
  • Site Name:

  • Please enter Site Name & Bun, if not above:

  • RBM:

  • Operations Director/ Manager:

  • Manager Name / Person Seen:

  • Audit carried out by:

  • Period:

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  • Document No.

The Castle Ultimate Audit

  • Welcome to The Castle Ultimate Audit, paper-free!

    Simply select Yes or No to each of the questions and if you wish to, hit the question and you'll have the opportunity to leave a detailed comment or take a picture.

    Once you're finished, mark the audit as complete and give it an over all rating.
    Select "Preview & Export" and sent the audit directly to your RBM, Ultimate Audit Champion & The Site.

    If you have any technical difficulties please direct them to Ewan (

    Happy Auditing!

1. Great First Impressions

  • Is the paintwork, windows and brass clean and free from dirt?

  • Is the perimeter of the business clear of stains, rubbish, cigarette butts and empty glassware?

  • Are menus correct and in good condition?

  • Are all exterior lights clean and working?

  • Is 'A' board visible and content appropriate, written in white chalk, in good condition and clean?

  • Are legal notices in a nice frame and professionally displayed?

  • Are ashtrays present, appropriate and clean?

  • Are windows and window ledges clean and smudge free?

  • Are the outside plants and planters in good repair and clean?

  • Does the front door close without 'creaking or slamming'?

  • Are the awnings clean and in working order?

  • Are menu holders / stands clean and in good repair?

  • Is the lobby matting clean and in good repair?

  • Is the lobby lighting clean and in working order?

  • Is the door heater in working order and clean?

2. Gorgeous Gardens

  • Is the outside furniture in good repair and clean?

  • Are the outside planters and plants in good repair and clean?

  • Is the outside decking / flooring in good repair and clean?

  • Are the heaters clean and in working order?

  • In appropriate weather conditions, are the tables set up with menus?

  • Are the parasols / awnings clean and in working order?

  • Is the bin area clean and tidy?

  • Are there ash bins and are they clean?

  • Are rope stanchions & banners clean, in good repair, correctly placed?

3. Atmosphere

  • Is all lighting clean and at correct levels for the time of day and working?

  • Are the speakers working, clean and at the appropriate level for the time of day?

  • Is the bar odour free?

  • Is the bar area free from flies?

  • Are all ventilation vents clean, dust free? Check that the temperature is appropriate.

  • Is the pub using C-Burn system for music, and is the profile appropriate?

  • Is the fire alight, or dressed if summer?

4. Retail is Detail

  • Is there any dust, high or low?

  • Is there any clutter in the guest area that should not be there?

  • Are the floors clean inc. all corner detail and skirting, polished and in good repair?

  • Are live plants & flowers of good quality, vases/pots clean, and plants not dusty?

  • Is the paintwork/walls clean and free from debris/stains?

  • Are the wall mounted menu holders clean & stocked?

  • Is the waiter station & expedite area clean and fully stocked?

  • Mobile till points - no trailing wires, area clutter free?

  • Are all picture frames, TVs and 'bric-a-brac' clean and dust free?

  • Are all mirrors & glass in good repair and clean?

  • Is coffee machine fully stocked / clean / working order inc. steam wands?

  • Do internal doors close without 'creaking or slamming'?

  • Are milk steaming jugs available and clean?

  • Are all crockery / cutlery clean, available and matching (cups, saucers, milk jugs)?

  • Are tea pots available and clean?

  • Are all wires for TVs or speakers tidy and not hanging down?

  • Are window sills / drink shelves clean and stain free?

  • Is there the correct amount of furniture, and is it in good repair, free from chewing gum and clean (including legs)?

  • Is all furniture, shelves and bars free from, chewing gum?

5. Merchandising

  • Are all chalk boards in real, white chalk and appropriate to merchandising policy?

  • Is there at least one drink board, one food board and one personality board?

  • Are all menus clean and unsoiled?

  • Are team members carrying Guest Voice cards?

  • Are channels of feedback obvious to guests?

  • Are drinks lists clean and up to date?

  • Is there an up to date, clean price list on the bar displaying both 125ml wine and half pint measures and prices?

6. Pub Personality

  • Are the team enjoying their shift & interacting positively with the guests?

  • Are tables not laid up with cutlery, but dressed with menus, flowers/candles & drinks list?

  • Are the team appropriately dressed & wearing clean and appropriate footwear?

  • Is the pub affiliated to the local community (local artwork/charity/community board)?

7.Brilliant Bar

  • Are all beer fixtures clean / badged / working order / no glasses on OOS items?

  • Are cask ale handles polished, badged and products compliant with policy?

  • Is the back bar display fresh, clean interesting and relevant?

  • Is there a fresh, interesting & British flower display on the bar top/ back bar?

  • Are all fridges fully stocked (labels facing forward), clean and lit?

  • Is the correct stocking policy in place?

  • Is the bar top and front clean, dry and clutter free?

  • Sufficient stock of clean and renovated glassware?

  • Is the back bar clutter free / clean?

  • Are snack jars clean, stocked and well presented?

  • Are all garnishes available, fresh?

  • Is all glass storage clean and sticky free?

  • Is all bar flooring clean and sticky free?

  • Are all tills and EFT machines (inc. roaming) clean and sticky free and in working order?

  • Are all post mix guns clean? Including hoses? and working?

  • Are sinks clean and taps working?

  • Is the back bar display fully stocked?

  • Is the back bar lighting in working order?

  • Do all fridges seal correctly, with seals intact & correct temperature?

  • Is the cigarette machine clean, locked, stocked, in working order and signage present?

  • Is the glass washer clean, odour free and working (check doors, jets, seals, filters and detergent)?

  • Is the glass wash area clean / free from odour / free from clutter?

  • Are all walls in the glass wash area clean and stain free?

  • Is there a glass bin for broken glass?

  • Is there a hazard sign available and clean?

1. Terrific Toilets

  • Do the toilets smell fresh?

  • Do the ladies toilets have an appropriate flower display?

  • Are the toilets clean, tidy and clutter free?

  • Are the sinks, urinals and toilet bowls clean, in good repair and working properly?

  • Do all toilets have seats which are fixed correctly?

  • Is there hot running water available at all hand wash basins to an acceptable temp I.e. Not scalding hot & taps working properly?

  • Are all toilet roll holders / soap dispensers clean / stocked / in working order?

  • Are the dryers clean and in working order?

  • Are the toilet cubicle locks in working order and coat hooks present?

  • Is the bin appropriate, clean and in good repair?

  • Is temperature in toilets appropriate for business?

  • Are there signs on toilet doors? (Male/Female/Disabled etc.)

  • Is there a toilet check sheet in use?

  • Are the walls, ceilings, mirrors & vents clean and in good repair, free from stickers and graffiti?

  • Are the toilet lights working and clean?

  • Are disabled toilets clean / ready to use / alarm working?

2. Cellar

  • Are the floors, walls, doors and drains clear, clean and free from odour?

  • Check all cellar equipment is clean and in good working order - pythons, lines, auto tilts, extraction rods, cask winch

  • Check APC unit water levels, vent free from dust

  • Check cellar cooling water levels, vents free from dust

  • Check cellar fans, remove cage & clean, removing all dust

  • PPE is stored correctly and fit for use (rubber gauntlets, rubber apron, goggles)

  • Line cleaning bottle clean and in tact, food safe hose attached - NOT GARDEN HOSE

  • Line cleaning solution stored safely with lid on - opened bottles to be stored in cellar

  • Check for sufficient:

  • Bottle Brushes

  • Blue Roll

  • Hard Spiles

  • Soft Spiles

  • Taps

  • Corks

  • Hop Filters

  • Thermometer

  • Measuring container specifically for line cleaning use

  • Sweeping Brush

  • Deck Scrub

  • Sanitiser

  • Bucket

Health & Safety

  • No kegs triple stacked (11g below may be double stacked) - 30L may be triple stacked (if inter-locking)

  • Check dates on casks and rotate

  • Check dates on keg and rotate accordingly

  • No cases stacked over 5 high?

  • Full gas canisters are upright and chained to the wall?

  • Empty gas canisters are laid flat and chocked safely?

  • Check co2 detector is working correctly (if applicable)

  • Check for evidence of pest activity (if any, inform Duty Manager immediately to update MITIE)

  • No food stored in cellar?

  • Are all lights working?

  • Are there hand washing facilities? Are they clean?

  • Is the cellar card available and in use?

  • Is the cellar drop clear and free from obstruction?

  • Do the cellar flaps lock from the inside? Are they secure?

  • Any combustible materials stored incorrectly? (I.e blue roll / boxes etc. next to electrical equipment)

  • Is the spirit store secure, clean and orderly with no uncovered or contaminated bottles?

  • Is the ice machine clean and working? (Check inside hopper and top)

  • Is there an ice machine cleaning schedule available and in use?

  • Is the ice scoop clean? Is this stored in a sealed container submerged in Mikrochlor?

3. Administration

  • Is an effective and current shift planner in place?

  • Are brand standard audits being carried out, at least once a week?

  • Are toilet check sheets in use & available for inspection (check last four weeks)?

  • Is the office clean, tidy and looks orderly?

  • Is the Evac Bag available and stocked?

  • Are there stocked and available first aid kits?

  • Are all backstage lights clean and working?

4. Team Areas

  • Are all team areas clean and in good repair?

  • Are team toilets clean / in good repair / fully stocked?

  • Are there sufficient team lockers / pegs?

5. Team Notice Boards

  • Does the team notice board have engaging, relevant and current information displayed?

  • Are the current incentives on display in the team room / notice board including the latest newsletter?

  • Is there an updated Guest Feedback board?

Sign Off

  • Duty Manager Signature

  • Auditor Signature

  • Overall Rating:

  • Please enter any additional comments or observations here.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.