Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Food Safety

  • Hand washing is correctly completed when needed and by all staff members at all times

  • Hot water is available

  • All products are in date with a fully complete label (product name, open date, discard date, initials)

  • All kitchen staff have food safety training certificate

  • Previous three months of food safety records are available

  • Daily temperature checks completed and accurate, any issues are actioned accordingly

  • Probe and probe wipes are available

  • All fridge temperatures are between 1 - 5 degrees

  • All freezer temperatures are less than -18 degrees

  • Sanitizer is available and in use

  • Cross contamination isn’t observed

  • Chemicals have a designated, labelled storage area. Chemicals are all labelled correctly and not stored next to food.

  • Any pest control issues raised by pest control/EHO have been actioned and completed

  • Staff are aware of allergen information and communicate customer information to kitchen when needed

  • Ice handling procedures are followed

  • Only approved suppliers are used


  • External floor, tables, chairs, foliage, windows and signage are all clean and in good working order

  • Internal floors, tables, chairs, cutlery (polished), menus, and fixings all clean and well maintained

  • Customer toilets clean and stocked, floors, sink, taps, mirrors clean and hand soap available

  • Staff toilets, floors, sink, taps, mirrors clean and hand soap available

  • All Kitchen floors, walls, fridges (including seals) and equipment cleaned and in good repair

  • All BOH areas including office, stock rooms and changing rooms clean and in good repair


  • Customers are warmly greeted within 30seconds of arrival

  • Only relevant menus are displayed at the tables

  • Staff have a good knowledge of menu

  • Staff upsell to customers offering add-ons

  • Front of house react to kitchen bell within 30 seconds

  • Res diary in use 100% compliance

  • Manager in charge reacts to any issues on shift in the correct manner and resolves them ASAP

  • Customer menu requests are honoured where possible

  • All lights are in working order including signage

  • Music is on

  • Customer wait for starters from ordering is no more than 10 minutes

  • Customer wait for mains is no more than 15 minutes from ordering or “mains away”

  • Customer wait for desserts is no more than 10 minutes from ordering


  • All menu products built to spec

  • All menu products are available

  • Products are not half built and left to stand for longer than one minute.

  • All stock is rotated correctly and FIFO is in use

Shift control

  • Positioning guide in use and up to date at all times

  • Daily Sales targets displayed

  • Team brief at start of shift completed with all staff members

  • Daily job list in use and communicated to staff

  • Shift is rush ready for peak periods

  • All kitchen staff wearing correct, clean uniform with correct footwear, hair covered and a beard snood in place if necessary

  • All front of house staff wearing correct, clean and ironed uniform

  • Action plan from previous audit available

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.