
  • Document No.


  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Team appearance, PPE and professionalism

  • Are Gloves worn when preparing food and changed often

  • Team appearance, PPE and professionalism

  • Hats / hair nets are worn and hair management program is in place (long hair and facial hair)

  • Staff are presentable with correct uniform, shirt tucked in and apron worn?

  • Name badges worn or Name embroderred on shirt/jacket.

Team Management

  • Workplace fire systems inspection - in place / functional / in date - evacuation plans displayed

  • One person from the workgroup is qualified to render first aid and rostered on at all times. As a minimum all deptment heads will be suitably first aid qualified.

  • Emergency Warden, Chief Warden and nominated first aider board displays onsite personnel with contact numbers

  • Team are confident with emergency procedures if a diner is choking, suffering a heart attack or going into anaphylactic shock. Procedures are clear and practised.

Dining Room inspection

  • Entry and exit doors are clean and operational

  • Correct cleaning, hygiene and sanitising procedures in dining room evidenced to ensure all HACCP requirments are met. i.e. use of gloves, sanitisers, food handling etc.

  • Condiment bottles - refrigerated and cleaned between service

  • Dining room floor, cleaned to a high standard including under tables and bains

  • Benches, cupboards in good working order and cleaned, including shelving, inside and underneath.

  • Cold bains, self serve benches in good working order and cleaned, including shelving and underneath.

  • Walls and ceilings are clean and unmarked

  • Dining room tables, chairs and table cloths are spotless and replaced as required. Wiping of tables to be actively managed during service periods with regular wiping down and sanitising.

  • Salt & Pepper shakers, toothpick holders and serviette dispensers clean and stocked. Each table has a complete set.

  • Equipment - Drink dispensers and ZIP water units, are de-scaled as required, operational and clean.

  • Equipment - Scope Fridges, Freezers are operational and clean.

  • Remove and clean light covers as required. Maintenance request submitted?

  • Air conditioners and fans clean (including filter), serviceable and actively controlled , filters cleaned no less than once per week. Maintenance request submitted?

  • Cleaning units operational and utilised. Unservicable units to be reported to maintenance

  • Curtains / blinds / shutters throughout the Dining room / kitchen areas shall be laundered / cleaned as necessary.

  • Posters, signage and table talker are current, clean and branded with Village National logo?

  • Ambiance is actively managed including TV / radio volume and room temperature.

  • Food Service equipment that is broken or not operational is tagged out and a maintenance request has been submitted.

Cutlery/Crockery inspection

  • Clean, unmarked and dry with sufficient stock available.

  • Crockery, and plastic ware to be stain free and sanitised weekly as a minimum.

Entry Foyer / Bag area

  • All Air Curtains are operational and clean

  • Hand Wash facilities are operational and soap and paper towelling available at all times. Non Flammable hand sanitiser to be stocked and in use only.

  • Shelving to be clean and serviceable

  • Walls and ceilings are clean and unmarked

  • Toilets clean with adequate supplies and clear hygiene instructions for the team

  • Door latches are in working order.

  • Cleaning Room neat, clean and tidy

  • Female toilet sanitary bin is professionally labeled with last service date, signage and bags are supplied - weekly service.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.