
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Branch Name

  • Branch address
  • Conducted on

  • Auditor

  • Auditee

  • Area Manager

  • Others present

Audit Summary

  • Audit Summary

Section 1

Audit Summary

Scoring System

  • 4 - systems and procedures are developed, implemented & effective 3 - systems and procedures are developed, implemented & improvements to be made 2 - systems and procedures are developed, implemented but not effective 1 - systems and procedures are developed, but not implemented 0 - little or no evidence of compliance


  • Q1 (Q 7.5.5)<br>Are all plant, equipment, consumables, spares and exchange components are: 1) to be handled in such a manner as to prevent damage and deterioration. 2) to be provided with secure storage areas to prevent damage, deterioration and interference from unauthorised persons? 3) periodically assess to detect deterioration in the condition of plant and equipment. 4) appropriately packaged where required tomprovide protection aganist the elements 5) transported by vehicles selected for suitability to the task

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q2 (OHS 4.4.6)<br>Does the branch have appropriate hazchem and class diamond signage?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q3. (OHS 4.4.6) Verify log book being filled out correctly

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q4. (OHS 4.4.6) Is the jib being used authorised

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q5 (OHS 4.4.6)<br>Operators of forklifts observed wearing seatbelts or EWP wearing harness

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q6. (OHS 4.4.6) Verify competence of person operating a forklift

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q7 (OHS 4.4.6) Are current drivers manuals in vehicles <br>

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q8 (OHS 4.4.6) Service records, roadworthy, lifting equipment certified etc. <br>

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q9 (OHS 4.4.6) Vehicle suitable for journey terrain, ie serviced, tyres in good condition, first aid kit, EPIRB - valid and working, PPE First aid kits

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q10 (OHS 4.4.6) Is vehicle currently serviced and HIAB (if applicable ) has annual inspection and service check for Certs

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q11 (OHS 4.4.6) Confined spaces are identified with appropriate signage

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q12 (OHS 4.4.6) There are mechanisms to prevent unauthorised access to confined spaces - eg locks.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q13 (OHS 4.4.6) Is trailer connection post on display and are safety clips attached to trailer couplings

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q14 (OHS 4.4.6) Own use equipment - is the following available, operating and safety instructions, maintenance records, calibration etc

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q15 (OHS 4.4.6) Are guards and e-stops fitted to own use fixed P&E eg bench grinder, ped drill.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q16 (OHS 4.4.6) Have own use tools displaying SOP also have induction sign off a accompying them. <br>

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q17 (OHS 4.4.6) Maintenance records, calibration( for RCD and Pat testers) etc check stickers on machines plus certificates

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q18 (E 4.4.7 & OHS 4.4.6) Clearly labelled Spill kits are available on site. Kits are regularly checked and maintained

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #


  • Q19 (Q 7.5.3) Is equipment identified (by assigning with an unique number) for the purpose of traceability and stock control?<br>Sample 5 x plant numbers for go row and then check against status in base plan

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q20 (OHS 4.4.6) & (Q 8.2.4) Select 3 items of plant for compliance to silver service maintenance systems. E.g. Trailers compaction, classified plant. <br>Use asset assessment sheet

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q21 (OHS 4.4.6 & Q 8.2.4) Is non-conforming product prevented from inadvertent use and for the identification, evaluation, segregation, disposition and notification of non conforming equipment inclusion those of its sub contractors

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q22 (OHS 4.4.6) Staff have training & knowledge of the tagging procedure. Ask fit how do you know what tags to use. Show us through plant and technical or blue book.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q23 (Q 7.5.1 & OHS 4.2.1, 4.2.2) Are checklists and procedures used for maintenance process?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Section 2

Hire Counter

  • Q24 (Q 4.1) Hire cycle ( phone call, day book, Baseplan, file, phone call, day book, file, invoice/return VERBAL ANSWER

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q25 (Q 7.1 & Q 7.5.1) Have service monitoring and verification methods been established. (Day book)

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q26 (Q7.1) Records arising from such maintained. Check signatures on delivers and HA's (system for contractor to be noted)

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q27 (OHS 4.5.4) Are storage arrangements appropriate, secure and suitable to necessary storage time requirements? Are confidential records managed appropriately?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q28 (OHS 4.5.4) Are records identified and maintained

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q29 (Q 4.2.4) Select a sample of 5 branch records form the records register. Verify that each record is available and stored in the correct location. For each record verify that the information in the record is legible and the record is complete.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q30 (OHS 4.5.4) Have responsibilities been assigned to those that keep records? Are records legible traceable etc? Can the records be easily retrieved?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q31 (Q 4.2.3) Is there a method to verify currency of documents? Are obsolete documents identified and quarantined ? Are documents adequately distributed and available to relevant personnel? Perform a routine inspection of all branch hard copy documentation and verify that hard policies and procedures and forms are the most current versions available.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Workplace Inspections

  • Q32 (OHS 4.4.6) Branch conducts monthly branch workplace inspections

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q33 (OHS Employees participate in hazard and risk assessments, workplace and environmental inspections. Responsibility for workplace inspections have been delegated out.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q34 (OHS If building was built prior to 01/01/2004 is asbestos report available? If asbestos found annual report required.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q35 (OHS Accidients, incidents, hazards reported into b-safe

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #


  • Q36 (Q 8.5.2, 8.5.3 & E 4.4.7, E 4.5.3) Are corrective actions identified and carried out ? Are NCR closed out? Is effectiveness of preventative or corrective action verified.?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q37 (Q5.4.1& 5.4.2) Confirm all aspects of the business plan which relate to branch activities are being completed in accordance with defined deliverables.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q38 (OHS 4.5.2) All accidents, incidents and near misses are recorded in B-safe. All records are reviewed, investigated and closed out by their due date.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q39 (OHS 4.1) Are employees aware that Coates hire has an OHS which aims to control operations, services and processes which may have safety risk and environmental impact?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q40 (OHS Injuries are reported to Occ-Corp with 24hrs

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q41 (OHS & E 4.4.1) Notifiable incidients reported to statutory authorities (as required ) ie: work safe, EPA, health Dept, Water Authority, Local Gov. Who do you report these too?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Electrical Testing

  • Q42 (OHS 4.4.6) Are power outlets in hazardous areas clearly identified as RCD protected (green label) or not RCD protected (red label)

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q43 (OHS 4.4.6) Is the branch RCD test register in place and current?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q44 (OHS 4.4.7) Verify staff competence performing test and tag process.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q45 (OHS 4.4.6) Powered equipment tagged correctly, in date check own use equipment is black tagged.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q46 (OHS 4.4.6) Electrical test and tag register in place, includes all equipment on site. Register is up to date. E.g. Simply pats

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Section 3

Dangerous Goods

  • Q47 (OHS 4.4.6) Are spray booth filters regularly checked? So staff know how to check that spray booth filters are working correctly?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q48 (OHS 4.4.6 & E 4.4.7) Is portable mobile bundling available? Bundling requirements are met for the storage quantises. Bunds are free from damage.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q49 (OHS 4.4.6) Are fuel dispensing areas sealed ( no exposed soil) and bunded

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q50 (OHS 4.4.6) Does fuel cell have impact protection? E.g bollards and does the nozzle have the auto lock disconnected?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q51 (OHS 4.4.6) Does fuel cell measurement / calibration documentation for fuel meter.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q52 (E 4.4.7) Observation, is there evidence of fuel spillage around refuel area? Include multiple small spill stains

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q53 (OHS 4.4.6) Have disused underground storage tanks been properly decommissioned? Tanks removed, have validation Certs, regulatory notifications on file.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q54 (OHS 4.4.6) What evidence of used oil filter storage and disposal is present in branch

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q55 (OHS 4.4.6 & E 4.4.6) Storm water drains are free and clear of any sediment build up or rainbow trails

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q56 (OHS 4.4.6 & E 4.4.7) Can you find any I appropriately stored labelled DG'S and or hazardous substances? List 5 chemicals found.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Info safe / MSDS

  • Q57 (OHS 4.4.6) Hazardous substance register and risk assessments are current and are available to staff. Training has been completed on the hazardous substances.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q58 (OHS 4.4.6 & E 4.4.7) Site MSDS on Info Safe are current. I.e products not used removed, new products entered.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q59 (OHS 4.4.6) Staff are trained on how to access MSDS

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q60 (OHS 4.4.6) Do all hazardous substances and DG's have corresponding MSDS

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Risk Documents

  • Q61 (OHS 4.3.1) Can employees demonstrate hazard and risk assessment procedure/document for work tasks and activities, work areas and equipment?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q62 (OHS 4.3.4) Coates Hire strategic health, safety and environment plan is available

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q63 (OHS 4.3.4) Is there a current hazard and risk register? E.g. Chemical, physical, biological, ergonomic, psychological.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q64 (OHS 4.4.6) From the hazard and risk register, have the hazard and risk assessments been conducted?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q65 (OHS 4.4.6) Review the hazard and risk assessments developed for the task, work area, or equipment ensuring that all of the hazards have been identified and the control measures implemented and signed off by manager.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q66 (OHS 4.4.6) Manual handling is included in hazard risk register?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q67 (OHS 4.4.6) Is a confined space identified in risk register?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q68 (OHS 4.3.1) Can employees demonstrate knowledge of JSEA procedure, When why, Where. Verbal answer.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q69 ( OHS 4.4.6) JSEA, SWMS are reviewed by the manager for effectiveness and compliance (3 month history to be maintained)

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q70 (OHS 4.4.6) Strategies are in place to aid workers in there conditions. I.e fluid up keep, PPE protection, sunscreen, hats, thermal clothing, rest periods.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q71 (OHS 4.4.6) Employees are monitored in extreme conditions ensuring their safety and well being are maintained. (Check)

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q72 (OHS Branch/site health and safety rep appointed and trained

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q73 (OHS 4.4.2) Health and safety rep has completed training course.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Training, LMS, Licensing

  • Q74 (OHS 4.4.2) All employees have completed company induction?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q75 (OHS 4.4.7, 4.4.2) Staff delegated to be wardens have training and competency checks and updates wardens identified.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q76 (OHS 4.4.6) Employees have completed Coates Hire manual handling training modules to date.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q77 (OHS 4.4.2) Quality: staff performing work as per PD's staff inducted, performance reviews carried out and training needs addressed and reviewed.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q78 (OHS 4.4.6) Have the drivers watched the DVD do you have a sign off for this.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q79 (OHS 4.4.6) Staff are appropriately trained in the use and maintenance of PPE

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q80 (OHS 4.3.1) Branch can identify current compliant contractors I.e. via contractor management

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q81 (OHS 4.4.2) Branch site specific induction has been completed and recorded

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q82 (OHS 4.4.6 & 4.4.2) All persons must be authorised to drive Coates hire vehicles or trucks. Employees have relevant licenses to perform tasks e.g. Drivers license, license to perform high risk work.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q83 (OHS 4.4.6) All persons hold correct licenses to operate vehicles / trucks. Remember to check HIAB if over 10t meters

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Emergency management

  • Q84. (OHS 4.4.6) Training matrix identifying currency of training. First aid kit checklist to be available in site office, first wider identified.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q85 (OHS 4.4.7) Emergency contact numbers available to all employees (ie dial 000) + other emergency service providers

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q86 (OHS 4.4.7) View site plans that include evacuation exits 1st aid kits, fire extinguishers, & chemical/DG storage (evac plans)

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q87 (OHS 4.4.7, & E 4.4.7) Documentation of emergency management plans, including any site specific requirements, e.g. EPIRB 's. register of first aid kits. Register of fire extinguishers.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q88 (OHS 4.4.7) Are workers aware of location of evacuation procedure and muster points and are signs in good condition.?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q89 (OHS 4.4.7) Documented emergency drills, document of emergency response discussion at toolbox meeting.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Section 4

Traffic management

  • Q90 (OHS 4.4.6) The branch has a documented traffic management plan ?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q91 (OHS 4.4.6) The traffic management risk assessment is available and has been reviewed annually

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q92 (OHS 4.4.6) The traffic management plan has been implemented, monitored and reviewed for effectiveness.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q93 (OHS 4.4.6) Is traffic following the plan? Are loads restrained? Ae winches being used during the loading of mobile plant? Are all load restrained with ratchet type binders

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Height Safety

  • Q94 (OHS 4.4.6) Work areas above 2m where employees/contractors can access has edge protection e.g. Mezzanine floors.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q95 (OHS 4.4.6) Own use fall arrest equipment has been inspected for serviceability (apply silver service inspection and tagging protocol.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q96 (OHS 4.4.6) Own use height safety equipment eg fixed static lines, have been annually inspected and documentation to support e.g. Compliance plate

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #


  • Q97 (OHS 4.4.6) Adequate manual handling aids are available at the site/branch e.g. Forklifts trolleys, crane, tow motor.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q98 (OHS 4.4.6) Observe own PPE being used

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q99 (OHS 4.4.6) Site has the required PPE to perform task, ie. gloves, glasses, face shield, hearing protection, hi vis clothing, footwear, breathing apparatus, dust masks, head protection, helmets, sun hats.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Office Checks / Sales Coordinator

  • Q100 (Q 5.5.1, 5.5.2 & E 4.4.1B) Is there an organisational chart? Confirm that a copy of the organisational for the branch network linking it to BU operations is available at the branch. Select a sample of branch staff. Ask each member of staff is aware of who their direct manager is.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q101 (Q 5.5.1, 5.5.2 & E 4.4.1A) Are roles, responsibilities and authorities defined communicated to staff?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q102 (Q 7.5.2) Is there any process affecting the product or service Coates Hire provides, that Cannot be confirmed or measured to verify that customer requirements both internal and external are being meet and identified?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q103 (Q 7.2.3) Customer feedback process. Check if staff are aware of the procedure ? How did they handle it? What was the corrective action? What was the preventative action?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q104 (OHS Notice board - display of up to date information on site safety issues, minutes of meetings, industry safety alerts, inspection and audit outcomes.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q105 (OHS OHS issue resolution - procedure available to staff, flow chart to be displayed.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q106 (Q 5.1A) Confirm latest version of the quality manual is displayed at the branch.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q107 (Q 5.1, 5.3 & E 4.2) Are copies on notice boards, toolbox meetings records, included in induction. Check displayed policies

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q108 (OHS 4.2) Is the Workcover watching out for you poster displayed

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q109 (OHS 4.4.5) Are documents of extant origin necessary for planning ( license, permits, correspondence etc) identified and appropriately controlled?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q110 (Q 8.2.1) Have any new lost sales reasons been notified to sales and marketing so that they can add it into Baseplan

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q111 (OHS Confirm that a copy of the organisational chart for the branch network linking it to BU operations is available at the branch. Select a sample of branch staff. Ask each member of staffis aware of their direct manager, and their direct manager is?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q112 (OHS 4.1) Can employees locate the overview procedure on the intranet

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q113 (OHS 4.1) Can employees provide at least 2 examples of related procedure they are using?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Targets and Objectives

  • Q114 (Q 5,4,1) What is the Coates overall objective/goal and what is the time frame

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q115 (Q 5.4.1) What are your current quality objectives? Locate in manual or policy

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q116 (OHS 4.4.3) Do you have BU HSE targets and objectives? Have they been communicated to all staff

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q117 (OHS 4.3.3) The branch has established targets - 0 LIT's, 0 SDI, MTI, 0 FAT's

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q118 (OHS 4.3.3) Branch targets - branch target safety conversations taking place, near miss or hazard reported? (Check compliance report)

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q119 (OHS 4.3.3) Ask to see 2x months per start sign offs score 4 100% score 3 80-99% score 2 60-79% score 1 less than 60%

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q120 (OHS 4.4.6) Log books for vehicles are maintained and up to date?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q121 (OHS 4.3.2 & E4.3.2) Is there access to the state and territory legislation, codes of practice, and guidance notes. Why and when do you need to look here.

Section 5


  • Q122 (OHS 4.4.6) Field service employees have travel plans in place, ie planned accommodation, hours of driving, rest stops, communications.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q123 (OHS 4.4.6) Travel plans documented

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q124 (OHS 4.4.6) Checks are performed through Kronos to ensure field service and mine based employees are working within their fostered hours. E.g 14 hrs

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q124 (OHS 4.4.6) Lone workers have assigned communication points or persons - regular contact made

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q125 (OHS 4.4.6 & E 4.5.4) Separators and discharge systems are regularly cleaned and serviced inline with trade waste conditions (view related documents or maintenance schedule)

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q125 (OHS 4.4.5 & E 4.5.4) Does your branch have trade waste certificate? Required for all branches whose washbay waste water goes to the sewer.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q126 (OHS 4.4.6) Portaloo discharge waste stations are registered maintained and in line with health dept & water authority.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q127 (OHS 4.4.6) Have people with risk of contact with human effluent been vaccinated appropriately to minimise risk? ( documentation?)

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q128 (Q 7.4.1) Have purchase orders been created correctly? Complete with description and price? Raised before the invoice has been received? Receipts on time after good or services have been received.? If rejected is this followed up and resolved

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q129 (OHS 4.4.6) How do you know if mobile plant (road registered) is currently registered

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q130 (E4.4.6) Do you have paper cardboard recycling bin available in your branch?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q131 (OHS E-mail HSE communications- specific issues, HSE information, incidents/injury reviews are passed onto employees (safety alert sign off etc )

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q132 (OHS 4.3.3 & E 4.4.3) Branch targets - branch / toolbox meetings per month

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q133 (OHS Branch meeting minutes reflect attendance by all employees.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q134 (OHS Regular branch and site meetings conducted fortnightly or monthly look for sign off and responsibility allocation not frequency

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q135 (Q 5.4.1, 5.4.2) Confirm business objectives, strategic plan have been communicated to the branch

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q136 (OHS 4.2) Is there evidence that current policies have been communicated to employees and contractors

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q137 (Q5.2) Have each survey results been communicated to the branch? Confirm that each survey is available and results have been communicated to the branch manager

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q138 (Q8.2.1) Is there latest customer loyalty report available? Sample two areas for improvement and its action plan.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Fire ant management.

  • Q139 (OHS 4.4.6) Quarantine procedures and documents in place for equipment return from high risk areas.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q140 (OHS 4.4.6) Weeds and seeds quarantine procedures are documented and in place for equipment to and from high risk areas.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q141 (OHS 4.4.6) All equipment returned from infected areas are cleaned and maintained in accordance with regulatory bodies.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q142 (OHS 4.4.6) Site has fire ant coordinator that records, documents and audits any findings

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q143 (OHS 4.4.6) Corrective action are in place for detection of fire ant nests.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

Specialist only

  • Q144 (Q7.6) 1. Is applicable equipment identified and recorded for inspection / calibration at branch or BU? 2. Is the master list maintained and updated at branch or BU ? 3. Sample x2 equipment on site check the condition of equipment storing place, the validity of testing label, the record against the master list

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q145 (Q 7.6) When calibrating in house records detailing the following records shall be kept and maintained: 1, a full description of the measurement processes implemented, including all elements ( e.g. Operators, any measuring equipment or check standards ) used and the relevant operating conditions,. 2. The relevant data obtained from measurement process controls. 3. The date on which calibration was carried out 4. The identification of any relevant verification documents 5. Identification of the person responsible for providing the information for the records 6. The competence ( required to achieve) of the personnel.

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #

  • Q146 (Q 7.6) Non conforming equipment is any suspected or known to have been damaged, have been overloaded, malfunctioned, in a way that may invalidate its intended use, produce incorrect measurement results, be out of calibration period, have been mishandled, have been damaged or broken seal or safe guard: 1. Is non conforming equipment segregated to prevent its continued use pending assessment e.g. Re-calibration, repair, or disposal? 2. Is non-conforming equipment tagged or labelled appropriately with its current calibration status e.g. Do not operate, under review, out of service, etc. 3, is non-conformance communicated to the supervising manager?

  • Agreed Date / B-Safe #


Sign Off & Acknowledgement

  • Branch Manager

  • Area Manager

  • Auditor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.