipment (including static water supply) maintained?

  • Has the space around movable dwellings and adjacent structures for fire fighter access and fire separation been maintained?

  • Is there a fire extinguisher and fire blanket present in dwellings?

  • Is the Caravan park liable to flooding?

  • Has the owner given written notice of that fact to the owner of an unregistrable/registrable movable dweeling with an attached rigid annexe before the welling or annexe is installed on a site in the caravan park?

  • cl. 25(2) If a caravan park is in an area liable to flooding, the caravan park owner must give written notice of that fact to a person who proposes to be a resident of an unregisterable movable dwelling or a registrable movable dwelling with an attached rigid annexe before the resident takes up residency of that dwelling.

Emergency Management Plan & Emergency Preparedness Response

  • In the event of a public emergency, will the warning displayed in a prominent position in the office, each communal facility building and any other place determined by Council?

  • It is required by clause 24 of regulations, in the event of a public emergency a copy of the public emergency warning must be displayed in a prominent position in the caravan park office, each communal facility building and any other place determined by Council.

  • Are Evacuation Procedures prominently displayed in the caravan park office, each communal facilities and any other place determined by council (inside cabins)?

  • As required by clause 23 of the regulations, emergency procedures must be displayed in a prominent position in the caravan park office, each building that contains communal facilities and any other place determined by council (inside cabins)

  • Are the assembly areas clearly signed?

  • Are smoke detectors in all dwellings?

  • As required by clause 36(3) of the Regulations, An owner of a movable dwelling must ensure smoke alarm that complies with Part 3.7.2(b) of the BCA Volume Two is installed in the dwelling

  • Any other issues noted or further comments?

Recommendations / Info for Officer

  • Perform hazard reduction/maintenance measures

  • Have the Emergency Management Plan readily available

  • Have staff training in responses to the most likely hazards, emergencies so they are aware of appropriate actions to take in response to an emergency etc.
    Regularly Review the Emergency Management Plan and discuss with with staff

  • Keep a record of regular smoke detector battery checks, servicing, replacement of batteries and corrective actions for faulty smoke detectors

  • Are the residents and occupiers given a copy of the Emergency Management Plan Evacuation Procedures, caravan park rules/regulations or explain to them before they take up residency or occupy a site.

Part 3 Standards - Amenities

  • Has the caravan park owner ensured water provided intended for drinking is safe for human consumption?

  • As required by clause 27 of the regulations, a caravan park owner must ensure that water provided in a caravan park that is intended for drinking is safe for human consumption in accordance with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 6 (2011), endorsed by the National Health and Medical Research Council and the Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, published in 2011 as in force from time to time.

  • Is a continuous and adequate supply of water provided to <br>- all sites other than camp sites; and<br>- all sanitary and laundry facilities in the caravan park

  • As required by clause 27 of the regulations, a caravan park owner must provide a continuous and adequate supply of water provided to
    - all sites other than camp sites; and
    - all sanitary and laundry facilities in the caravan park

  • Is a continuous and adequate supply of heated water provided to all sanitary and laundry facilities?

  • As required by clause 27 of the regulations, a caravan park owner must provide a continuous and adequate supply of heated water provided to all sanitary and laundry facilities

  • Sewage and waste water<br>Is all sewage and waste water discharged from a moveable dwelling in a caravan park is discharged -<br>(a) to a reticulated sewerage system; or<br>(b) to a septic tank system approved by council or EPA<br>(c) to other system for collection, removal and disposal of sewage and waste water as approved by Council?

  • As required by clause 28 of the regulations, a caravan park owner must ensure that all sewage and waste water discharged from a moveable dwelling in a caravan park is discharged -
    (a) to a reticulated sewerage system; or
    (b) to a septic tank system approved by council or EPA
    (c) to other system for collection, removal and disposal of sewage and waste water as approved by Council

  • Number of baths & showers

  • Number of toilets?

  • Are there urinals?

  • Number of urinals?

  • Number of male toilets?

  • Sanitary facilities<br>Are sanitary facilities at least to standard set by Part F2.1 in BCA on the basis of one person per site for every site that does not have private sanitary facilities in an unregistrable movable dwelling?<br><br>(a) For each 10 residents 1 bath or shower & 1 toilet & 1 basin <br>(b) notwithstanding (a) males are supplied with 1 urinal for 25-50 males & 1 Toilet for each 12 males

  • As required by clause 29 by the regulations, a caravan park owner must ensure that the sanitary facilities provided for the caravan park are at least to standard set by Part F2.1 in BCA on the basis of one person per site for every site that does not have private sanitary facilities in an unregistrable movable dwelling

  • Laundry facilities<br>If laundry facilities provided for:<br>Is there -<br>- a wash trough and washing machine<br>- a clothes dryer or 25 metres of clothes line<br>- an ironing board and power outlet<br>for every 25 long term sites where private laundry facilities are not provided?

  • As required by clause 30 of the regulations, a caravan park owner must ensure that the laundry facilities provided for the caravan park are at least the following, for every 25 long term sites or part thereof where private laundry facilities are not provided-
    (a) a wash trough and washing machine;
    (b) a clothes dryer or 25 metres of clothes line;
    (c) an ironing board and power outlet.

  • Are the garbage bins provided at the caravan park vermin proof and regularly cleaned?

  • As required by clause 31 of the regulations, a caravan park owner must ensure that bins provided at the caravan park for the collection and storage of garbage are vermin proof and regularly cleaned.

  • Is the lighting of common areas, roadways, recreation areas and paths in use enable the safe and convenient use of the caravan park?

  • As required by clause 32 of the regulations, a caravan park owner must ensure that lighting of common areas, roadways, recreation areas and paths in use in the caravan park enable the safe and convenient use of the caravan park

Movable dwellings & Sites - including Part 3 Standards

  • Are there movable dwellings for short term hire?

  • Is it in working order, good state of repair and in a clean, sanitary and hygienic condition?

  • As required by clause 44 of the regulations, a caravan park owner must maintain a movable dwelling hired to a short term occupier - in working order, in a good state of repair and in a clean, sanitary and hygienic condition.

  • Is it cleaned between each change of occupier?

  • As required by clause 45 of the regulations, a caravan park owner must ensure that a movable dwelling available for short term occupiers is clean and hygienic at each change of occupier.

  • Are all other movable dwellings maintained in a good state of repair and clean, sanitary and hygienic condition?

  • As required by clause 46 Maintenance by owners,
    (1) An owner of a movable dwelling in a caravan park must maintain the dwelling if it is hired to a short term occupier in -working order, in a good state of repair and in a clean, sanitary and hygienic condition
    (2) An owner of a movable dwelling in a caravan park must maintain the dwelling in a good state of repair and in a clean and hygienic condition.

  • Are the sites clean and free of any thing or substance that may affect the health and safety of other persons?

  • As required by clause 47 of the regulations, each resident or short term occupier in a caravan park must keep the site clean and free of any thing or substance that may affect the health and safety of other persons.

Caravan Park Inspection Outcome

  • Result of inspection

  • Are items to be added to Schedule of Works?

  • Is a re inspection required?

  • Date & Time of Reinspection

  • Recommendations/Comments


  • Signature of Officer

Swimming Pool

  • Does this park have a swimming pool?

  • Is the pool <br>- used by members of the public (regardless of free or for cost)<br>- used for a class or program (regardless of free or for cost)<br>- is located at premises at which residential aged care services are provided<br>-is located at the premises of an early childhood service, school or other educational institution<br>

  • Meets category 1 or 2 aquatic facility

  • Recommend implementing a water quality risk management plan. For further information see

  • Is the pool in a clean, sanitary and hygienic condition?

  • Clarity of water<br>Floor of pool or any lane marking or object placed clearly visible?

  • Temperature of water less than 40 degrees?

  • Is the water filtered to remove extraneous matter?

  • Test kit available to use?

  • Chlorine or Bromine in use to treat pool?

  • Free chlorine and total chlorine recorded 4 hourly intervals? (immediately before and while in operation)

  • Free bromine and total bromine recorded 4 hourly intervals? (immediately before and while in operation)

  • Combined chlorine recorded?

  • pH recorded daily 4-hourly intervals (immediately before and while in operation)?

  • Total alkalinity recorded weekly?

  • Cyanuric acid recorded monthly?

  • Test results and corrective actions in written records available and kept for 12 months?

Swimming Pool Inspection Outcome

  • Result of inspection

  • Is a re inspection required?

  • Date & Time of Reinspection

  • Comments


  • Signature of Officer

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