Title Page

  • Contractor/Member:

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Project Manager/Superintendent

  • Number of contractor employees on-site?

  • Project Value

  • Project duration

  • Project overview

  • Describe subcontractor usage


  • Established & Effective: Documented evidence that management has allocated appropriate time and resources to understand risks, develop controls, train leadership/staff, monitor and continuously improve program effectiveness for the organization. All Typical & Usual controls must be in place.

  • Typical & Usual: OSHA Compliant - regularly inspect job sites, equipment, and materials to ensure the safety of workers. A competent person must conduct the inspections.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No documented evidence that they have allocated time or resources to understand and develop controls. Controls put in place in response to situation.

Site Administration - Site Safety

  • Established & Effective: Employees have authority to address safety, conditions reflect implementation of safety practices. Regular and frequent inspections conducted by multiple levels within organization.

  • Typical & Usual: Safety manuals, SDS, workplace posters, etc. on site. Emergency telephone numbers. First aid kits. Weekly toolbox safety meeting. Regular inspections conducted and documented.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Limited formal safety practices.

Site Administration - Quality Control

  • Established & Effective: Formal policy in place and followed. Involved in project planning stage. Documented standards (ISO, SSIP, etc.) Third party evaluation. Access to online/electronic plans and mfg. troubleshooting guides and manuals.

  • Typical & Usual: Inspection and test plan in place. Well documented with checklists, photos, test results, and sign-offs. Qualified employees/vendors/subcontractors.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No plan in place. Verbal acceptance by owner.

Site Administration - Security

  • Established & Effective: Perimeter fencing, signage posted, visitor check-in and training, defined entry points. Remote or on-site monitoring.

  • Typical & Usual: Limited number of entry points, with signage. Procedures for end of day/shift (locking gate, gangbox, key management, etc.)

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Limited site protection, access open to anyone.

Site Administration - Housekeeping

  • Established & Effective: Regularly scheduled clean up days/times, nothing-touches-the-floor or similar program, staging areas, procedures for end of day or weather events.

  • Typical & Usual: Aisles and walkways kept clear. General site-wide responsibilities for cleanup. Available containers for waste or recycled materials.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Work areas cleaned up as tasks are completed. No formal cleanup or staging procedures.

Observed Exposures

  • Blasting (1926 Subpart U)

  • Established & Effective: Explosive inventory complete. Stray electric currents checked.

  • Typical & Usual: Contractor qualifications/credentials verified, blasting mats used, non-essential personnel removed, radio transmissions limited, procedures for misfires, explosive storage.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No formal program or procedures in place.

  • Confined Space (1926 Subpart AA)

  • Established & Effective: JHAs completed for all work involving confined spaces. Written program for permit and non-permit confined spaces. Own a tripod and associated gear for entry and rescue.

  • Typical & Usual: Written program, employees trained in formal procedures, equipment, air monitoring, and rescue options. Communication equipment available. Procedures for permit and non-permit required confined spaces.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Employees not trained. Limited equipment and procedures for completing work. No rescue plan included.

  • Cranes/Rigging/Signaling/Lifting (1926 Subpart N)

  • Established & Effective: Appointed or authorized personnel conduct inspections. Qualified rigger(s) and qualified signal person(s). Daily planning outlining lifting tasks. Site assessment and ground stability conducted. Geotechnical engineer collaboration.

  • Typical & Usual: Annual Inspection Certificate (Load Tested), Inspected prior to use, Rated Load Capacity Posted, Hand Signals posted, Stabilized Prior To Use, Swing radius clear/barricaded, 10 Feet Minimum to Power Lines, Rigging Slings In Good Condition, Rated capacity of slings available.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No formal program or procedures in place.

  • Demolition (1926 Subpart T)

  • Established & Effective: Engineering surveys available. Properly vetted contractors performing demolition work. Site specific safety plan. Following ANSI safety and Health Program requirements for Demolition Operations.

  • Typical & Usual: Formal program, trained employees. Best practices followed for sequence, fall protection and debris removal. Electrical hazards mitigated. Chutes for disposal above 20 feet in height, shoring of adjacent structures, utilities shut off, hazardous materials removed.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No formal program or procedures in place.

  • Electric Cords and Power Tools (1926 Subpart I & K)

  • Established & Effective: Effective cord management program in place (cords up off floor, protected from abrasion, etc.) Cords picked up at end of day. Process for removing from service. Ergonomically designed hand tools.

  • Typical & Usual: GFCI Protection on all Cords, Extension cords in good condition, Cords In Use Protected From Damage, Power tools/cords in good condition, Power Tool Guards In Place, Used properly.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No formal processes in place for inspecting cords or removing from service. Issues for cords and power tools identified as they are seen.

  • Excavations (>4’) (1926 Subpart P)

  • Established & Effective: Soil Type Identified. Properly barricaded, Accumulated Water; Adequate Dewatering. Employees have stop work authority.

  • Typical & Usual: Competent person on-site, Underground Utilities Identified, Proper protection methods (Sloping/Benching/Shoring Over 5',) Excavated Material 2' from Edge, inspected daily for hazardous conditions, egress provided every 25 feet.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Limited-to-no formal procedures in place. Proper protective systems may or may not be used.

  • Excavations (<4')

  • Established & Effective: Pre-excavation meetings, sketch of entire site and surroundings.

  • Typical & Usual: Competent person on-site, Underground Utilities Identified (One Call/811), route of excavation white-lined or flagged, pot holing and/or hand digging, new locates every 10 days, photographs and/or video after locates and prior to excavation.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Limited-to-no formal procedures in place.

  • Fall Protection (1926 Subpart M)

  • Established & Effective: Competent person(s) named and involved. Fall hazards identified through JHAs. Employees trained in all aspects of fall protection systems used. All OSHA trigger heights followed.

  • Typical & Usual: Protection system in place for all employees working more than 6 feet above a lower level, all floor openings protected, covers for holes secured and labeled, warning line system, PFAS used, body harness/lanyards in good condition. Method for removal from service.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No formal fall protection program in place. Fall exposures addressed on a case-by-case basis. Training is informal.

  • Flammable Liquids (1926 Subpart F)

  • Established & Effective: Quantities noted – (1926.152(b)). 30 ft. clearance from combustibles when conducting hot work, controls to prevent loss of containment. Class I and II do not exceed 60 gallons within 50 feet of equipment.

  • Typical & Usual: Approved and labeled containers, stored in approved areas – cabinets, storage tanks bonded/grounded with pressure relief, cylinders stored/secured in upright position, empty containers removed. Storage areas free of debris, free of ignition sources, NO SMOKING, approved safety containers.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No formal program or procedures in place. Excessive storage >60 gallons, ignition sources not controlled.

  • Global Harmonization – Hazard Communication (Subpart D and 1910.1200)

  • Established & Effective: Written program, verified employee training, control and disposal measures established.

  • Typical & Usual: Safety Data Sheets available, material(s) properly labeled and stored.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No formal program or procedures in place.

  • Heavy Equipment

  • Established & Effective: Annual operator training documented on specific equipment. Telematics and/or system to notify operators of workers nearby. Blind spot alarms, visual aids and training.

  • Typical & Reactive: Equipment handled on level grade. ROPS on all equipment. Pre-operation safety and maintenance inspections verified. Back-up alarms. No broken or missing windows, cages or safety protection for operator.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Limited or no pre-operational checklists, no operator training, no ROPS, equipment in poor/below average condition.

  • Horizontal Directional Drilling

  • Established & Effective: Site-specific emergency action plan, as well as an effective traffic control plan.

  • Typical & Usual: Competent person on-site, trained/qualified operator(s). Underground Utilities Identified. Entry and exit drilling locations visibly marked or staked. Overhead power lines have been identified and marked.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Limited-to-no formal procedures in place.

  • Hot Work (Welding/Soldering/Cutting) (1926 Subpart J)

  • Established & Effective: Location is noncombustible construction, low combustible load, 1+ hour fire watch.

  • Typical & Usual: Hot Work permit required, proper storage of compressed gas cylinders, secured when in use, regulators/gauges in good condition, hoses identified/not interchangeable, cables, connectors insulated, walking surfaces clear, fire watch, portable fire extinguisher, adequate ventilation, proper PPE

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No fire watch posted, no controls over subcontractors hot work. No formal program in place.

  • Lockout and Tagging (1926 Subpart K)

  • Established & Effective: JHAs completed for all LOTO tasks. Training for employees on LOTO procedures in the field. Proper PPE and equipment provided to all employees who perform LOTO.

  • Typical & Usual: Formal Energy Control Procedures (LOTO) available, list of authorized personnel and training documentation available, locking & tagging devices only for energy control.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Minimal implementation of, or training on, LOTO procedures. No formal program in place.

  • Mobile Elevated Work Platforms 1926 Subpart L)

  • Established & Effective: Function test before each shift.

  • Typical & Usual: Pre-operational inspection. Boom or scissor lift, training, fall protection, inspections, and maintenance.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Unsafe operations noted. Operators not trained on proper use. No formal program in place.

  • Occupational Health (IH - air, noise, heat, etc.)

  • Established & Effective: Engineering, work practices and administrative controls attempted. Personal protective equipment (PPE) program addresses the hazards present; the selection, maintenance, and use of PPE; the training of employees; and monitoring of the program to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.

  • Typical & Usual: PPE may include items such as gloves, safety glasses and shoes, earplugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators, or coveralls, vests and full body suits.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No formal program or policies in place.

  • Personal Protective Equipment (1926 Subpart E)

  • Established & Effective: Comprehensive hazard assessment and employee training.

  • Typical & Usual: Hard hats, appropriate work clothing, gloves, work shoes, eye protection

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Employees and subcontractors noted to not be used/worn. Improper use of PPE noted.

  • Scaffolding (1926 Subpart L)

  • Established & Effective: Qualified subcontractor sets up and dismantles scaffold. No other subcontractor usage.

  • Typical & Usual: Daily inspection prior to use, tied to structure, legs on sound footing, wheels locked, frames locked, cross bracing secured, work platform fully planked, access ladder to work platform, guardrails/toeboards > 10 feet, minimum 10 feet to power lines.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Damaged or bent/cracked structural members and planking. Close proximity to electrical wiring. Accessing scaffolding by structural members, not proper access points. Improper bracing, poor foundation or footings.

  • Stairways and Ladders (1926 Subpart X)

  • Established & Effective: JHAs completed for ladder tasks. Ladders last program in use, inspections completed by user, training provided. Formal program in place. Method for removing ladders from service.

  • Typical & Usual: Good condition, on stable surface, step ladders open; braces locked, extension ladders 3’ above support, extension ladders tied off. Ladders inspected, training provided, employees understand use and limitations.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No formal program in place, ladders not inspected regularly, no current or ongoing training provided.

  • Steel Erection (1926 Subpart X)

  • Established & Effective: Structural stability is maintained, shear connectors and walking on top of coated steel (slip/trip hazards), competent person determines use of more than two bolts for connections. Certified, competent and qualified welders. Critical lift plans approved by competent person.

  • Typical & Usual: Approval to begin (concrete cur), site layout – access controls, cranes/hoists inspection, qualified riggers, work zones identified, fully decked or netting within 30 feet, roof/floor openings covered, falling object protection, fall protection, perimeter cable, controlled decking zone, TRAINING.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Cranes/Rigging/Signaling/Lifting and Fall Protection must be at least Typical & Usual.

  • Traffic Control (Work Zone) (1926 Subpart O)

  • Established & Effective: Temporary barriers (concrete, metal, water filled, etc.). Police presence during entire operation when workers on site.

  • Typical & Reactive: MUTCD, Trained flaggers, proper PPE, adequate warning signs/traffic control, barricades; Internal Traffic Control Plan, blind spots, back-up alarms.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: No or inattentive flaggers. Limited barriers and traffic signs. Congested site with limited Internal Traffic controls.

  • Water: Work on or adjacent (1926 Subpart E)

  • Established & Effective: Never working alone (buddy system). Equipment and materials safe distance from waters edge. Personnel trained on first aid and CPR. Work floats properly loaded, stable and securely moored.

  • Typical & Usual: U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket or buoyant work vests and inspections, ring buoys – 90 feet of line; less than 200 feet between, lifesaving skiff. Deck access and egress clear and unobstructed.

  • Unpredictable & Reactive: Workers noted without PPE. No formal program or procedures in place.



The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.