Title Page
Employer Representative/ Phone number/ Position
Name of site and Address:
Has an ARREO permit been requested?
Has WorkSafe attendance been requested? Name of inspector if applicable
Has a WorkSafe inspector previously attended the site? If so, Name and date of attendance?
Conducted on
Prepared by
High risk crystalline silica work
Is high risk Crystalline Silica work or Crystalline Silica processes taking place onsite? (OHS Reg 319B, OHS Reg 319C)
Does the employer conduct health monitoring checks (must be carried out if employee is exposed to ANY hazardous substance inclusive of crystalline silica). OHS Reg 169
Is Crystalline Silica reasonably likely to become airborne and exceed HALF (0.01mg/m3 TWA) the exposure standard for respirable crystalline silica? Exposure LIMIT = 0.02mg/m3 TWA (over 8 hour period). (OHS Reg 319C (a)(b) )
Is the employer ensuring its employees/sub contractors are not exposed to atmospheric concentration of silica dust? (OHS Reg 165)
is the employer keeping written records of all atmospheric monitoring & silica work conducted at the workplace (OHS Act s22 (1) (b), OHS Reg 168, OHS Reg 319K)
are the records readily accessible to all relevant employees & HSR's (OHS Reg 319K (3) (a) (b), OHS Reg 167)
Has the HSR been consulted when identifying hazards or implementing risk controls (OHS Act s35 (4) )
Is there an SDS sheet available for manufactured materials stating crystalline silica content? (eg brick, concrete, tiles, engineered stone, finely crushed rock) (OHS Reg 319G (1)(2) )
If the product cannot be clearly identified for silica content, does the employer treat the process as high risk silica work until proven otherwise? (OHS Reg 319J (4) )
Have written records been made readily available to the HSR / employees (such as risk assessments & hazard control statements)?
Is there a quarrying or tunnelling process being undertaken onsite?
if tunnelling or quarrying, has the employer collected samples of materials to be used prior to work commencing? (OHS Reg 319O (a) )
has the samples collected been sent for analysis by a NATA approved hygienist (suitably competent person)? Has the proportion of crystalline silica been identified as a percentage in each sample? (OHS Reg 319O (b) )
Has the employer conducted a RISK ASSESSMENT to identify if the process/es are high risk silica work? (OHS Reg 319J (1) a & b (2) a-f )
does the risk assessment include the specific tasks / processes undertaken with material containing c silica OHS Reg 319J (2) (a)
does it include the form of c silica to be used? OHS Reg 319J (2) (b)
does it include the proportion of silica in the material? (OHS Reg 319J (2) (c) )
does it include the previous atmospheric monitoring results? (OHS Reg 319J (2) (d) )
does it include the likely frequency and duration of exposure to silica dust? (OHS Reg 319J (2) (e) )
does it include any information about incidents/illness/disease associated with exposure to silica dust? (OHS Reg 319J (2) (f) )
Has a separate crystalline silica HAZARD CONTROL STATEMENT been prepared prior to work commencement? (OHS Reg 319D, OHS Reg 319L, OHS Reg 319N)
If construction, do the SWMS clearly identify the works as high risk crystalline silica work, and are the silica risks, hazards and controls related to the task clearly identified and addressed in the SWMS (OHS Reg 319L (3) )
Has the hazard control statement been reviewed and revised to include any subsequent changes to the workplace, control measures that are not adequately controlling risk or after any incident that may have occurred during the silica work? (OHS Reg 319M)
Engineered Stone
Is there an engineered stone process carried out at the workplace? (OHS Reg 319E)
Does the employer hold an engineered stone licence? (OHS Reg 319Z)
Is the employer a supplier of engineered stone? (319ZA)
as the supplier, do they keep records including names, addresses, name of product, quantity, to whom the engineered stone is supplied? (OHS Reg 319ZA (2) (a) )
Do they have a record of the licence number to whom the engineered stone was supplied to? (OHS Reg 319ZA (1), (2) (b) )
Have they kept the records for at least 5 years? (OHS Reg 319ZA (3) )
Has the engineered stone licence holder provided information to job applicants about health risks associated with crystalline silica dust including the need for, & details of, measures to control risks? (OHS Reg 319ZB (a) (b) )
Has the engineered stone licence holder provided information, instruction & training to employees who are likely to be exposed to silica risks. Inclusive of health risks & the need for proper use of control measures and their implementation. (OHS Reg 31ZC)
Is the engineered stone licence holder conducting health monitoring by a specialist occupational physician (OHS Reg 169, OHS Reg 319ZD)
Has the engineered stone licence holder provided WorkCover all health monitoring reports that relate to the health of employees at the workplace within 30 days of being received? (OHS Reg 319ZE (1) (a) )
Has the engineered stone licence holder provided Workcover all atmospheric monitoring results at the workplaces within 30 days of being received? ( OHS Reg 319ZE (1) (b) )
Has the engineered stone licence holder prepared a CONTROL PLAN prior to works being undertaken? is performed works in accordance? does it correctly identify the work undertaken? state hazards and risks? Sufficient control measures? and is that control plan reviewed and revised as necessary, made readily available to all employees? (OHS Reg 319ZF)
If work that requires an engineered stone licence is not performed in accordance with the engineered stone control plan for that work, the employer MUST stop work immediately or as soon as is safe to do so and not resume work until the control plan is complied with or reviewed and revised) (OHS Reg 319ZF (3) (a) (b) )
Has the engineered stone licence holder given all employees who have ceased employment at the workplace a written statement that contains the duration of employment and advice for the employee to maintain relevant periodical health assessments? (OHS Reg 319ZG (1) (2) )
Are power tools or mechanical plant used to undertake an engineered stone process? (OHS Reg 319S)
Has the employer ensured that employees who use the tools/mechanical plant been provided with information, instruction and training in the correct use of the equipment? (OHS Reg 319W (a) )
Is the power tool / mechanical plant used with an integrated water delivery system? (OHS Reg 319S (1) (a)
Does the integrated water delivery system deliver continuous supply of water to the point of contact with the stone while the power tool / mechanical plant is in use? (OHS Reg 319S (2) (a) )
if the system uses recycled/recirculated water, is it adequately treated? (OHS Reg 319S (2) (b) )
is the system maintained so as to eliminate / reduce any risk of exposure to silica? (OHS Reg 319U)
Is the power tool / mechanical plant used with an on tool dust extraction system that is commercially available such as a Dust Class H Vacuum or similar system? (OHS Reg 319S (b)
is the system maintained so as to eliminate / reduce any risk of exposure to silica? (OHS Reg 319U)
Is there local exhaust ventilation?
is the system maintained so as to eliminate / reduce any risk of exposure to silica? (OHS Reg 319U)
Engineered stone Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPE)
Have the employees been provided with RPE? (OHS Reg 319V (1) )
does the employer ensure that the employee uses the RPE? (OHS Reg 319V (2)
has the employer provided information, instruction and training in the use, fit, maintenance, and storage of the RPE? (OHS Reg 319W (b) )
Is compressed air or other compressed gases used to clean work areas or clothing that has been worn in the area? (OHS Act s21, 23, 24 OHS Reg 319X)
Additional Hazards
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