Title Page

  • Conducted week of

  • Airfield

  • Evaluator(s):


  • AC 01. Review facility staffing prospective gains/losses by paygrade. List BA/COB/BBD outlook P+3, P+6, P+9 (including civilians). Does facility have all the required NEC coded controllers per the AMD?

  • AC 02. Has facility contacted Detailer, Placement, and/or CNIC N32 to identify provisions to rectify staffing issues? List steps taken and when.

  • AC 03. Watch bill requirement review. Are TAD/Collateral duty requirements negatively affecting ATC training? If so, detail watch assignments, number of watches for each controller and list steps taken to address the issue with COC. (i.e ASF, Honor Guard, ODO)

  • AC 04. Are current and projected facility qualifications and supervisor designations at or above what is required to maintain published operating hours? If not, list projected shortfalls, when, and what mitigations have been implemented to improve the situation.

  • AC 05. Are any trainees cross training?

  • AC 06. How many trainees are training under initial qualification criteria?

  • AC 07. Is facility meeting ATC NATOPS time to train requirements, including subsequent qualifications? Show military and civilian training progress by percentage complete.

  • AC 08. Is the facility conducting CEBs when required? If so, are results/recommendations on file?

  • AC 09. Does facility have any controllers in jeopardy of being revoked, and/or have been suspended? If so, list details.

  • AC 10. Are Chiefs fully qualified?

  • AC 11. Are unqualified Chief’s assigned in a crew and in the long/short term training plan? If not, provide details.

  • AC 12. Is facility staffing a non-filled E-8 LCPO billet with and E-7? If so, list why and what steps have been taken to resolve.

  • AC 13. Are fully qualified Chief’s filling the ATC NATOPS Instructor (Branch Chief) billets? If not, explain.

  • AC 14. Are any controllers currently in a grounded status? Provide details of when controller was grounded and expected return to "UP" status. Brief extended medical groundings and expected duration.

  • AC 15. Do any of the groundings exceed ATC NATOPS guidance (00-80T-114)? If so, detail revocation process for controller.

  • AC 16. Is facility experiencing any issues pertaining to flight physicals that would prolong grounding notices and affect training program? If so, list details including Flight Surgeon POC information and when last contacted.

  • AC 17. Is simulator usage reducing time to qualify? Brief simulator use and how it is being utilized to offset lulls in traffic volume. Brief any simulator outages and/or problems and steps take to resolve.

  • AC 18. Is the simulator use hours/numbers tracked for air activity reporting?

  • AC 19. Does the ATCFO or ATC LCPO have access to CMS-ID/BBD?

  • AC 20. Are there any other items that could affect the ATC training program? If so, brief weather phenomena, backlogs in training, etc.

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