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  • Reason for completing

  • Contract/QQ/Task Order Number & Title

  • Appointed Contractor

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

FLS - Covid19 Site Specific Planning Checklist (to be completed by all wishing to start works & go out to site)

  • Contents (Select and completed all sections relevant to allow you to start works)

  • Travelling to site

  • Planning & constraints

  • Emergency planning

  • Site meetings

  • Site access & egress

  • Managing third party access

  • Hand washing & toilet facilities

  • Welfare facility arrangements

  • Changing facilities and drying rooms

  • Cleaning

  • Procedure if someone falls ill

  • Self-isolation

  • Avoid close working

  • Risk assessments

  • Delivery/waste management

  • Additional site arrangements


  • Location/ Forest/Road Number Etc

  • Facilities on-site (e.g. machinery, welfare units)

  • Works Signage

  • FLS Covid19 Signage

  • Site manager/ FWM/ Site Safety CoOrdinator:

  • Select Facilities on-site (e.g. machinery, welfare units)

  • Attach additional documents for site here (e.g. map/risk assessment etc.):

Travelling to Site

  • When travelling to your workplace you will need to observe physical distancing (min. 2m or 6 feet apart from others) as far as is practical. The best way to do this is to use your own vehicle and avoid sharing with others. If you have difficulty maintaining this physical distancing, such as when using public transport, the Scottish Government has recommended the wearing of face coverings to help limit the spread of the virus.

    If there is no option but to share a vehicle with people who are not part of the same household, then guidance under Section 4.1 of ‘Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) in forestry’ must be followed.

    Site managers will need to consider the need for additional parking spaces on site, ensuring that roads and access are not blocked, and that parking does not cause any other H&S hazard.

    As more staff, contractors and visitors will be using their own vehicles, they will need to be given information about the condition of and other traffic on forest roads. The best approach when taking visitors onto site is to travel in convoy.

Planning & Constraints

  • Do any planned OHPL outages need to be re-arranged?

  • Do any line height checks need to be carried out?

  • Do any local authority arrangements need to be made for road closures etc.?

  • Do any coupe checks need to be revisted?

  • Are there any licences that have expired? (e.g. for badgers/nesting birds, SEPA etc.)?

  • Any local community engagement needing revisited? Planned closures needing revisited?

  • Are there any fundamental changes to the site? (e.g. wind-blow, MOP constructions/modifications of site or trails, new MTB trails or desire lines?)

  • Any other fundamental changes to the site? (e.g. seasonal changes, visitor use, environmental)?

Emergency Planning

  • Discuss and agree emergency procedures

  • Have lone working procedures been reviewed in line with FLS Guidance (If Lone Working)

  • Use the guidance in Annex 3 of the FISA (Working Safely during Covid19 in Forestry) to inform first aid risks assessments/arrangements

  • Ensure sites have supplies of gloves, hand sanitizer, ample first aid supplies

Site Meetings

  • Follow section 4.3 in FISA (Working Safely during Covid19 in Forestry) Avoid in-person meetings wherever possible.
    Consider alternative solutions to facilitate physical (social) distancing such as holding them outdoors. Make sure only the key people needed attend. The most important site meeting will usually be the Pre commencement meetings (PCM) which need to take place on site for higher risk work such as harvesting and those involving chainsaw operations. Prior to any site meeting the FWM you are expected to ask all required attendees the following questions: If any individual answers ‘yes’ to any of the
    questions above, they are expected not attend the site visit and follow current public health guidance. Hard-copy paperwork and signatures should not be exchanged on site; this can be done by email afterwards.

  • have you had a dry, persistent cough within the last seven days?

  • have you had a fever, however mild, within the last seven days?

  • have you noticed a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste?

  • have you been in close contact with anyone displaying symptoms, or anyone with a confirmed case of coronavirus within the last 14 days?

  • are you in a high or moderate risk category? (Clinically Extremely Vulnerable are High Risk and must not attend site. Clinically Vulnerable are Moderate Risk and can attend site but must pay particular attention to distance and hygiene)

  • Make sure only the key people attend the meeting

  • Meetings/briefings are to be held in open areas or outside where possible

  • Attendees must remain 2m apart from each other

  • Where used, rooms will be well ventilated/windows opened to allow fresh air circulation

  • Documentation must be exchanged electronically prior to or after the meeting

  • Additional comments/changes:

Site access and egress

  • Additional hand cleaning facilities/sanitizer at entrance to site and welfare facilities

  • Non-essential visitors will not be permitted on site

  • Start times staggered to avoid start/end of day congestion

  • Shift patterns adjusted to avoid overlap of operators starting and finishing where possible

  • Physical distance markers (2m) placed in welfare facilities

  • Signage on machines and in welfare facilities asking to “wash or sanitise hands when entering and leaving”

  • Monitoring of welfare facilities and machines to ensure guidance is being followed

  • PCM meetings should only be attended by those essentially required to be there

  • Additional comments/changes:

Managing third party access

  • Follow general guidance on managing public access on forestry sites

  • Will need to consider clearly visible signage to inform the public of work that is being performed, and to not access site to ensure physical distancing is not compromised

  • Where visitors are required to site, follow point 5 above

  • Make sure site guidance on physical distancing is communicated to site visitors BEFORE they arrive on site

  • Limit numbers of visitors to the site to essential personnel only, and limit number of people within a specific area or building

  • Plan essential services to avoid overlap or large numbers on site (e.g. fuel/urea deliveries, haulage, servicing/repairs etc.)

  • Keep a record of all planned visitor where possible. Sign in Register. This may help with contact tracing if it is necessary -

  • Ensure public notices are visible at entrances to site/welfare facilities etc

  • Plan to reduce the frequency of deliveries where possible – where possible have single workers load/unload vehicles where possible. For teams/groups needing to unload, risk assess this and determine suitable controls (e.g. plant deliveries)

  • Ensure transient workers/hauliers/delivery drivers have access to welfare facilities. Ensure they are provided with site safety rules prior to visiting site as far as possible

  • Additional comments/changes:

Hand washing and toilet facilities

  • Hand washing facilities provided in site welfare facilities, or with sanitisers in machines – monitor their use and promote cleaning of hands when entering and leaving site, and at regular intervals through the day

  • Soap and fresh water is kept readily available and topped up where required

  • Hand sanitizer is provided where required and topped up where required

  • Provide sufficient bins lined with easily removable, leak-proof plastic bags for hand towels

  • Bins should be emptied daily, or when three quarters full to avoid overfilling. The collected bags must be closed tightly and disposed of in general waste

  • Highlight to those on site (where applicable) locations of additional washing/sanitizing stations

  • Clear signage displayed in facilities reminding of need to wash hands for 20 seconds

  • Where applicable, limit number of people using toilet/rest facilities at one time to ensure physical distancing maintained

  • Where applicable, physical distancing markers should be placed outside if anyone needs to queue for welfare facility

  • In larger welfare facilities, consider closing off urinals or basins to help maintain physical distancing

  • Plan and carry out an enhanced cleaning regime for toilet facilities, particularly door handles, locks, sinks, and the toilet flush – refer to Annex 4 in FISA Guide.

  • Additional comments/changes:

Welfare facility arrangements

  • Staff/contractors/visitors encouraged to stay on site once they have arrived and not use local shops through the day. Fresh drinking water should be available within the welfare facility

  • Encourage consumption of food and beverage to welfare facilities only, reducing food waste and potential contamination (e.g. in machines)

  • If more than one operator on site, stagger break times to reduce congestion and contact within welfare facilities

  • Hands should be washed/sanitized upon entering and when leaving welfare facilities

  • Encourage workers to bring pre-prepared meals and refillable drinking bottles from home

  • Workers must sit 2m apart from each other while eating and avoid all contact

  • Only disposable crockery/utensils/cups etc. are to be used

  • Drinking water provided, and enhanced cleaning measures of the tap mechanism introduced

  • All rubbish to be put straight into the bin, not left for someone else to clear up

  • All areas used for eating must be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each use, including chairs and surfaces

  • Regularly touched surfaces such as kettles, microwaves, fridges etc. will be regularly cleaned

  • Outdoor communal areas marked to show physical distances, and numbers limited at any one time

  • Additional comments/changes:

Changing facilities & drying rooms

  • Staggered start and finish times to reduce congestion and contact at all times

  • Hand cleaning facilities or sanitizer to be used prior to entering, and should be used by workers when leaving the area

  • Enhanced cleaning of all facilities introduced throughout or at the end of each day

  • to maintain a physical distance of 2m

  • Based on the size of the area, the maximum number of people permitted at any one time will be

  • Additional rubbish bins provided, with regular removal and disposal of rubbish

  • Additional comments/changes:


  • With reference to Annex 4 in FISA Guide , follow enhanced cleaning procedures across the site, particularly in communal areas such as:

  • Taps and washing facilities

  • Toilet flushes and seats

  • Door handles

  • Hand rails

  • Controls/switches

  • Machinery and equipment controls

  • Food preparation and eating surfaces

  • Keyboards/photocopiers/other office equipment

  • Rubbish collection and storage points should be increased and emptied regularly throughout and at the end of each day

  • Arrangements in place to regularly clean the inside of vehicle and machinery cabs, and between use by different operators

  • Is the Cleaning register available and up to date?

  • Additional comments/changes:

Procedure if someone falls ill

  • Decide the procedures to be followed if someone gets the symptoms of COVID -19 while at work (see FISA Working safely during Covid19 in Forestry )

  • Additional comments/changes:


  • Ensure all staff are aware of the requirement to self-isolate and test and protect when necessary

  • Additional comments/changes:

Avoid close working

  • Identify areas where workers may come together, or be in larger numbers on site

  • Non-essential physical work that requires close contact between workers should not be carried out

  • Rearrange tasks to enable them to be done by one person where possible, or by maintaining physical distancing. Work requiring skin to skin contact must not be carried out

  • Consider alternative or additional mechanical aids to reduce worker contact with each other

  • Minimise the frequency and time workers are within 2m of each other

  • Minimise the number of workers involved in these tasks

  • Where possible use screens or barriers between workers where distancing cannot be achieved

  • Operatives should wash their hands frequently using soap and water for 20 seconds

  • Reusable PPE should be thoroughly cleaned at appropriate intervals and not shared between workers

  • Single use PPE should be disposed of immediately after use

  • As much as possible, keep groups of workers together in small groups (pairs)

  • Additional comments/changes:

Risk Assessments

  • Record significant points, decisions, and controls from this checklist on the site/work Risk Assessment template from the FLS Risk Assessment SOP. Focus on: What to do and How to do it and Who is doing it.

  • Positioning of people on site to maintain 2m physical distancing

  • Provision of soap and water, or hand sanitizer to encourage frequent hand washing

  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting of high contact items and areas in the workplace

  • Additional comments/changes:

Delivery/waste management (fuel/urea/servicing/waste uplift etc.)

  • All deliveries must be pre-booked with the contractor

  • Drivers should remain in their vehicles where possible. If they are required to assist in unloading, they must wash or clean their hands before unloading goods or materials

  • Proof of delivery/waste transfer notes should not be signed, but exchanged electronically where possible

  • Physical distancing is to be exercised at all times during delivery

  • Additional comments/changes/site arrangements, add any site specific arrangements here

  • Bruce Hamilton MIAgrE MIQ MICE - Civil Engineer South Region (East)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.