Field office
Conducted on
Reported by
Phone Number
Date & Time of the Spill
Name of the Facility
What is the source of the spill?
Spill Code Source
- 1. Wellhead
- 2. Flow line
- 3. Facility
- 10. Other (Description)
If "Other" give a description.
Spill Code Cause
- a. Hole in line
- b. Damaged/Failed valve
- c. Pressured up
- d. Tank overflow
- e. Stuffing box leak
- f. Hole in tank
- g. Blowout (well servicing)
- h. Blowout (drilling)
- i. Equipment failure
- j. Employee/contractor error
- k. Improper plugging
- z. Other (description)
If "Other" give a description.
What is the volume of release in bbls?
What is the fluid that spilled?
Amount of oil?
Amount of saltwater?
Amount of chemical?
What is the volume recovered in bbls?
How much fluid was recovered?
Amount of oil recovered in bbls?
Amount of saltwater recovered in bbls?
Amount of chemical recovered in bbls?
Is this release inside or outside the secondary containment area?
If the spill is outside secondary containment was the release contained on the well site?
What is the total volume outside secondary containment after the recovery process in bbls?
Has any oil or saltwater reached a body of water?
How many bbls of oil or saltwater reached the body of water?
Have any fish/wildlife been affected by the spill?
Has any livestock been affected by the spill?
Describe the cause of the spill.
What actions were taken to control the spill event?
What actions were taken to remediate the affected area?
Are there any further remediation recommendations?
What actions have been taken to prevent this from occurring again?
What person or agency was called?
Date and Time
Surface Owner
Date & Time Surface Owner Contacted
NRC Number (if applicable)
Please provide a sketch of the spill and the affected area (if necessary)
Spill Photos