Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Cabinets, racks or other storage devices are free of unnecessary items.
Work benches area clear of unnecessary clutter, trash, etc...
No old or outdated posters, graphs, log sheets, memos or notices are on the SQDCM board or other visual boards.
No unnecessary parts, equipment or other materials are lying around or out of place.
No overflowing waste bins are visible.
Have rules been established regarding unneeded items? Red tag area established?
The quality area floor is clean and litter free, no excessive dust build up.
All work benches, racks or other storage devices are clean.
Work stools/chairs are clean and dirt free.
Walls, windows, and light fixtures are clean and in good working condition.
All paintwork on walls, floors, equipment, etc.. are in good condition.
Daily cleaning tasks have been assigned to responsible personnel.
Areas that are demarcated and labeled are strictly adhered to.
Set to Order
Contents of cabinets, work benches, racks or other storage devices are organized and labeled?
Quality supplies and documents are arranged in a manner that makes them easy to use and put back in the proper location?
Walkways are clear of obstruction?
Work stools/chairs are stored properly when not in use?
Items should have a designated storage space.
All cleaning tools and accessories are stored in clearly marked locations.
Are all items stored in a safe/secure manner? (flammable cabinet, risk of falling items overhead etc...)
Are responsibility maps posted in the 5S area?
Are 5S rules posted in the 5S area?
Are "how it should look" pictures posted in the 5S area?
Is there a visible 5S action plan posted?
Is a consistent style of labeling used extensively in the 5S area?
Is there evidence of management reviews?
Is review of 5S a standing team meeting topic?
Are 5S rules periodically reviewed?
Are 5S action items addressed in a timely manner?
Are exits/isles clear?
Are all containers identified and labeled?
Are fire extinguishers clear of obstruction (36”)?
Are eyewashes / shower stations clear of obstruction?
Are gas Cylinders properly stored and secured?