
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Area of Inspection

  • Person or persons completing the inspection

  • Centers are required to conduct and document weekly/monthly inspections. Results of the inspection are recorded below. In the event a deficiency is identified that cannot be corrected, the Safety Officer will submit a maintenance work order for the deficiency. Completed checklists must be returned to the Center Safety Officer based on center policy. The general safety and health checklist applies and should be attached to the checklist.

Weekly food services inspection

  • Temperatures for refrigerators and freezers are recorded daily (7 days a week).

  • All refrigerators and freezers have a separate mechanical gauge.

  • Original containers or approved secondary dispensers are properly labeled.

  • Food is properly protected during storage, preparation, display, service, and transportation.

  • Persons with infections are prohibited from working.

  • Hands are washed, clean, and good hygiene is practiced.

  • Clothing is washed, clean, and hair restraint is utilized.

  • Food contact surfaces are clean and properly maintained.

  • Non food contact surfaces are clean and properly maintained.

  • Dish washing facilities are properly maintained and operated.

  • Wash, rinse, and clean practices are utilized for dishes, cups, and utensils.

  • Sanitizing rinse clean and rinse temperature recorded daily (180 degrees without sanitizing solution 150 degrees or above with sanitizing solution.) .

  • Wiping cloths: clean, properly stored, and limited in use.

  • Water source is safe, hot, cold, and has the proper pressure.

  • Toilet and hand washing facilities are adequate in number, accessibility, and properly cleaned.

  • Restrooms are properly enclosed, have self closing doors, fixtures are in good repair, hand cleaner is provided, hand dry device present, soap provided, toiletries, waste receptacles, and adequate ventilation provided.

  • Waste containers are provided, covered, adequate in number, insect/rodent proof, clean, not overflowing, and lids are closed.

  • Area is free of insects, rodents, birds, or other vermin.

  • Floors are properly constructed, drained, clean, and in good repair.

  • Proper ventilation is provided, no odors steam, or condensation present.

  • Walls and floors are clean, properly constructed and in good repair.

  • Dressing rooms are clean, lockers provided, and facilities are utilized.

  • Necessary toxins are properly stored, labeled, and stored separate from food perpetration.

  • Premises is maintained free of litter and unnecessary items.

  • Clean or soiled linen separated and properly stored.

  • Safety Officer

  • Food Service Manager

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.