
  • Audit Type

  • Client / Property Name

  • Client Location

  • Conducted on

  • EarthCheck Auditor Name


  • This is a Certification Report to determine if you have met the requirements of the EarthCheck Company Standard v4.1. An approved EarthCheck Auditor has completed this report.

    Authorisation Process:
    A draft of this report is issued to you for review. If in agreement with these findings, please complete the 'Auditee Acknowledgement' section of this report and return it to EarthCheck for Authorisation within 7 days of receipt.

  • Audit Scope


  • The member has been reviewed against the EarthCheck Company Standard Version 4.1. The audit methodology used for each Certification Service type is detailed below:

    For Offsite Certification Assessments the audit methodology includes a review of the Self Assessment Checklist and supporting evidence provided, as well as correspondence with the EarthCheck Coordinator and staff.

    For Onsite Certification Audits the audit methodology includes an opening and closing meeting with the management team, review of the Self Assessment Checklist and supporting evidence provided, verification of the Benchmarking data, interviews with the EarthCheck Coordinator and staff, field observations including a review of site conditions and the local environment.

    Note: For members undergoing Sample Based Auditing, Certification will only be awarded once all member's within the group have fulfilled the requirements of SBA.


  • The Certification Service involved review of the following supporting evidence:

  • Sustainability Policy dated

  • Raw Data Spreadsheet of submitted Benchmarking Data dated

  • Benchmarking Methodology dated

  • Legislation Register dated

  • Risk Assessment dated

  • Sustainability Action Plan dated

  • Environmental Management System dated

  • Waste Management Plan dated

  • Communication Action Plan dated

  • Complaints Handling Policy and Procedure dated

  • Please list all other supporting evidence cited

  • Other Supporting Evidence
  • Supporting Evidence

  • Supporting Evidence dated

Meetings / Interviews Conducted

  • Details of Meetings / Interviews Conducted

Auditor Conclusion

  • Note: All recommendations are subject to ratification by the EarthCheck Authorities.

Auditor Recommendation

  • The following Member has been audited against the EarthCheck Company Standard.

  • The organisational commitment to compliance with the EarthCheck Company Standard is

  • The Next Onsite Certification Audit is recommended within:

  • NB: Whereby the member is deemed high impact as per the EarthCheck Company Standard, and/or Major CARs have been awarded, an Onsite Certification Audit is recommended within 1 year. All recommendations are subject to approval by the EarthCheck Authorities and to be aligned with the annual schedule.

  • Auditor Company Name

  • Auditor Name, Date and Signature

Member Requests

  • During the Certification Service the member requested further information on:

  • EarthCheck Pre-Audits

  • EarthCheck Training

Auditee Acknowledgement

  • I accept the findings within this Certification Report as appropriate, and fairly represent our level of compliance to the EarthCheck Company Standard. The supporting evidence provided to demonstrate our compliance has not intentionally misled the auditing body stated within this report.

  • EarthCheck Coordinator Name

  • Senior Manager's Position

  • Senior Manager's Name, Date and Signature

EarthCheck Authorisation

  • The below section is for the use of the EarthCheck Authorities only.

EarthCheck Authorisation

  • EarthCheck Certification Recommendation

  • Name, Date and Signature

  • Position

Certification Requirements

  • Revised Benchmarking Assessment

  • Progress Review of Corrective Action Requests

  • Onsite Certification Audit 1 Year

  • Annual Return

  • Annual Audit as per Sample Based Audit requirements

Minor Non Conformances Raised in Previous Certification Service

  • (Please note: This includes any Major Non Conformances that were downgraded to Minor Non Conformances in a Progress Review of Corrective Action Requests Report during the previous Certification Service.)

  • Non Conformance
  • Clause

  • Non Conformance Details (from previous Audit Report)

  • Outcome

Current Areas of Non Conformance

  • Current Areas of Non Conformance

  • Non Conformance
  • Clause

  • Non Conformance Details

  • Details of Corrective Action Required (CAR)

  • CAR Status

  • CAR Verification Method

Observations & Best Practices


  • Record Observations

  • Observation
  • Summary

  • Add media

Best Practices

  • Record Best Practices

  • Best Practice
  • Summary

  • Add media

1. Commitment & Policy

  • Explanatory Note: This section outlines the first step in an organisation’s journey towards Sustainability & Energy Efficiency. It addresses the requirements of the organisation to establish a Green Team/Sustainability Team to lead the program, and develop a Sustainability & Energy Efficiency Policy. It addresses the best practice requirements of the Sustainability & Energy Efficiency Policy.

1.1 Appoint Representation

  • The organisation shall formally appoint a competent representative within the organisation as the EarthCheck Coordinator and establish a Green Team/Sustainability Team. This appointment must be supported by the highest managerial level.

1.1.1 Responsibilities

  • The EarthCheck Coordinator will have responsibility and authority for:

    a) Ensuring the development and implementation of a Sustainability Management System is compliant to the Standard;

    b) Being engaged and reporting on the performance of the organisation using the Sustainability Management System to management and/or key stakeholders.

  • Has an EarthCheck Coordinator been formally appointed supported by a letter/email of appointment or position description?

  • Has the EarthCheck Coordinator received training to the requirements of the organisation’s Sustainability Management System & Energy Efficiency Approach?

  • Has the organisation's Green Team/Sustainability Team been established and trained to support the EarthCheck Coordinator?

  • Have reports been provided to senior management in relation to the organisation's performance?

1.1.2 Staff Awareness and Training

  • The organisation shall ensure staff are engaged with development and implementation of the Sustainability Management System and receive periodic training as necessary in order to meet the requirements of the long term Sustainability Management System & Energy Efficiency Approach with respect to their duties (including emergency procedures and environmental incident reporting), regarding their roles and responsibilities in its delivery.

  • Has the organisation promoted awareness of environmental & energy management to all workers; to ensure all workers are aware of the sustainability & energy requirements associated with their work?

  • Has the organisation identified competencies and training needs for job requirements?

  • Does the staff induction include the Policy, Risk Assessment, and the overall long term Sustainability Management System & Energy Efficiency Approach?

  • Does the staff induction include specific environmental and energy management aspects for the duties and responsibilities of each position?

  • Is there an ongoing program to keep staff updated with their environmental and energy management responsibilities?

1.1.3 Management Awareness and Leadership

  • The organisation shall ensure management know of, understand and support the organisation’s commitment to, and responsibilities for, implementing a long term Sustainability Management System & Energy Efficiency Approach.

  • Do management know and understand the Policy and long term Sustainability Management System & Energy Efficiency Approach?

  • Do management demonstrate knowledge, understanding and support to the organisation’s<br>long-term Sustainability Management System & Energy Efficiency Approach?

  • Do management ensure that resources are available to achieve the intended outcomes of the<br>Sustainability Management System & Energy Efficiency Approach?

1.2 Develop Policy

  • The organisation shall have a documented Sustainability & Energy Efficiency Policy that addresses the scope of the organisation’s operations including; location and sensitivity of the local environment; environmental and social impacts; external and internal issues; compliance obligations; organisational units, functions and physical boundaries; activities, products and services; and facilities.

  • Does the organisation have a written Sustainability & Energy Efficiency Policy?

  • Has an accurate scope statement addressing the extent of the organisation’s operations been included?

1.2.1 Environmental Protection

  • Organisations are required to commit to protection of the environment to ensure the prevention of adverse environmental impacts through pollution, and to protect the natural environment from harm and degradation arising from the organisation’s activities, products and services. It is important to reduce the consumption of natural resources and pollution, thereby making an active contribution to conservation and biodiversity.

  • Does the Policy include a commitment to protect the environment (e.g. water quality, energy efficiency, recycling, air quality, climate change mitigation, biodiversity protection, etc.)?

  • Has evidence been provided for the implementation of commitment to the Policy?

1.2.2 Continuous Improvement

  • Organisations are required to commit to continuous improvement in environmental, energy and social sustainability and improvement in annual Benchmarking Assessments.

  • Does the Policy include a commitment to continuous improvement in sustainability, energy efficiency and annual Benchmarking?

1.2.3 Legal Compliance

  • The organisation is in compliance with all applicable international, national, local legislation and regulations including, among others, health, safety, labour and environmental aspects and have mechanisms in place to ensure compliance on an ongoing basis.

  • Does the Policy include a commitment to meet legal compliance obligations?

  • Does the organisation meet compliance with labour laws?

1.2.4 Local Employment

  • Organisations are required to give special consideration to the employment of persons living in nearby locations, including management positions whereby this does not adversely affect the organisation’s operational viability.

  • Does the Policy include a commitment to give special consideration to local employment?

1.2.5 Products and Services

  • Organisations shall support local entrepreneurs in the development of sustainable products and services of local origin, and give preference to such products and services and follow fair trade principles.

  • Does the Policy include a commitment to support and give preference to local products and services?

  • Is your organisation committed to fair trade principles?

  • Is a purchasing policy in place for the procurement of local food, goods, energy efficient equipment, sustainable energy, other consumables and services, and is regularly audited and managed?

1.3 Adopt Policy

  • The highest managerial level within the organisation shall adopt the Policy.

  • Has the organisation’s Chief Executive Officer, General Manager and/or Director signed the Policy?

1.4 Promote Policy

  • The Policy shall be promoted and communicated to all key stakeholders including employees, customers and suppliers of products and services to the organisation.

  • Is there a process in place to identify key stakeholders on an ongoing basis?

  • Is there a list of stakeholder groups engaged by the organisation?

  • Has the Policy been communicated to all current key stakeholders?

1.5 Publicly Available

  • The Policy shall be made publically available, including on public display and available to all key stakeholders.

  • Is the Policy on display in prominent public places for staff, customers/guests and suppliers on site?

  • Is the Policy made publicly available on request to any key stakeholder?

1.6 Review Policy

  • The organisation shall review the Policy annually and maintain a record of ongoing review.

  • Has the policy been reviewed, signed and dated within the last 12 months?

  • Does the organisation maintain a record for review?

1.7 Staff Training on Commitment & Policy

  • The organisation shall ensure all staff has received training as necessary in order to meet the requirements of this section with respect to their duties.

  • Has the organisation promoted awareness of and offered training to all staff on the ‘Commitment & Policy’ section to ensure all workers are aware of the Sustainability & Energy Efficiency requirements associated with their work?

  • Are the EarthCheck Coordinator and Green Team/Sustainability Team appropriately trained to be able to fulfil the requirements of the 'Commitment & Policy' section?

2. Benchmarking & Performance

  • Explanatory note: This section addresses the requirements and provides guidance on the submission of data for annual Benchmarking Assessments. It is important to note that successful Benchmarking is an annual requirement under the EarthCheck Program.

    This section also addresses the requirements of an organisation’s environmental, energy and social performance. The organisation shall assess the significance of the positive and negative impacts of its activities, products and services against each of the 10 Key Performance Areas.

2.1 Data Collection

  • Please note that Section 2.1 and 2.2 of the Benchmarking & Performance Section is only applicable to Onsite Certification Audits. If this is an Offsite Assessment then please continue to section 2.3 of this report.

  • Organisations should collect and submit Benchmarking data against each of the Core Benchmarking Indicators by way of annual Benchmarking Assessment.

    The organisation should develop a repeatable system for accurately recording Benchmarking data including a methodology for calculating the organisation’s Activity Measure for each consecutive year.

  • Annual Activity Measure Data Verification

  • Item
  • Activity Measure

  • Annual Figure Reported

  • Annual Figure Verified

  • Annual Variance (%)

  • Records

  • Comments

  • Annual Energy Consumption Data Verification

  • Item
  • Source

  • Annual Figure Reported (units)

  • Annual Figure Verified (units)

  • Annual Variance (%)

  • Comments

  • Monthly Energy Consumption Data Verification

  • Item
  • Source

  • Month

  • Figure Reported (units)

  • Figure Verified (units)

  • Variance (%)

  • Records

  • Comments

  • Annual Water Consumption Data Verification

  • Item
  • Annual Figure Reported (units)

  • Annual Figure Verified (units)

  • Annual Variance (%)

  • Comments

  • Monthly Water Consumption Data Verification

  • Item
  • Source

  • Month

  • Figure Reported (units)

  • Figure Verified (units)

  • Variance (%)

  • Records

  • Comments

  • Annual Waste Production Data Verification

  • Item
  • Annual Figure Reported (units)

  • Annual Figure Verified (units)

  • Annual Variance (%)

  • Comments

  • Monthly Waste Production Data Verification

  • Item
  • Source

  • Month

  • Figure Reported (units)

  • Figure Verified (units)

  • Variance (%)

  • Records

  • Comments

  • Is there a Benchmarking methodology in place?

  • Is the Benchmarking data collected relevant only to the scope of the organisation?

  • Is the organisation’s Activity Measure data accurately calculated for the Benchmarking period?

  • Is the organisation’s Energy Consumption data measured and accurately recorded?

  • Is the organisation’s measure of Energy consumption by type accurately recorded? E.g purchased electricity, stationary fuel combustion or mobile fuels.

  • The organisation has Energy Consumption records that allow the calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2).

  • Is the organisation’s Potable Water Consumption data accurately recorded?

  • Is the organisation’s Water Saving data accurately recorded?

  • Is the organisation’s Waste Sent to Landfill data accurately recorded?

  • Is the organisation’s Waste Recycling data accurately recorded?

  • Is the organisation’s Community Commitment data accurately recorded?

  • Is the organisation’s Community Contributions data accurately recorded?

  • Is the organisation’s Paper Products usage data accurately recorded?

  • Is the organisation’s Cleaning Product usage data accurately recorded?

  • Is the organisation’s Pesticide Product usage data accurately recorded?

  • Is the organisation's consumer feedback received accurately recorded, both positive and negative?

  • Is the organisations's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) data accurately recorded?

  • Is the organisation accurately recording the total hours of employee training on policies and procedures?

  • Is the organisation accurately recording the total number of incidents of discrimination and actions?

  • Is the organisation accurately recording the number of staff trained on anti-corruption policies?

2.1.1 Sector Specific Indicators

  • Organisations shall collect data and record their level of performance against the Sector Specific Indicators for the most recent annual Benchmarking Period.

  • Have all Sector Specific Indicators relevant to your organisation been recorded as per the EarthCheck Sector Benchmarking Indicators (SBI) document?

  • Explanatory Note: EarthCheck Sector Specific Indicators are only measured and required for some specific industry components. For example, there are no EarthCheck Sector Specific Indicators relevant for the Accommodation Sector.

2.1.2 Optional Indicators

  • Organisations may nominate Optional Indicators by choice in order to demonstrate compliance to other frameworks subscribed to. These indicators can be used by your organisation to track and monitor performance over time for a number of internal key areas, for example; the number of trees planted; quantity of recycled coffee capsules; or number of turtle hatchlings released to the wild.

  • Does the organisation have any subscribed requirements an Optional Indicator can measure?

  • Does the organisation record consumer feedback received, both positive and negative, as an Optional Indicator?

  • Does the organisation record the total hours of employee training on policies and procedures as an Optional Indicator?

  • Does the organisation record the total number of incidents of discrimination and actions taken as an Optional Indicator?

  • Does the organisation record the number of staff trained on anti-corruption policies as an Optional Indicator?

  • Does the organisation perform internal assessments to verify that key stakeholders are staying true to the values against corruption?

2.2 Benchmarking Documented Information

  • All documented information pertaining to annual Benchmarking Assessments shall be retained and made available for at least three years. Where an organisation has less than three years of accumulated documented information, the organisation shall retain the first and second year’s documented information.

    Evidence for the data provided during Benchmarking, including methodology, shall be accurately recorded and made available for clarification and verification.

    Explanatory Note: When an organisation has performed below Regional Average performance for any Benchmarking Indicator, this shall be addressed in the organisation’s Risk Assessment and long term Sustainability Approach.

  • Has your organisation been keeping documented information for at least three years (or since initial Benchmarking)?

  • Can evidence be provided for the calculation of the organisation’s Activity Measure data?

  • Is documented information available for the calculation of each of the Core Benchmarking Indicators?

  • Is documented information available for the calculation of any Sector Specific or Optional Indicators?

  • Does your organisation address any indicators that have performed below Regional Average performance in the organisation’s Risk Assessment and long-term Sustainability & Energy Efficiency Approach?

  • Is a regular maintenance schedule in place that is consistent with the company's internal policy, objectives, targets and action plans, in order to ensure that the organisation's significant energy uses are carried out under specified conditions and operational criteria?

2.3 Management of Environmental Issues

2.3.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  • The organisation measures greenhouse gas emissions from all sources and implements procedures to minimise and avoid impact, and where feasible, offset carbon emissions.

  • Is there a commitment to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions?

  • Are ozone depleting substances, particularly refrigerant gases from older refrigeration and air conditioning systems, released to the atmosphere?

  • Is a program in place to offset carbon emissions?

  • Does the organisation have procedures in place to avoid or minimise significant greenhouse gas emissions controlled by the organisation?

2.3.2 Energy Efficiency, Conservation and Management

  • The organisation shall minimise energy use, ensure the energy supply is sustainable and, where practical use renewable energy.

  • Is an energy efficiency program in place?

  • Has the site's renewable energy (wind, solar, micro-hydro) generation potential been evaluated?

  • Is the use of renewable energy maximised?

  • Does this take the form of solar, wind or hydroelectricity?

  • Is the organisation's energy supply sustainable?

  • When using timber for heating, cooking or fireplaces, is the supply sustainable?

  • Is 'green' power (wind, solar, hydro) available for procurement from the electrical grid suppliers?

  • Where available, is 'green' electricity from grid suppliers purchased?

  • Is there a preference to procure efficient, low greenhouse gas emission energy sources ('green' power from the grid, bio-diesel or natural gas)?

  • Is energy efficient lighting used?

  • Is natural lighting maximised?

  • Is natural ventilation maximised?

  • Is tempered air employed rather than full air conditioning?

  • Is natural cooling maximised?

  • Are smart controls (such as movement detectors, photo sensors and timers) used for lighting systems?

  • Is passive solar design used?

  • If so, please provide examples of measures in place.

  • Where required, are energy efficient heating and cooling systems used?

  • Are smart controls in place to avoid heating/cooling unoccupied spaces?

  • Is there use of desiccant de-humidification systems for air conditioning?

  • Are there efficient chillers systems for air conditioning?

  • Are there efficient air handing systems for air conditioning?

  • Are energy efficient appliances used?

  • Are smart controls for refrigeration, air conditioning and pump systems implemented?

  • Are variable speed drives for refrigeration implemented?

  • Are variable speed drives for air conditioning implemented?

  • Are variable speed drives for pump systems implemented?

  • In areas that are heated or cooled, is roof and wall insulation installed?

  • In extremely cold areas is double glazing installed?

  • Is heat recovery used where possible?

  • Is cogeneration equipment used where possible?

  • Are any other energy saving measures in place?

  • If yes, please provide details.

2.3.3 Management of Freshwater Resources

  • The organisation shall assess all water consumption by type and implement steps to establish the efficient use of the freshwater supply and minimise overall consumption of freshwater resources.

  • Is the source of fresh water for the organisation from a sustainable source(s)? e.g rainwater, borehole, etc

  • Is water sourcing sustainable, and does not adversely affect environmental flows?

  • Is a water conservation program in place?

  • Has water risk been assessed and documented?

  • Is a regular maintenance schedule implemented?

  • Is all plumbing checked for leaks on a regular basis? Please provide frequency details.

  • Is water used per guest/night per source monitored and managed?

  • Have low/dual flush toilets been installed?

  • Have low flow tap/faucet fittings been installed?

  • Have low flow shower fittings been installed?

  • Are staff and guests given guidance on minimising water use?

  • Are baths provided in guest rooms?

  • If so, what percentages of the rooms are installed with bathubs?

  • Are outside areas swept instead of being washed down?

  • Have auto detect or waterless urinals been implemented?

  • Is rainwater collected, stored and/or used?

  • Please provide volume of collected rainwater.

  • Is grey water or treated wastewater recycled?

  • Are native species (i.e. those that are adapted to the climate) planted to reduce irrigation?

  • Are swimming pools covered to reduce water loss?

  • Are outdoor landscaped areas irrigated at night to reduce evaporation rates?

  • Does the organisation have other water saving measures in place?

  • If yes, please provide details.

  • Where water risk has been assessed as high, have water stewardship goals been determined? Stormwater Management

  • The organisation shall manage stormwater to avoid contamination, erosion and siltation and maintain catchment integrity.

  • For organisations with land which collects stormwater, is there a system in place to ensure stormwater does not become contaminated with litter, oil and grease, or silt wastewater?

  • Are stormwater flows designed to maintain existing drainage patterns as much as possible and ensure that there is no erosion?

  • If your organisation washes vehicles regularly, do you have in place systems to ensure oil and grease contamination of runoff water does not occur (e.g. dedicated wash bays or an oil/water separator)?

  • Does your organisation have sites and land which has been repaired/are managed to prevent erosion?

  • If yes, has any erosion occurred or could erosion occur?

  • Have silt trap devices been put in place to avoid siltation of natural watercourses?

2.3.4 Ecosystems Conservation and Management

  • Business operations occurring in or near natural ecosystems have assessed the natural and cultural surroundings. The organisation shall understand conservation requirements for any local wildlife and/or natural ecosystems.

    Explanatory Note: Criteria – applies to sites near natural habitats, however, it could be appropriate to inner city-based tourism products such as a city hotel, attraction or similar organisation.

  • Does the organisation have an understanding of the conservation requirements of any local natural ecosystems, species or communities of conservation concern and protected areas? Minimise Eco-Disturbance

  • The organisation shall ensure any disturbance of natural ecosystems is minimised, rehabilitated or there is a compensatory contribution to conservation management.

    The contribution can be in the form of permit or access fees, donations, in-kind support, provision or loan of plants and machinery, or provision of infrastructure.

  • Is there disturbance of natural ecosystems due to activities undertaken by the organisation (e.g. light pollution, invasive species, unauthorised removal of local flora and/or fauna, etc.)?

  • Are fees, permit fees etc. required for accessing any protected area?

  • Within the available resources of the organisation, is there some form of contribution to conservation management?

  • If disturbance of natural ecosystems has taken place does the organisation offer compensatory contribution to conservation management?

  • Does the organisation have a procedure to ensure any disturbance of natural ecosystems is rehabilitated? Wildlife

  • No species of wild animal is acquired, bred or held captive, except by authorised and suitably equipped persons and for properly regulated activities. Housing, care and handling of all wild and domestic animals meets the highest standards of animal welfare.

    The organisation shall ensure interactions with free roaming wildlife, taking into account cumulative impacts, shall be non-invasive and responsibly managed to avoid adverse effects on the animals concerned and on the viability and behaviour of populations in the wild.

    Explanatory Note: Any interaction with wildlife should meet national or international codes of practice as set by conservation agencies and authorities.

  • Is any captive wildlife held onsite by the organisation?

  • If so, are permissions or guidance sought and permitted to allow wildlife to be held captive?

  • If interaction with free roaming wildlife occurs, has a conservation organisation endorsed the efforts to avoid adverse effects?

  • Have steps been taken to ensure that the housing, care and handling of all wild and domestic animals meets the highest standards of animal welfare?

  • Are there any direct interactions, particularly feeding with wildlife on the property?

  • If feeding is being conducted is this activity specifically sanctioned by internationally accepted standards or, where standards are not available, guided by independent wildlife expert advice? Protected Species

  • The organisation shall ensure all artefacts, souvenirs and products offered for sale and/or consumption do not include any protected species or species of conservation concern (e.g. CITES and IUCN Red List species and locally or nationally recognised endangered species).

    Explanatory Note: This may include sustainable food menus with alternate options for some traditional delicacies. Sustainably sourced food products can be identified through conservation agencies such as the Marine Stewardship Council and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

  • Have any protected species or those of conservation concern been included in any products for sale or consumption?

  • Is there a commitment to address the provision of any species of conservation concern within the organisation?

  • No wildlife species are harvested, consumed, displayed, sold or traded, except as part of a regulated activity that ensures that their utilisation is sustainable, and in compliance with local and international laws. Materials and Vehicles

  • The organisation shall ensure maintenance, refurbishment, replacement and construction materials, vehicles, vessels and equipment are chosen for their eco-efficiency and that their use is sustainable.

    The organisation seeks to reduce transportation requirements and actively encourages the use of cleaner and more resource efficient alternatives by customers, employees, suppliers and in its own operations.

    Explanatory Note: Examples include certified, non-toxic and/or biodegradable products.

  • Are sustainable building/construction/maintenance practices and materials used?

  • Are energy efficient vehicles, vessels, plant and machinery used? (as a guide select electric vehicles, fuel/electric hybrid-drive, ethanol based fuels (e10), bio-diesel, natural gas or LPG before diesel or petrol-powered vehicles).

  • Does vehicle selection for activities and operations consider group sizes, terrain and road conditions for maximum efficiency?

  • Do small vessels use diesel or four-stroke instead of two-stroke outboards?

  • Is information provided and promoted to customers on alternative (climate friendly) transport options, for arrival, departure and during their visit?

  • Are alternative transport options (e.g. bike rental, car sharing, pick-ups) for guests and staff provided or facilitated?

  • Does the organisation actively encourage the use of cleaner and more resource efficient alternatives by suppliers?

2.3.5 Land Use Planning and Management

  • The organisation shall ensure that there is a commitment to, and/or support for, habitat conservation in their land use planning and management including design and construction of buildings and infrastructure. The organisation shall comply with all land and water rights, property acquisition, local zoning, protected and sensitive areas and to heritage area requirements, and have a regard for cultural and heritage considerations. This includes local community and indigenous rights.

    Any design and construction of buildings and/or infrastructure including siting will have respect for the natural and cultural surroundings, and appropriate principles of sustainable construction applied. The organisation shall use native species for landscaping and restoration, avoiding the introduction of invasive alien species where possible.

    The design and construction of buildings and/or infrastructure will provide access for persons with special needs and provide clear and accurate information on the level of accessibility.

  • Has the EarthCheck Building Planning and Design Standard (BPDS) been used during the planning and construction phases of new areas within your operation?

  • Are there any local/state/federal land zoning/management plans for the property?

  • Is there a commitment to habitat conservation?

  • Has land acquisition been in accordance with applicable legislation?

  • Is the land use in compliance with zoning requirements and laws related to protected and sensitive areas and heritage considerations?

  • Is planning, siting, design, construction, renovation, operations and demolition in compliance with zoning requirements and with laws related to protected and sensitive areas and to heritage considerations?

  • Has the organisation ensured that planning and design respect natural and cultural surroundings?

  • Where applicable, have land and water rights and property been acquired in compliance with local, communal and indigenous rights, including their free, prior and informed consent?

  • Does the organisation ensure that acquisition of land and water rights and property does not require involuntary resettlement of inhabitants?

  • Are there any cultural and heritage considerations to take into account, including the capacity and integrity of the natural and cultural surroundings?

  • Are contributions made towards, or is an environmental improvement program supported?

  • Is access provided for persons with special needs?

  • Does siting respect the natural and cultural surroundings?

  • Are native species used for landscaping and restoration wherever feasible, particularly in natural landscapes?

2.3.6 Air Quality, Noise & Light Controls

  • The organisation shall minimise emissions which could affect air quality and ensure noise does not adversely affect nearby residents, communities or wildlife.

    Air quality effects can include smoke, vehicle/machinery exhausts and release of toxic substances such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) from old refrigerators and air conditioning units.

  • Are there ongoing gaseous or particulate emissions which could affect air quality?

  • Are noise emissions from building facilities or operations that may affect guests, the community or wildlife minimised or avoided?

  • Are light emissions from building facilities or operations that may affect guests, the community or wildlife minimised or avoided?

  • Has the organisation implemented practices to minimise noise pollution?

2.3.7 Wastewater Management

  • The organisation shall treat wastewater/sewerage and discharge effluent in a manner which will cause the least ecological harm and to a recognised international standard.

    The level of treatment must be congruent with the location and sensitivity of the ecosystem (other factors such as pollutant loads to the environment must also be considered).

    Explanatory Note: In cities or urban areas with connection to a town sewage treatment system, these criteria may not be applicable.

  • Is wastewater/sewerage sent to a municipal treatment system?

  • Is wastewater treated to a standard to mitigate impacts?

  • Is wastewater/greywater treated in a manner that ensures there are no adverse effects to the local population or the environment?

  • Is recycled greywater or treated wastewater reused safely?

2.3.8 Solid Waste Management

  • The organisation shall implement a waste management plan that includes the management of purchasing of food and measuring in order to minimise the production of any solid waste and ensure disposal will not have an adverse environmental impact.

    An organisation shall reuse and recycle material where possible. This includes utilising organic waste through a management program such as composting, fertiliser, mulching, animal feed and others. The most important aspect is to minimise material use by considering the packaging of materials and where possible, utilising re-useable goods rather than disposable ones. Where this is not possible, use recyclable or biodegradable containers.

    Explanatory Note: It is generally not considered good practice to burn waste, this should only occur in exceptional circumstances where local climate or other factors prohibit disposal to a well-managed landfill or special incineration facilities.

  • Are waste minimisation strategies in place?

  • Are reuse and recycling waste strategies in place?

  • Are reuse and recycling waste strategies implemented?

  • Is solid waste disposed to a known and managed landfill?

  • Are strategies in place to manage ‘e-waste’ (electronic waste)?

  • Does the organisation ensure that residual waste is disposed correctly to ensure no adverse effect on local population or the environment?

2.4 Management of Social and Cultural Issues

  • The organisation shall manage the social and cultural impacts of its operations as well as actively support initiatives for social and community development including, among others, human rights, education, health, and sanitation.

    The activities of the organisation shall not jeopardize the provision of basic services, such as food, water, energy, health or sanitation to neighbouring communities.

    The activities of the organisation do not adversely affect local access to livelihoods, including land and aquatic resource use, rights-of-way, transport and housing.

    Explanatory Note: The social and cultural impacts of a tourism organisation need to be carefully understood. Each community and culture is unique and may have different aspects which result in a tourism activity that has no adverse impacts in one culture or community, but has serious effects in another. In cities or long-established tourism destinations, this aspect may not be applicable.

  • Does the organisation ensure that the activities do not jeopardize the provision of basic food and water services to neighbouring communities?

  • Does the organisation ensure that the activities do not jeopardize the provision of basic health and sanitation services of neighbouring communities?

  • Does the organisation actively support initiatives for local infrastructure and social community development?

  • Do the initiatives include projects addressing impacts on climate change?

  • Do the initiatives include but not limited to education, training, health and sanitation?

  • Does the organisation ensure that the activities do not adversely affect local access to livelihoods, including land and aquatic resource use?

  • Does the organisation ensure that the activities do not adversely affect access to rights-of-way and transport?

  • Does the organisation ensure that the activities do not adversely affect access to local housing?

2.4.1 Cultural Sensitivity

  • The organisation values and shall conduct operations that incorporate authentic elements of traditional and contemporary culture in a way that does not adversely affect local cultures, society or cultural heritage materials and enhances the local community and local properties, while respecting the intellectual property rights of local communities and local properties.

    The organisation contributes to the protection, preservation and enhancement of local historical, archaeological, culturally, and spiritually important properties and sites, and does not impede access to them by local residents.

  • Are the adverse effects on local cultures and the community understood?

  • Have strategies been implemented to minimise and mitigate any impacts?

  • Are supplies sourced locally where feasible?

  • Where feasible, are local community, cultural, sports and/or recreational activities supported?

  • Is the making and selling of local artisanal goods by the local community encouraged?

  • Does the selling, trading or displaying of natural or cultural/archaeological artefacts only occur with the relevant permits/approvals?

  • Has the provision of basic services to the local community (such as water supplies, sanitation, roads and power supplies) been jeopardised by the establishment and operation of the tourism product or service?

  • Does the organisation ensure that it does not impede access by local residents to local properties, sites and traditions of historical, archaeological, cultural and spiritual significance?

  • Does the organisation ensure that it respects the intellectual property rights of local communities?

  • Do all staff receive periodic training regarding their roles and responsibilities with respect to Human Rights issues?

2.4.2 Cultural Engagement

  • The organisation shall understand, recognise and, as much as possible, contribute and respond positively to the rights and aspirations of local and/or indigenous people. Activities in indigenous and local communities shall occur with the consent and in collaboration with the community.

    Where possible, the organisation shall adopt and promote elements of local art, architecture or cultural heritage within its operations including such things locally appropriate, as design and cuisine whilst respecting the intellectual property rights of the local and/or indigenous people.

    Explanatory Note: The best way is to employ local people in staff and management positions and/or have some open consultation mechanism with the local community. The approach and extent of contribution to local and indigenous society will depend upon the scope and nature of the tourism organisation.

    In cities or long established tourism destinations, this aspect may not be applicable.

  • Are the rights and aspirations of local people understood?

  • Are specific measures implemented to raise guest awareness, understanding and respect for local indigenous cultures and customs?

  • As much as possible, does the organisation contribute positively to the needs and aspirations of local and/or indigenous people?

  • Where possible does the organisation ensure planning and design are based on locally appropriate and sustainable practices and materials?

  • Where possible does the organisation ensure construction is based on locally appropriate and sustainable practices and materials?

2.4.3 Cultural Awareness

  • The organisation shall establish a code of conduct in collaboration with the community. This is in order to minimise adverse impacts to ensure that guests are made aware of any behaviour necessary to avoid offending local customs, beliefs or cultural aspects when visiting culturally or historically sensitive sites and/or indigenous communities.

  • Has a code of conduct for guests been established, in collaboration with the local community?

  • Are specific measures adopted to promote guests’ understanding of and respect for indigenous cultures and customs?

  • Have potentially offending behaviour(s) been identified and have guests and staff been advised of the appropriate behaviour?

2.4.4 Local Employment

  • The organisation shall provide equal employment opportunities, including management positions for local and indigenous people without discrimination by gender, race, religion, disability or in other ways. Employees are offered regular training, experience and opportunities for advancement.

    Explanatory Note: Where possible, development and training opportunities should be provided.
    In cities or long established tourism destinations, this aspect may not be as relevant.

  • Are local people employed?

  • Are local people employed for management positions?

  • Does the organisation offer equal employment opportunities in management positions without discrimination by gender, race, religion, disability or in other ways?

  • Are local people given equal opportunity in management positions?

  • Are local people given equal opportunity for employment?

  • Are local people given equal opportunity for advancement?

2.4.5 Employment Conditions

  • The organisation shall implement a policy to ensure labour arrangements, labour rights are respected, employment terms and conditions and business practices are ethical and not exploitative, free from harassment and a safe and secure working environment is provided, particularly of children, adolescents, women and local minorities including commercial and sexual exploitation.

    The organisation shall have equitable hiring of women and local minorities (including hiring for management positions). Legal protection of employees is respected, and all employees are paid a living wage.

    The organisation understands the rights and needs of all employees, regardless of minority status or vulnerability, including but not limited to: women, people with disabilities, children, indigenous peoples, migrants, hereditary status (caste), people of different race, religion or culture and any other vulnerable groups.

  • Is there a commitment to ethical and non-exploitative arrangements with staff, suppliers and clients?

  • Is there any sexual commercial exploitation of people (including children and adolescents)?

  • Is there a participatory management approach encouraging staff to input to management approaches and directions?

  • Does the organisation ensure that a safe and secure working environment is provided?

  • Does the organisation have a policy against commercial, sexual or any other form of exploitation and harassment?

  • Does the policy cover children, adolescents, women, minorities and other vulnerable groups?

  • Is this policy being implemented?

  • Does the organisation have a procedure to ensure employee ages are checked to ensure absence of child labour?

  • Does the organisation ensure that employees are paid at least a living wage?

2.4.6 Local Goods and Services

  • The organisation shall ensure local and fair trade goods and services are purchased by the business, where available. Opportunities for local businesses to sell products that are based on the area’s nature, history, and culture (including food and beverage, crafts, souvenir products, etc.) shall be provided by the organisation.

  • Is a purchasing policy in place for the procurement of local products and services?

  • Where possible, does the organisation promote the procurement of sustainable local products and services?

  • Are fair trade services purchased where available?

  • Are local businesses given the opportunity to sell products and services to your business e.g. in the gift shop?

2.5 Management of Environmentally Harmful Substances

  • The organisation shall identify, store, distribute, transport, dispose of and use harmful substances in a manner which minimises the risks of ecological harm and is in accordance with local regulations or international standards.

    Where possible, the organisation shall ensure the procurement of environmentally preferable products and services.

    Explanatory Note: For small amounts of products, such as household size cleaning products, it is adequate to keep and store as per the container label.

  • Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) held for each potentially harmful substance stored (other than when in small domestic size containers)?

  • Are all harmful substances stored as per requirements of local regulations, international standards and MSDSs?

  • Where harmful substances are stored in bulk and spills are possible, is containment/clean-up equipment held onsite, or readily available?

  • At a minimum, are bulk harmful substances, such as fuels and oils, stored in a bunded and preferably roofed storage area?

  • Where harmful substances are stored, can floor drains be sealed or closed to contain spills?

  • Have you ensured that drainage for storage locations does not go directly to storm sewers?

  • Are staff whose duties involve handling chemical substances aware of the storage and handling requirements? This can include training on storage and handling, as well as point-of-use wall charts.

  • Is a system in place to ensure leakage is not taking place in underground storage tanks?

  • If ‘Yes’, please state the system in place.

  • Does the organisation have on hand the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) for the staff who handles harmful substances?

  • Is the use of harmful substances, including pesticides, paints, swimming pool disinfectants and cleaning materials, minimised?

2.5.1 Substance Disposal

  • The organisation shall ensure the disposal of any environmentally harmful substances does not cause ecological harm.

    The disposal of toxic or harmful wastes is often overlooked as a key environmental risk and potential impact. Particular attention should be paid to the disposal of waste oil, batteries, any toxic chemical containers, and sewage or water treatment plant sludges.

  • Has the organisation developed and maintained a list of harmful substances requiring disposal, including appropriate sustainable disposal options for each substance?

2.5.2 Rectification of Harmful Substance Damage

  • Where harmful substances may have caused damage or ecological harm to the environment or impacted on social or cultural aspects, then rectification should be carried out to meet the original conditions prior to the damage or harm taking place.

  • Has any damage caused by harmful substances taken place?

  • If ‘Yes’, please state the area and type of damage.

  • If any damage has been caused by harmful substances, has the damage been rectified?

  • If ‘Yes’, please state the method of rectification.

2.6 Staff Training on Benchmarking & Performance

  • The organisation shall ensure all staff has received training as necessary in order to meet the requirements of this section with respect to their duties.

  • Has the organisation promoted awareness of and offered training to all staff on the ‘Benchmarking & Performance’ section to ensure all workers are aware of the Sustainability & Energy Efficiency requirements associated with their work?

  • Are the EarthCheck Coordinator and Green Team/Sustainability Team appropriately trained to be able to fulfil the requirements of the ‘Benchmarking & Performance’ section?

3. Governance

  • Explanatory Note: This section addresses the requirements for an organisation’s regulatory compliance as part of the best practice sustainability performance. (This includes compliance with local zoning and protected or heritage area requirements and compliance with such requirements by “design and construction”).

3.1 Compliance Obligations

  • The organisation shall be aware of and comply with all applicable regulatory requirements (including but not limited to human rights, environmental, energy, social, cultural, quality, health and safety, labour laws) for legal operation. This shall include but is not limited to; areas such as heritage and archaeological significance where applicable.

    When breaches of regulatory requirements occur, urgent and priority corrective action, including full disclosure to regulatory authorities shall be taken.

  • Has the organisation determined its compliance obligations and how these apply?

  • Does the organisation comply with all relevant laws and legal requirements?

  • Has there been any prosecution or legal action against the organisation within the last year?

  • Has the organisation established and implemented a process to control, approve, review and evaluate internal documents and establish the organisation’s level of conformances with its compliance obligations, recording the results?

3.1.1 Legislation Register

  • The organisation shall record all applicable regulatory requirements in the form of a legislation register and include copies of current permits, licences and agreements.

  • Has the organisation developed a comprehensive legal register?

  • Does the organisation keep records (including permits, licences, leases, and correspondence with regulatory authorities) to demonstrate legal compliance?

3.2 International Standards

  • Where there is no relevant legislation to which the organisation must adhere, the organisation follows international standards or recognised best practice.

  • Is the organisation committed to the adoption of international standards and/or best practice where applicable?

3.3 Risk Assessment

  • The organisation shall assess all actual and/or potential risks (environmental, social and cultural) in relation to the organisation’s scope identified by way of a documented Risk Assessment.

  • Does the organisation follow a process that determines risks and opportunities?

  • Does the organisation have a documented Risk Assessment in order to assess all actual and/or potential risks?

3.3.1 Aspects and Impacts

  • The organisation shall implement and maintain a procedure to identify all aspects of its activities, products and services that have an actual and/or potential impact (environmental, social and cultural) against the 10 Key Performance Areas. The organisation shall consult with key stakeholders on the significant aspects against the 10 Key Performance Areas. Key stakeholders may include local communities, local government, conservation and environmental authorities, and non-government conservation agencies:
    1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    2. Energy Efficiency, Conservation and Management
    3. Management of Freshwater Resources
    4. Ecosystem Conservation and Management
    5. Social and Cultural Management
    6. Land Use Planning and Management
    7. Air Quality Protection
    8. Waste Water Management
    9. Solid Waste Management
    10. Environmentally Harmful Substances
    Major external influences shall also be identified and potential impacts assessed where appropriate.

  • Does the organisation have a procedure to identify aspects against the 10 Key Performance Areas?

  • Has the organisation identified and evaluated its environmental aspects and impacts, and identified the risks and opportunities associated with adverse and beneficial impacts?

  • Have major external influences been identified and potential impacts assessed where appropriate, considering a life cycle perspective?

  • Have risks and opportunities been considered with regard to the context of the organisation?

  • Are auditable records for gathering information, assessing performance and rectifying issues retained?

  • Have key stakeholders been identified and consulted?

  • Is there ongoing liaison with key stakeholders to identify actual and/or potential impacts?

3.3.2 Likelihood and Severity

  • The organisation shall consider the likelihood and severity of potential impacts including the ability to prevent and/or mitigate impacts should they arise.

  • Has the Risk Assessment identified the likelihood and severity of potential impacts?

  • Has the Risk Assessment considered the ability to prevent and/or mitigate impacts should they arise?

3.3.3 Stakeholder Views

  • When undertaking the Risk Assessment, the organisation shall seek and consider the views of internal and external key stakeholders.

  • Is there a process for identifying and consulting with key stakeholders?

  • Have risks and opportunities been considered with regards to the needs and expectations of interested parties?

3.3.4 Emergency Planning & Response

  • The organisation shall identify possible accidental and emergency situations that can have an environmental, social and/or cultural impact.

    The organisation shall have a process in place to respond to accidental and emergency situations and prevent and/or mitigate associated impacts.

    Explanatory Note: The Risk Assessment must not only consider the ongoing normal activities of the organisation, but also the potential emergency and accidental situations which may occur.

  • Has the Risk Assessment considered potential emergency and accidental situations?

  • Has the organisation developed prevention and/or mitigation measures to manage these risks?

  • Has the organisation established and implemented a process/processes specifying how it will respond to potential environmental emergency situations?

  • Does the organisation test the established process to respond to emergency situations on a regular basis (e.g. emergency drills)?

3.3.5 Review Annually

  • The organisation shall review, update and date the Risk Assessment annually.

  • Has the Risk Assessment been revised and completed within the last twelve months?

  • Have there been any changes to the operation that need to be included in the organisation’s Risk Assessment?

3.4 Staff Training on Governance

  • The organisation shall ensure all staff has received training as necessary in order to meet the requirements of this section with respect to their duties.

  • Has the organisation promoted awareness of and offered training to all staff on the ‘Governance’ section to ensure all workers are aware of the sustainability requirements associated with their work?

  • Are the EarthCheck Coordinator and Green Team/Sustainability Team appropriately trained to be able to fulfil the requirements of the ‘Governance’ section?

  • Has the organisation promoted awareness of and offered training to all staff with respect to economic and quality issues requirements associated with their work?

  • Has the organisation promoted awareness of and offered training to all staff with respect to management of health and safety practices requirements associated with their work?

4. Sustainability & Energy Approach

  • Explanatory Note: This section outlines the criteria for an organisation’s long term Sustainability & Energy Approach.

    Sustainability & Energy Approach is the way in which an organisation manages and improves its overall environmental, energy and social performance. The approach must enable an organisation to meet the objectives of their Policy and address all actual and potential risks identified by a Risk Assessment. The documentation requirements of this section are subject to the complexity of the organisation’s scope and environmental impact.

  • Please check impact allocation in documentation issued to you by EarthCheck and include a statement verifying such allocation. Impact Criteria can be found in section 4.1.1 Environmental Impact of the Company Standard. Please note water/beachfront properties are deemed high impact.<br>

4.1 Sustainability Management System and Energy Efficiency Approach

  • The organisation shall implement, maintain and monitor a long-term Sustainability Management System & Energy Efficiency Approach to meet the objectives of the Policy and address risks identified while still being suitable to the scope of its operations.

    The Sustainability Management System and Energy Efficiency Approach shall be documented by way of a Sustainability Management System and a Sustainability Action Plan, including targets and objectives, which shall address all relevant Key Performance Areas, environmental, social, cultural, economic, quality, human rights, health, safety, risk and crisis management issues and drives continuous improvement. Whereby an organisation’s environmental impact is deemed as high, a documented Environmental Management System (EMS) and an Energy Management System (EnMS) is required.

    The sustainability management system (SMS) addresses issues including environmental, social, cultural, economic, quality, human rights, health, safety, risk and crisis management and drive continuous improvement.

  • Does the organisation have a commitment to implement its Policy and meet its objectives and targets?

  • Does the organisation have a clearly stated set of objectives and targets?

  • Does the organisation have a process in place that ensures it meets its objectives and targets?

  • Do all staff receive periodic training regarding their roles and responsibilities with respect to Risk and Crisis Management?

  • The organisation ensures the SMS is implemented.

  • Does the SMS consider environmental issues?

  • Does the SMS consider social and cultural issues?

  • Does the SMS consider economic and quality issues?

  • Does the SMS consider human rights?

  • Does the SMS consider health and safety issues?

  • Does the SMS consider risk and crisis management issues?

  • Does the SMS drive continuous improvement?

4.1.1 Environmental Impact

  • The organisation shall identify its level of environmental impact in order to document a Sustainability & Energy Approach appropriate to the scope of its operations. Whereby:

    a) There are any actual and/or potential ecological and/or social impacts; or
    b) The location is within 500 metres of an environmentally and/or culturally sensitive area ; or
    c) There are over 500 full time equivalent staff; or
    d) There are over 500 guest rooms (including staff living onsite); or
    e) There are activities involving more than five locations or tour routes.

    The organisation shall be deemed High Impact and a documented EMS & EnMS in addition to the Risk Assessment and Action Plan is required. All other organisations will be deemed Low Impact and require a Risk Assessment and Sustainability & Energy Action Plan addressing all relevant Key Performance Areas.

    Explanatory Note: All levels of impact are subject to ratification by EarthCheck.

  • Does the organisation have more than 500 full time equivalent staff?

  • Does the organisation have more than 500 guest rooms and/or do the activities undertaken by your organisation involve more than five locations or tour routes?

  • Are there any potential ecological and/or social impacts or is the organisation located in close proximity to environmentally and/or culturally sensitive areas?

4.2 Sustainability Action Plan

  • The organisation shall develop a Sustainability & Energy Action Plan to ensure that any risks of environmental, social and cultural harm are minimised, and objectives and targets are set so improved performance can be achieved. The Sustainability & Energy Action Plan should be consistent with the Policy and linked to the Risk Assessment, to ensure harmonisation and alignment to the commitments made by senior management of the organisation, including continuous improvement.

    Explanatory Note: The Sustainability Action Plan shall include designation of responsibilities, the means and timeframes by which individual performance improvement targets (both quantitative and qualitative) are to be achieved and a statement verifying the results. The Sustainability Action Plan shall be documented and updated at least annually.

  • Has the organisation established a Sustainability Action Plan to address the identified risks and opportunities and determined how these specifically apply to the organisation?

  • Is the Sustainability Action Plan linked to the organisation’s Risk Assessment?

  • Is the Sustainability Action Plan reviewed on an annual basis?

4.2.1 Retain Documented Information

  • The organisation shall retain for at least three years, appropriate documented information demonstrating conformance with the requirements of the Standard, including those related to Benchmarking Assessments.

  • Are record keeping processes in place and have they been held for the last three years (or since initial Benchmarking)?

4.2.2 Review

  • The organisation shall undertake regular reviews to determine the adequacy and effectiveness of the organisation’s long term Sustainability Approach in fulfilling the requirements of the Standard.

  • Are the Risk Assessment and Sustainability & Energy Action Plan reviewed and updated annually?

  • Is the effectiveness of the organisation’s Sustainability & Energy Approach assessed?

4.3 Environmental Management System (EMS) & Energy Management System (EnMS)

  • Explanatory Note: An Environmental Management System (EMS) & Energy Management System (EnMS) is a detailed Sustainability & Energy Approach used to manage an organisation’s social and environmental impacts and provide reports on environmental improvement performance to senior management and key stakeholders.

    This section is only applicable to High Impact organisations that require a documented EMS & EnMS. Low Impact organisations can opt for an EMS & EnMS by choice or otherwise should at least consider aspects within EMS & EnMS that may improve your current management system. This may include implementation of internal audit to ensure environmental, energy and social improvement targets are being met, and procedure for dealing with non-conformity.

  • Has top management demonstrated its commitment to establishing an EMS & EnMS and effective leadership in the continuous improvement of the system?

  • Has the organisation assigned responsibilities and authorities in respect of the EMS & EnMS?

  • Has the organisation provided adequate resources (including human, technological and financial) for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the EMS & EnMS?

  • Has the organisation taken the necessary steps to determine the competence of persons, undertaking work under its control, which can affect EMS & EnMS performance?

4.3.1 EMS and EnMS Relevance

  • If an organisation is deemed High Impact, the organisation shall develop, implement and maintain a documented EMS & EnMS that is relevant to the scope of the organisation’s operations including activities, products and services.

  • Has the organisation determined the boundaries and applicability of the Environmental & Energy Management System (EMS & EnMS)?

  • Has the organisation established an Environmental & Energy Management System (EMS & EnMS)?

  • Is the documented EMS & EnMS relevant to the scope of the organisation’s operation, including activities, products and services?

4.3.2 EMS & EnMS Documentation

  • The EMS & EnMS shall include all mandatory documentation stipulated in the Company Standard including Policy, Risk Assessment and Energy & Sustainability Action Plan in addition to:
    a) The organisational structure and resources for meeting the objectives of the Policy;
    b) Description of the scope of the EMS & EnMS, its main elements and their interaction including related documents; and
    c) Documented information determined by the organisation to ensure the effective planning, monitoring, measurement, analysis and control of processes that relate to the EMS & EnMS.

  • Are the Policy, Risk Assessment and Energy & Sustainability Action Plan included in the EMS & EnMS?

4.3.3 Operational Controls

  • The organisation shall demonstrate that it has documented procedures to mitigate risk on any significant impact that has been identified.
    Explanatory Note: Documented procedures may be referred to as work procedures, standard operating procedures (SOPs), or anything else. Operational procedures can range from text-based to pictorial e.g. flowcharts.

  • Are documented procedures in place for those operations with a significant environmental impact?

  • Has the organisation determined, planned and implemented control of the processes to meet the requirements of the EMS & EnMS?

  • Has the organisation considered the life cycle perspective by including relevant environmental & energy requirements where appropriate when procuring products and services, designing its products and services, communications with contractors and end users?

4.3.4 Monitoring and Measurement

  • The organisation shall monitor, analyse and measure their performance against their Policy, Benchmarking Assessment performance, improvement targets and relevant legislation.

  • Has the organisation determined details, methods and frequency of areas of operation that need to be monitored, measured, analysed and evaluated in order to establish the performance and effectiveness of the EMS & EnMS?

  • Does the organisation monitor performance against set improvement targets?

4.3.5 Internal Audits

  • The organisation shall conduct regular internal audits to ensure environmental and social improvement targets are being met.

  • Has the organisation established, implemented and maintained an EMS & EnMS internal audit program and documented evidence of the results?

  • Has the organisation identified appropriate indicators for monitoring and measuring its environmental and energy performance?

  • Are the indicators reviewed and compared to the environmental and energy baseline as appropriate?

4.3.6 Corrective and Preventative Action

  • The organisation shall document a procedure for dealing with non-conformity and take appropriate corrective and preventative action to meet conformity requirements.

  • Does the organisation have a documented procedure in place for dealing with non-conformity?

  • Does the organisation react effectively to any non-conformity identified and maintain documented information where appropriate?

4.3.7 Control of Documentation

  • The organisation shall document a procedure for the control of documents required to demonstrate compliance to the Standard.

  • Is there a procedure for the control of records required to demonstrate compliance to the Standard?

4.3.8 Management Review

  • The organisation shall undertake regular management reviews to determine the adequacy and effectiveness of the organisation’s Sustainability & Energy Approach in fulfilling the requirements of the Standard.

  • Has the organisation undertaken management reviews of the EMS & EnMS?

  • Does the output of the review include opportunities to improve the integration of the EMS & EnMS into other business processes if necessary?

  • Does the organisation continually improve its EMS & EnMS to enhance its environmental and energy performance?

4.4 Staff Training on Sustainability Approach

  • The organisation shall ensure all staff has received training as necessary in order to meet the requirements of this section with respect to their duties.

  • Has the organisation promoted awareness of and offered training to all staff on the ‘Sustainability & Energy Approach’ section to ensure all workers are aware of the sustainability requirements associated with their work?

  • Are the EarthCheck Coordinator and Green Team/Sustainability Team appropriately trained to be able to fulfil the requirements of the ‘Sustainability & Energy Approach’ section?

5. Communication

  • Explanatory Note: This section details the requirements for communicating an organisation’s environmental and social commitment, goals and objectives to all key stakeholders.

5.1 Policy and Performance

  • The organisation shall implement a comprehensive Communications Strategy to inform all stakeholders on the:
    • Environmental, Energy and Social Sustainability Policy, Programs and Initiatives;
    • Sustainability & Energy performance based on its EarthCheck Benchmarking Performance Report;
    • Related activities as a result of participating in the EarthCheck Program.

    The organisation’s public information (including promotional materials) must be accurate and complete and not promise more than can be delivered. All promotional tools should provide an honest representation of what services an organisation provide, and should reflect the responsible and sustainable strategies that the organisation undertakes. All public materials must be maintained and updated regularly.

    It is important that all stakeholders including management, employees, customers and the local community understand the organisations goals and objectives, why they’re important, and how they can positively contribute to the organisation’s efforts in each of their individual roles.

  • Has the organisation planned, implemented and maintained a communication process operating internally and externally taking into account compliance obligations and ensuring consistency with information generated by the EMS & EnMS/Action Plan?

  • Are the Policy and Benchmarked or Certified certificates on public display, including the central office or other suitable place?

  • Has a copy of the Policy been provided to all key stakeholders?

  • Is there a commitment in providing accurate information particularly with advertising and promotional material?

  • Are the organisation's promotional materials and marketing communications transparent?

  • Does the organisation ensure that the promotional materials and marketing communication do not promise more than they can deliver?

  • Is your organisation able to provide an example of: 1) EarthCheck Logo use in promotional material. 2) EarthCheck Logo use in print advertising. 3) EarthCheck Logo use in one other form of media (TV, Film, Social, etc.)?

  • Are all public documents maintained and updated regularly?

5.2 Customer Satisfaction

  • The organisation should have in place procedures and policies in regard to Customer Satisfaction, the organisation shall encourage and respond to both positive and negative feedback, including against the organisation’s Policy and related performance targets to ensure customer satisfaction.

    Customer satisfaction is measured by either customer reviews and feedback and whereby complaints are received, corrective action will be taken where appropriate.

  • Is there a complaints handling policy and procedure publically available?

  • Is there a corrective action plan and is corrective action taken where appropriate?

  • Has feedback on the Policy and environmental & energy program been sought and considered?

  • Has data been recorded for all customer complaints?

  • Is there a customer reviews and feedback policy and procedure?

  • Are customer reviews and feedback actioned according to the procedure?

5.3 Maintain Documented Information

  • The organisation shall have a procedure for maintaining documented information of consultation and communication with key stakeholders. The extent of documented information required depends on the size and complexity of the products and services offered. The organisation may choose to create additional documented information for purposes of transparency, accountability, continuity, consistency, training or to assist with auditing.

  • Does the organisation have a written procedure for record keeping?

  • Has the organisation established, maintained and sufficiently controlled documented information as required by the standard and as determined necessary by the organisation?

  • Have records of consultation with stakeholders been maintained?

5.4 Encourage Participation

  • The organisation shall encourage customers and suppliers to engage in the organisation’s environmental, energy and social programs.

  • Is a system in place to encourage customers and suppliers to engage in the organisation’s environmental, and social programs?

  • Have major suppliers been contacted in the last year, at least outlining the organisation’s commitment to achieving sustainability, energy efficiency and its EarthCheck commitment?

5.5 Inform Customers

  • The organisation follows appropriate guidelines for the management and promotion of visits to natural sites in order to minimise adverse impacts and maximise visitor fulfilment and shall inform customers in an accurate manner about:
    • Local culture, customs and ways of life;
    • Natural areas and environmental issues;
    • Appropriate behaviours from guests whilst visiting natural, cultural and heritage sites; and
    • How best to contribute to the local economy.

  • Is there a system in place to inform customers on local culture and customs (this may take any form, via information in guest room, commentary on a tour, signage, etc.)?

  • Does marketing material and/or tour information give explanations of appropriate behaviours while visiting natural areas, living cultures, and cultural heritage sites?

5.6 Raise Awareness

  • The organisation shall be proactive in raising awareness of local and global environmental issues with key stakeholders and interested parties. Including being involved with sustainable tourism planning and management in the destination, where such opportunities exist.
    Tip: The organisation should be proactive in raising awareness of local and global environmental issues with key stakeholders.

  • Have local environmental issues been identified and have both local and global issues been promoted with at least one interested party and/or key stakeholder (tourists, the local community, suppliers etc.)?

5.7 Interpretation of the Natural and Cultural Environment

  • Is presentation of the natural and cultural values of the local area a focus of the organisation?

  • Does the organisation help customers to directly and personally experience the area's nature and culture in a way that builds understanding?

5.8 Interpretation and Education

  • Does the interpretation delivered present a clear theme and story linked to the values of the locations guests will visit, and intend to deliver a clear message?

  • Does the organisation provide an appropriate level of interpretation about the natural and cultural heritage of the areas visited, through the employment of appropriately qualified guides and the provision of accurate information both prior to and during the experience to meet the needs of a wide-range of customers (not limited to: non-native language speakers, children, educational groups, and those with a disability or impairment)?

  • Is the level, type and locations of interpretation planned, designed and delivered to meet the interests, needs and expectations of the customer including a broad range of interpretive opportunities given through a range of techniques?

5.9 Content of Interpretation and Educational Information

  • Does the interpretation recognise the traditional owners and cultural groups with an association and connection to the land and sea, and the managers of the location as well as educating visitors on the local rules and values to set clear expectations of behaviour and communicate how guests can care for culture and the environment and everyday life practice?

  • Has the content used for interpretive materials and activities been checked for accuracy by reference to the credible sources, and is relevant to both the site and audience?

  • Does the interpretation and story delivered link the location to the broader regional and national context, and provide opportunities to link with other complementary products to deliver a wider context for the location and its place in the destination?

5.10 Staff Training on Communication and Interpretation

  • The organisation shall ensure all staff has received training as necessary in order to meet the requirements of this section with respect to their duties.

  • Has the organisation promoted awareness of and offered training to all staff on the ‘Communication’ section to ensure all workers are aware of the sustainability requirements associated with their work?

  • Are the EarthCheck Coordinator and Green Team/Sustainability Team appropriately trained to be able to fulfil the requirements of the ‘Communication’ section?

  • Are all staff appropriately trained in interpretation content and techniques to meet the needs of the different customer groups?

  • Does the staff induction include the location’s / organisation’s theme and story?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.