Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by/ accompanied by
Access and Egress - can everyone get to and away from their place of work safely. Are walking routes clear from obstructions.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
CoSHH - are substances and chemicals in use supported with information about their use and are the relevant workers aware of controls as detailed in the CoSHH Assessment.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
Dust Management - are there activities taking place that cause dust, are face coverings being used. Is Face Fit Testing up to date.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
Electricity - is PAT testing up to date. Are cables being managed and not causing trip hazards. Do random checks of cables and appliances/ machines show them to be in good condition.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
Fire and Emergency - is everyone (select a random cross section of workers to examine awareness) in the Factory aware of the procedure to be followed in an emergency situation. Are fire evacuation drills up to date.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
Hot Works - Welding/ grinding/ brazing - are protocols being followed. Is there sufficient isolation/ screening. Proper PPE being worn.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
Housekeeping - is the entire production area, warehouse and external spaces in good condition. Has waste been dealt with appropriately.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
Plant and Equipment - is equipment in good working order. Are guards and screens in place. Are operators trained. Have PUWER checks been carried out.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
PPE - everything that's required being worn including additional items for job specific tasks incl. RPE and impact rated goggles.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
RAMS/ SSOW - is everyone signed off, do they understand the controls.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
Slips, Trips and Falls - are all workstations clear of obstruction. Do workers have enough space. Are cables and other trip hazards managed. Are there any areas where spillages have occurred.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
Training - does everyone have the relevant training and competence. Are Tool Box Talks being carried out frequently.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
Working at Height - correct practices being adhered to.
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- Advisory
Additional Comments