Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Guest Name

  • Room Number


  • Employee(s) Name(s)

Question Text

  • Was a Warm Welcome / greeting provided:

  • GEE provides a warm welcome (Three Steps of Service) Employee must: • Employee asks for name and uses it throughout transaction • Greet the guest with the appropriate situational greeting (e.g., good morning, welcome to the Club) Mark No if you encounter or observe any of the above criteria not being followed

  • Good posture, smile, eye contact, and attentive listening maintained throughout the interaction

  • Well-groomed and professional, wearing a uniform

  • GEE takes pride in and care of personal appearance • Jewelry: ◦ Worn in moderation and not extreme in style ◦ Name badge worn on left side (if present) • Hair: ◦ No extreme hair color or styles ◦ Not covering eyes • Make-up professional and tastefully applied • Hose optional, if worn must coordinate with attire Mark No if you encounter or observe any employee who does not meet the above standards

  • Check-out Experience meets standard • Acknowledge guests waiting in line, if applicable<br> o Acceptable if someone other than the GEE acknowledges the guest (manager, lobby ambassador)<br>• Ask guest about satisfaction with stay<br>• Ask if any additional charges have been incurred (e.g., lunch, retail)<br>• Offer option of reviewing your bill<br>• Confirm method of payment<br>• Offer to print final folio<br> o If printed,<br>▪ Folio must be placed in a RC check-out folder<br>▪ Place copy of bill directly in guest's hand<br>• Ensure transaction was discreet<br>Verify bill is accurate, neat and legible, and all package inclusions were properly handled<br>Evaluate your service and observe others and Mark No if any of the above criteria is not met

  • GEE must offer to e-mail folio to guest Mark N/A if e-folio was arranged at check-in Mark No if any of the above criteria is not met

  • GEE must offer transportation assistance (e.g., call for their car, arrange a taxi) Mark No if transportation assistance is not offered

  • GEE facilitates luggage assistance and escort to the exit<br> <br>Mark N/A if guest is already accompanied by bell staff<br> <br>Employee must:<br>• Offer luggage assistance<br>• Arrange/offer escort of guest and belongings to exit<br>o Introduce you to the escort (if applicable)<br> Mark No if you find any of the above criteria is not met

  • Check-out service is provided in a timely manner Entire check-out transaction excluding time in queue must take less than: • 5 minutes (US-Resorts) If guest accepts offer to print boarding pass or folio, it is acceptable for the above times to be extended by 1 minute Mark No if any of the above criteria is not met

  • How long was the check-out?

  • Front Desk Agent is knowledgeable and confident in interaction<br><br>Mark N/A if interaction did not allow question<br><br>Ask Front Desk Agent a general, position/interaction appropriate question during the interaction and Mark No if they are unable to answer

  • GEE owns and resolves guest's requests and opportunities immediately<br> <br>Mark N/A if No problem or concern was encountered<br> <br>Front Desk Agent must:<br>• Listen actively<br>• Empathize - Express empathy<br>• Apologize and assume ownership<br>• Resolve the problem within 10 min. Provide an extra touch that goes beyond mere resolution<br>• Notify/Thank the guest to confirm their satisfaction<br> Mark No if any of the above criteria is not met

  • GEE uses appropriate verbiage and shows genuine care and interest. Employee must: • Use appropriate verbiage with genuine delivery ("Certainly", "My Pleasure", "I would be happy to") ◦ Not acceptable to use slang or hotel jargon • Engage in warm conversation to show genuine care and interest in the guest Mark No if you encounter or observe any of the above criteria not being followed

  • GEE does not decline a request without offering alternatives<br>Mark N/A if:<br>• No request is made above and beyond normal services offered<br>• Front Desk Agent meets request<br>If guest makes a special request Agent must:<br>• Not just say “No” but use a polite denial, e.g., “I am afraid that we are unable to do that at this time” • Offer alternatives that may help meet the need in another way<br> Mark No if you encounter or observe any of the above criteria not met

  • Front Desk Agent delivered personalized service during interaction, using something the associate learned about the guest Mark No if personalized service not delivered during interaction

  • GEE anticipates need(s) of the guest(Three Steps of Service) • GEE must offer a service/solution/opportunity to meet an anticipated need • Examples of acceptable anticipatory actions include: o Asking if you have any additional charges that may not have shown up on the bill before printing it o Offering to print boarding pass or driving directions o Asking if guest checked the safe for their computer if they are not accompanied by a bellman Acceptable if GEE does not anticipate the "set-up" need or provide one of the options listed above, as long as any need is anticipated during interaction Interact with employee and Mark No if you find any of the following: • Employee did not anticipate guest needs • Employee not present • Insufficient time allowed to anticipate need(s)

  • Front Desk Agent is "On Stage" • GEE only engages in work-related conversation with other employees ◦ Includes cell phone and radio conversations ◦ Earpiece must be used for all radio conversations • Offer escort as well as directions if a location that the guest asked about is not in visible sight Mark No if you encounter or observe any of the following: • Earpiece not used • Escort not offered • Non-work related matters discussed in your presence

  • Guest name used during the experience, when known

  • Further assistance offered to the guest

  • Warm and sincere closing offered and appreciation demonstrated

  • Front Desk Agent provides a fond farewell (Three Steps of Service) • GEE mentions their own name at any time during encounter Interact with employee and Mark No if you encounter or observe any of the following: • Employee name not provided during encounter • Employee not present

  • The overall experience met guest expectations and was free of negative detractors

  • Rate Emotional Engagement with interaction<br>• Positive (4/4 pts): positive emotional experience - Pampered, Special, Indulged, Delighted, Appreciated, Individual<br>• Neutral (0/0 pts): Respected, Understood, Content – not swayed positively or negatively<br>• Negative (0/4 pts): Disinterested, Disconnected, Disappointed, Ignored, Stressed, Frustrated


  • Leader Signature

  • Employee Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.