Title Page

  • Department

  • Area

  • Manager

  • Conducted on

  • Inspection carried out by

  • Location


  • Is combustible waste kept to a minimum and removed regularly?

  • Are mechanical plant and electrical switch rooms clear of stored items; is equipment accessible; and where appropriate – kept locked?

  • Is all portable electrical equipment: Clear of combustible items? | In good condition? | Tested annually (P.A.T)?

  • Is any personal electrical equipment, such as phone chargers/ radio’s etc in use? , If so are they: CE marked and of good quality? | In good condition? | Tested annually (P.A.T)?

  • Are electrical cables and leads: Routed so as not to be prone to damage from trips or entanglement? | In good condition?

  • Where extension cables are used are they: | In good condition | Tested annually (P.A.T)? | No longer than 3m in length? | Fully unwound/extended and not coiled?

  • Is all heating equipment: Clear of clear of combustible items? | In good condition? | Clean?

  • Do all staff know how to report a fault with electrical equipment?

  • Is all storage of combustible items kept to a reasonable minimum and kept at a distance from ignition sources?

  • Is outdoor storage of combustible items, close to buildings and perimeter fences, kept to a minimum?

  • Are all combustible chemicals and/or fuels stored appropriately in suitable containers/cupboards?

  • Where gas cylinders are present are they chained upright and hose fittings appear to be in good condition?

  • Is there any evidence of smoking activities outside of designated staff smoking areas?

  • If there is a designated staff smoking area outside does it have suitable bins that are emptied regularly?


  • Are escape routes kept free from trip hazards and obstructions?

  • Are fire exits kept free from obstruction and obstacles on both sides of the doors?

  • Is all emergency signage in place and clearly readable?

  • Are floors and /or floor coverings on escape routes in good condition so as not to be a trip hazard?

  • Is lighting - including emergency lighting - on escape routes adequate in both daylight and darkness?

  • Are steps and stairways on escape routes in good condition with suitable handrails?

  • Are charges in floor level on escape routes clearly visible or highlighted so as to prevent trip hazards?


  • Are fire extinguishers in the correct position, tamper evident tag in place and kept free from obstructions?

  • Are fire blankets - where provided - in the correct position and accessible?

  • Are fire doors in good condition, kept closed and close fully into door frame rebate?

  • Have all staff – including seasonal and interns – attended/completed Fire Safety training?


  • Inspector's Name & Signature

  • Manager's Name & Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.