Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Add location
Please take photo of the front of the site
Trade compliance
Are the trades signed off in the Carlisle Homes induction process? Please visual inspect.
Do the trades have a "White Card/Red Card" on them?
Do the trades have a site specific safe work method statement for high risk works? This would include works over 2m in height and machinery use.
Site signage
Is the site sign displayed and up to date
Site bin
Is there a bin on site?
Does the bin need empting?
Site conditions
Has a slab back fill been completed?
Is there clear access to the front of the house?
Is the site is clear of rubbish and redundant materials?
Are works more than 4.6m away from overhead cables?
Is the onsite toilet in a condition that I would use it? if not please organise a clean.
Works at height
Are handrails in place for all works over 2m in heights?
Are handrails complete and secure with access points?
Are scaffolds complete with handrails, mid rails and toe boards?
Are there any gaps on working decks greater than 225mm?
Is there a scaffold tag signed off within the last 30 days
Is the void protection in place?
Are the trades tools and equipment tested and tagged within the last 90 days?
Is the site switchboard tested within the last 30 days? Please add date.
Can you please enter the date of the last switchboard test>
Plant and equipment
Is the item of plant on site fit for purpose?
Does the operator have an appropriate licences?
Are there any hazards that may affect the public? Check adjoining properties, footpaths etc.