Title Page

  • Rental Certificate Number

  • Property Address

  • Inspection Completed On

  • Inspected By

  • Name of Onsite Representative

  • Is onsite representative the owner/agent or tenant?

  • Is the unit occupied or vacant?

  • What type of Inspection is being performed?



  • Has any work been done that requires applicable permits?

  • Are there any open permits within the last 5 years that require approved finals?

General Requirements

General Requirements (Chapter 3) 2021 IPMC

  • Exterior property in clean, safe and sanitary condition?

  • Premises graded and maintained to prevent erosion of soil and accumulation of water?

  • Sidewalks and driveways in good repair, free from hazardous conditions?

  • Premises maintained free from weeds or plant growth?

  • Premises free from rodent harborage?

  • Accessory structures such as garage, fences, walls structurally sound and in good repair?

  • Vehicles in operative condition and licensed?

  • Premises free from defacent/graffiti?

  • Swimming pool maintained in clean and sanitary condition, and in good repair?

  • Enclosures. Private swimming pools, hot tubs and spas, containing water more than 24 inches (610 mm) in depth shall be completely surrounded by a fence or barrier not less than 48 inches (1219 mm) in height above the finished ground level measured on the side of the barrier away from the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self-closing and self-latching. Where the self-latching device is less than 54 inches (1372 mm) above the bottom of the gate, the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the gate. Self-closing and self-latching gates shall be maintained such that the gate will positively close and latch when released from an open position of 6 inches (152 mm) from the gatepost. An existing pool enclosure shall not be removed, replaced or changed in a manner that reduces its effectiveness as a safety barrier.<br>Exception: Spas or hot tubs with a safety cover that complies with ASTM F1346 shall be exempt from the provisions of this section.<br>

  • Exterior of structure in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary?

  • Exterior surfaces including doors, door and window frames, cornices, porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences maintained in good condition and protected from the elements by paint or other protective treatments?

  • Does the structure have approved address numbers in place visible from the street or road? Numbers shall be contrast with background, Arabic numerals or alphabet letters not less than 4" in height with a minimum width of .5".

  • Foundation/Exterior walls free from defects, holes, cracks, loose or rotting materials, weather proof and can prevent entry of rodents?

  • Roof free of defects, weatherproof and structurally sound?

  • Stairs, porches, decks and balconies in good repair and structurally sound?

  • Chimneys in good repair and structurally sound?

  • Do all interior and exterior flight of stairs have the required guards and handrails? <br>Every exterior and interior flight of stairs having more than four risers shall have a handrail on one side of the stair and every open portion of a stair, landing, balcony, porch, deck, ramp or other walking surface that is more than 30 inches (762 mm) above the floor or grade below shall have guards. Handrails shall be not less than 30 inches (762 mm) in height or more than 42 inches (1067 mm) in height measured vertically above the nosing of the tread or above the finished floor of the landing or walking surfaces. Guards shall be not less than 30 inches (762 mm) in height above the floor of the landing, balcony, porch, deck, or ramp or other walking surface.<br>Exception: Guards shall not be required where exempted by the adopted building code.<br>

  • Handrails and guards in good repair and structurally sound?

  • Windows weather tight, free of cracks and holes, easy to open and close, sash locks working, and in normal operating conditions?

  • Required insect screens installed and free of defects?

  • Doors free of defects, weathertight and maintained in good condtion?

  • Do all doors leading to the exterior have required deadbolts?

  • Interior structure in good repair, capable of supporting imposed loads, and structurally sound?

  • Interior surfaces including doors and windows in good, clean, sanitary condition. Free from peeling, chipping and flaking?

  • The exterior/interior of the premises free from accumulation of rubbish or garbage?

  • The structure free from insects and rodents?

  • Are gutters, downspouts and extensions installed in good condition, free of leaks, defects and drained away from the foundation or to prevent a public nuisance?

Light, Ventilation and Occupancy Limitations

Light, Ventilation and Occupancy Limitations (Chapter 4) 2021 IPMC

  • Does all habitable spaces contain at least one window of approved size facing to the outdoors?

  • Are common halls and stairways lighted at all times?

  • Do bathrooms and toilet rooms contain a window or bath fan?

  • Does the required bath fan vent to the exterior of the structure?

  • Does the clothes dryer exhaust vent directly to the outdoors?

  • Has the dryer duct been properly installed, does not contain screws, damper in good condition, the transition duct is UL2158A listed and labeled?

  • Are any prohibited spaces being used for sleeping purposes, such as kitchens, mechanical rooms, or rooms without required egress windows? Bedrooms shall not constitute the only means of access to other bedrooms or habitable spaces and shall not serve as the only means of egress from other habitable spaces.

  • Does the dwelling unit have an over occupancy?

Plumbing Facilities and Fixture Requirements

Plumbing Facilities and Fixture Requirements (Chapter 5) IPMC 2021

  • Does the unit contain a bathtub, shower, lavatory, water closet and kitchen sink?

  • Are plumbing fixtures properly installed in good working order, free from defects, leaks, obstructions, chipping or peeling glaze and in sanitary condition and capable of performing the function for which it was designed?

  • Does the plumbing system contain any hazards such as, inadequate service, inadequate venting, cross connection, back siphonage, improper installation, deterioration or damage?

  • Are the required vacuum breakers (Anti-siphon) devices installed on applicable laundry tubs, hose bibs, handheld shower hoses, or other fixtures that have hoses attached and left in place?

  • Are all shutoff valves in good working order, free of defects, leaks and capable of performing there intended function?

  • Does the hot water work and capable of providing adequate water supply at a temperature of not less than 110 degrees?

  • Are plumbing fixtures properly connected to an approved sewage disposal system? (Sump pumps shall not discharge to sanitary sewer.)

Mechanical Requirements

Mechanical Requirements (Chapter 6) 2021 IMPC

  • Has a recent copy of the furnace/boiler clean and check been provided by a licensed contractor? (Form provided on City website)

  • Does the structure contain a current State inspected boiler certificate? (If applicable)

  • Is the heating system maintaining a minimum room temperature of 68 degrees in all habitable rooms? <br>(Temperature measured 3' above the floor near the center of the room and 2' inward from the center of each exterior wall)

  • Are the mechanical equipment, appliances, fireplaces, solid fuel burning appliances, cooking appliances and water heating appliances installed free from defects, leaks, maintained in a safe working condition and capable of performing the intended function?

  • Do any fuel burning appliances or valves have a gas leak?

  • Has the mechanical equipment or appliances been connected to an approved chimney or vent?

  • Do the mechanical equipment and appliances have the required clearances to combustibles?

  • Do the mechanical equipment or appliances have safety controls maintained in effective operation?

  • Is the duct system free of obstructions, defects, have vents installed were required and capable of performing its required function?

Electrical Requirements

Electrical Requirements (Chapter 6) 2021 IPMC

  • Has the electrical equipment, wiring and appliances been properly installed and maintained in a safe working order?

  • Do all habitable rooms contain not less than 2 separate and remote outlets?

  • Does every public hall, interior stairway, toilet room, bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, boiler room and furnace room contain not less than one electric light?

  • Does every bathroom contain not less than one receptacle? (Any new bathroom receptacle shall be GFCI protected)

  • Are all outlets properly wired, grounded, free from defects? (Ungrounded outlets shall be 2 prong, protected by a GFCI outlet or GFCI breaker and labeled "No Equipment Ground.")

  • Do all outlets, switches and junction boxes have the appropriate covers?

  • Does the garbage disposal have a strain relief clamp?

  • Does any exposed wiring require proper termination in a junction box?

  • Does the service entrance cable have deterioration requiring replacement? (Permit required if replaced)

  • Is the service panel in good working condition, free from defects or exposed wiring, has all breakers installed or the appropriate blank?

  • Have any flexible cords/extension cords been used for permanent wiring, running through windows, doors, cabinets or concealed within walls, floors or ceilings?

  • Does the structure have an elevator? If so, does it have a current certificate of inspection by the state?

Fire Safety Requirements

Fire Safety Requirements (Chapter 7) 2021 IPMC

  • Does the property contain a fire suppression system? If so, has the most recent annual fire suppression report been provided? (Any noted deficiencies require correction.)

  • Does the property contain a fire alarm system? If so, has the most recent annual fire alarm report been provided? (Any noted deficiencies require correction.)

  • Does the property have any FDC connections? If so, do they have an approved sign mounted on the street front or on the side of the building? Such signs shall have the letters "FDC" not less than 6" high and words in letters not less than 2" high or an arrow to indicate the location. Signs are subject to the approval of the Fire Code Official.

  • Does the Fire Department Connection have any obstruction by fences, bushs, trees, walls or any other fixed or movable object?

  • Do any fire extinguishers require annual certification or repair?

  • Do any sprinkler heads have any defects, leaks or paint on them that would require replacement?

  • Does the structure have a safe, continuous and unobstructed path of travel from all points with required width of aisles and means of egress?

  • Do any locked doors or emergency escape openings, that are used for a means of egress have any locks or hardware that require keys, tools, special knowledge or effort from the side of egress?

  • Do any walls, floors, ceilings, partions or shaft enclosures require any repairs?

  • Do any walls, floors or ceilings contain any non approved materials or access panels?

  • Do any areas need to be draft stopped or fire stopped? (Spray foams, fire caulks and putty's shall have the appropriate UL listing for the application in which they are used.)

  • Are fire and smoke doors in good repair, sound condition and rated for the application in which they are used?

  • Are self-closing door closers in good repair and installed on all applicable doors?

  • Are all exit signs and emergency lights in good repair, capable of functioning in the event of a power outage?

  • Do all floors including the basement contain a smoke detector?

  • Do each approved room use for sleeping contain a smoke detector?

  • Has a smoke detector been provided outside the sleeping area in the immediate vicinity?

  • Are smoke detectors that are required to be connected to the building power source being maintained? (Wireless interconnected smoke detectors may be used in lieu of hard wired interconnected)

  • Are any smoke detectors that are on a non-monitored system 10 years or older?

  • Do all smoke alarms that are required to be interconnected interconnect?

  • Are smoke detectors in good operating condition, audible, free of defects and free of paint?

  • Have all smoke detectors been installed in the correct positions per manufacturer's instructions? (Smoke detectors shall be no lower than 12" down on a side wall from the adjoining ceiling. Smoke detectors shall not be installed within 3' of a bath door containing a shower, 3' of a ceiling fan, 3' of a supply air duct or within 20' of a stove. Photoelectric smoke alarms shall not be installed any closer than 6' from a cooking appliance. See manufacturer instructions for all installation requirements.)

  • Has a carbon monoxide detector been installed outside of bedrooms in structures containing fuel fired appliances or an attached garage?

General Notes

General Notes

  • Do any additional notes need to be added?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.