Title Page
Document No.
Conducted on
Prepared by
Unit Representative
1: Previous Report
Has the previous report been reviewed?
Are there any outstanding actions?
2: Appearance and Environmental
Was the exterior appearance of the unit acceptable?
Were there suitable parking arrangements for the staff and visitors?
Are there adequate provisions for waste management?
Are appropriate smoking facilities available and being used accordingly?
Is the premises untidy?
Are drainage arrangements sufficient and functioning?
3: Security and Safety
Is the level of security suitable?
Are all entry / exit routes kept clear of hazards?
Are all Fire doors and General access doors suitable and being used correctly?
Can you clearly identify First Aiders and Fire Marshalls?
Can you clearly identify the Fire Meeting point?
Is it possible to identify staff from visitors / contractors?
4: Work Area Hazards
Manual handling
Chemicals / Fuel storage and use
Slips, Trips and Falls
Workstation Ergonomics
Vehicle Movement
Pest Control
Lack of Safety equipment and Safety signage
5: Corrective Actions
Is there a nominated person responsible for addressing actions raised?