Title Page

  • Store

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • MOD

Key holder Security

  • Does the manager on duty have keys on their person? Not left unattended in office, drawers etc. MUST be on person.

  • Is the manager on duty the only person accessing the safe?

  • Are the EPOS till keys in a signed bag sealed tamper proof bag?

  • Is the key holder list in the safe and up to date? All keys tagged? Manager Drop safe key signed for?

  • Is the CHUBB key holder list up to date? Does each key holder have their own specific alarm code?

EPOS System & Codes

  • Are all staff on shift and serving using their own specific till code and using allocated till?

  • Have any till issues been reported? E.g. Stocking drawer, faulty credit card machine?

  • Are temporary till codes issued to one staff member at a time? Codes requested for new staff?

Till and Safe Checks

  • Has all cash been counted and entered on Symphony

  • Have any variances to the cash been reported to the Area Manager and clearly marked comments on the DBSS

  • Is the safe float total correct to that issued to the store? Spot check 2x £1 coin an 3c silver bags and ensure they are correct.

  • Is the handover procedure being followed correctly?

Cash Tender

  • Are £20 & £50 notes placed under tray? £50 notes checked and receipt printed and signed? Forgery pens in use?

  • Are cash, credit card receipts and vouchers secure? Check for loose money in the office, bar and storage.

  • Is change only given as part of a genuine transaction?

Loyalty & Discount Procedures

  • Are the Caffè Nero loyalty procedures understood and followed? Check staff understanding against poster.

  • Check each card has been voided (torn) and correct receipt attached. Imputed correctly on the till and at the time of acceptance?

  • Are staff discounts procedures being followed correctly?

  • Are promotional discounts completed correctly? Only given where applicable.

  • Is the loyalty poster in a prominent position in the office?

Banking and ICE Procedures

  • Is the banking book and stub completed correctly? (2 signatures,

  • Is all banking deposited on the drop safe?

  • Are the ICE banking rules poster displayed in the office?

  • Does the store have a suitable supply of banking books, Nero cash bags, uplift bags and voucher envelopes?

  • Has the ICE collection happened check dual signature on yellow deposit slip.

Store Security

  • Are all staff areas secure? Where stockrooms have their own door, this must be locked when unattended.

  • Is the office door secured and locked during cashing up/uplifts and ICE collection?

  • Is the store laptop secure? Locked down in office or stored in safe?

  • Are digo-locks changed in line with CN policy


  • Is the CCTV in working order with cameras fully focused and recording? Is the unit secured and locked? (Key must be in safe)

  • Is the time and date correct ( within 5 minutes or actual time)

  • Is the CCTV Nero policy available?

Cash and Safe Reconciliation

  • EPOS till keys bag number:

  • CCTV Key bag number

  • Loyalty Stamps Total

  • Please take a picture of the safe and till check

  • MOD signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.