
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Site Type

  • Is the site Commercial, Retail OR Industrial

Security and Contractor Management

  • 1. Are all restricted (plant) areas locked and hazard warning signage clearly displayed?

  • 2. Are the SASNZ, ControlPoint login instructions and contractor hazard register available?

Fire Protection Systems

  • Check fire alarm panel display and comment if there are any defects and consider if there are any areas to inspect due to system isolations.

  • Is the green light on with no signs of defects?

BWOF & Emergency Management

  • 1. BWOF current and displayed?

  • 2. Is the emergency evacuation plan clearly displayed in all areas?

  • 3. Are ALL Fire Doors operational and exit paths clear?

Electrical (Common area equipment only)

  • 1. Are all electrical rooms in MSB and risers clear? (i.e. no stored items, rubbish)

  • 2. Are power points being used appropriately (i.e no multiboards, double adaptors, piggy backing etc)

Hazardous Substances

  • 1. Is the site clear of hazardous materials or dangerous goods on site? If present, are they stored correctly with MSDS available?

Interior Environment (all common areas)

  • 1. Are floors and surfaces in good condition?

  • 2. Are stairways and aisles kept clear and useable?

  • 3. Are lighting levels satisfactory?

  • 4. Is the general presentation and cleanliness satisfactory?

  • 5. Are toilets clean and adequately stocked with supplies?

  • 6. No leaks with the plumbing (pans running/dripping taps)?

  • 7. Is the directory board up to date?

  • 8. Are vacant areas clean and presentable?

  • 9. Are lifts clean, well lit and are the emergency phones operational?

  • 10. Are public facilities and large common areas (i.e food courts, etc) well presented?

Exterior Environment

  • 1. Are exterior walls and surfaces clean and in good repair?

  • 2. Are paths and external stairs in good condition?

  • 3. Is the car park clean, presentable, signage displayed and free from hazards?

  • 4. Are roller doors/auto doors/boom gates/dock levellers operational and not damaged?

  • 5. Is exterior/security lighting working?

  • 6. Are drains/grates clear of debris and rubbish?

  • 7. Are waste bins regularly emptied and area clean/tidy?

  • 8. Are fences/gates undamaged?

  • 9. Are landscaped areas well presented & free from rubbish?


  • 1. Is the roof access compliant and safe to use? i.e. does it comply with our roof access safety procedure? (Do not proceed if the answer is no).

  • 2. Is the roof area free from debris and trip hazards?

  • 3. Are the roofs/gutters clear and in good maintained condition?

  • 4. Are roof walkways and perimeter barriers in good condition?

  • 5. Is the site clear of access issues/fall hazards within the two meter proximity to the access hatch or roof mounted equipment?

Plant & Equipment

  • 1. Are all access areas, ladders and stairways in good condition?

  • 2. Are ALL plant rooms neat and tidy, free from debris and trip hazards?

  • 3. Does all equipment appear to be in good condition and working order?

Workplace Safety

  • 1. Is the site free of trip hazards?

Tenancy Inspections

  • Minimum of one tenancy per inspection. All areas of tenancy to be inspected at least once a year.

  • Specify tenant name

  • 1. Egress OK?

  • 2. Is the tenant staying within the leased premises?

  • 3. No impairment of life safety features?

  • 4. Emergency evacuation assembly areas plan available?

  • 5. Well lit and free from hazards?

  • 6. Air conditioning comfortable?


  • Please make note of any hazards not already identified in this report.

Contractor Management

  • 1. Are all restricted areas locked and signage clearly displayed?

  • 2. Is the contractor box locked and all relevant forms stocked?

  • 3. Are contractors using the contractor induction box?

  • 4. Are all contractors inducted and reviewed within past 12 months?

  • 5. Has the Hazard Awareness Chart been updated in the last 12 months?

Fire Protection Systems

  • 1. Is a Service Provider regularly testing and maintaining the following components to the relevant Service Agreement and appropriate State legislation:

  • A - Fire extinguishers (R)

  • B - Fire Hose Reels (R)

  • C - Fire Doors

  • D - Fire Alarm System

  • E - Fire Sprinkler System

  • F - Early Warning Intercommunication System (EWIS)

  • G - Emergency Lighting & Exit Signs (R)

  • H - Hydrants

  • I - Smoke curtain(s)

  • 2. Has Flow test been done?

  • 3. Are Fire Cupboards (hose reel storage etc) free from stored materials and rubbish? (R)

  • 4. Are Portable Fire Extinguishers and Fire Hose Reels clearly signed? (R)

  • 5. Is access to fire cupboards unimpeded?

Emergency Management

  • 1. Is the emergency evacuation plan clearly displayed in all areas?

  • 2. Are ALL Fire Doors / Breakout panels operational?

  • 3. Are assembly areas allocated and understood?

  • 4. Has a practice drill occurred in the last six months?

  • 5. Are the means of escape paths and emergency exits clear?

Electrical (Common area equipment only)

  • 1. Has electrical equipment and Residual Current Devices been tested / tagged in last 12 months?

  • 2. Are power points being used appropriately (i.e no multiboards, double adaptors, etc)

  • 3. Has Distribution Board had thermal test done in last 12 months

Hazardous Substances

  • 1. Are there any hazardous materials or dangerous goods present on site?

  • 2. Is Hazmat register current?

  • 3. Are the materials or goods stored correctly?

  • 4. Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all dangerous goods?

  • 5. Is there asbestos on site and is the register up to date?

  • 6. Is a spill kit on site and is it complete?

First Aid. (Applies to manned properties only)

  • 1. Is a first aid kit supplied?

  • 2. Has the first aid kit been audited in the last year?

  • 3. Are all injuries reported and recorded in a book or form?

  • 4. When first aid equipment is used is it recorded?

  • 5. Is a sharps kit available?

Interior Environment

  • 1. Are floors and surfaces in good condition?

  • 2. Are stairways and aisles kept clear and useable?

  • 3. Are lighting levels satisfactory?

  • 4. Is the general presentation and cleanliness satisfactory e.g. Ceilings, high glass, furniture?

  • 5. Are toilets clean and adequately stocked with supplies (Men's, Women's, Disabled)?

  • 6. Are the kitchen/tea rooms clean?

  • 7. Is air conditioning within operational limits?

  • 8. Is the directory board up to date?

  • 9. Are vacant areas clean and presentable?

  • 10. Are lifts clean, well lit and are the emergency phones operational? (R)

  • 11. Are public facilities and large common areas (i.e food courts, etc) well presented?

  • 12. Is CCTV operational?

  • 13. Are shop fronts clean / presentable?

  • 14. Are signs in good condition / current?

  • 15. Are ceilings and high glass areas presentable?

  • 16. Are furniture items in good condition?

  • 17. Are mall tiles clean and in good condition?

  • 18. Are bins / planters clean and in good condition?

  • 19. Are storerooms tidy and secure?

Exterior Environment

  • 1. Are exterior walls and surfaces clean and in good repair?

  • 2. Are paths and external stairs in good condition?

  • 6. Are roller doors / boom gates / dock levellers operational / undamaged?

  • 7. Is exterior / security lighting working?

  • 8. Are drains / grates clear of rubbish?

  • 9. Are waste bins regularly emptied and area clean / tidy?

  • 10. Are fences / gates undamaged?

  • 11. Are landscaped areas well presented & free from rubbish?

Car Park

  • 1. Is car park surface in good condition?

  • 2. Are parking areas tidy and bollards/speed humps undamaged?

  • 3. Is the line marking & signage adequate in the car park area?

  • 4. Are driveways clear and free of hazards?

  • 5. Is external signage current and in good condition?

  • 6. Is car park lighting sufficient and timers working?

Plant & Equipment

  • 1. Are all access ladders and stairways in good condition?

  • 2. Are the lifts and escalators serviced frequently?

  • 3. Are the Building Maintenance Units (BMU's) serviced regularly?

  • 4. Does the car park ventilation system appear to be working correctly?

  • 5. Are ALL plant rooms neat and tidy, free from debris and trip hazards?

  • 6. Is there evidence that chillers / cooling towers are regularly serviced?

  • 7. Is water testing regularly tested and are results available?


  • 1. Is the roof area free from debris and trip hazards?

  • 2. Are gutters clear and in good condition? (R)

  • 3. Are roof walkways and perimeter barriers in good condition?


  • 1. Has the back flow device been tested?

  • 2. Are grease traps serviced as per regulations?

  • 3. Are sump pumps operational and regularly serviced?

Workplace safety

  • 1. Are there any confined spaces areas on site?

  • 2. Are there any trip hazards apparent?

General Comment

  • Please make a note of any issues not already identified in this report.


  • Occupancy Permit located in entry

  • Is the BWoF located in entry?

  • Is the site safety (OH&S) folder on site?

  • Are contractors using the sign in/out section and using the Colliers Permits?

Fire Protection Systems

  • 1. Is a Service Provider regularly testing and maintaining the following components to the relevant Service Agreement and appropriate State legislation:

  • A - Portable Fire Extinguishers/Hose Reels/Hydrants

  • Photo of Date Stamp

  • 2. Are Fire Cupboards (fire hose reel storage, etc) clean and free from stored materials and rubbish?

  • 3. Are Portable Fire Extinguishers and Fire Hose Reels marked with a location and identification marker?

  • C - Fire Doors

  • D - Fire Alarm System

  • E - Fire Sprinkler System

  • Is there a Block Plan for the sprinkler system located near pumps?

  • Are the fire sprinkler system log books on site and current?

  • Date of last service?

  • F - Early Warning Intercommunication System (EWIS)

  • G - Emergency Lighting & Exit Signs

Emergency Management

  • Is the emergency evacuation plan clearly displayed in all areas?

  • Is the manual for Emergency Evacuation Procedures on site and viewed?

  • Are assembly areas allocated and understood?

  • When was the last practice drill carried out?

  • Are the means of escape paths and emergency exits clear?

Electrical (Common area equipment only)

  • Has the Thermographic Test of the switchboards been completed, and report viewed with no repairs?

Hazardous Substances

  • Are there any hazardous materials or dangerous goods present on site?

  • Are forklift gas bottles stored in a cage neatly?

  • Is there any signes of bulk fuel storage on site (over 450ltrs)?

  • Are the materials or goods stored correctly?

  • Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all dangerous goods?

  • Are there any Under Ground Storage Tanks located on site?

  • Does the site generate emissions to the atmosphere?

  • Are there any signs of waste (liquids) discharging into drains?

Property Risk Audits

  • Has an OH&S Risk Audit been completed at the property?

  • Has any High Risk matters been completed?

  • Has an Asbestos Audit for the property been carried out?

  • If required, is an Asbestos Management Plan in place & operational?

  • Has an Confined Space Audit (and register) for the property been carried out?

  • Has an Plant Risk Audit (and register) for the property been carried out?

Interior Environment

  • 1. Are floors and surfaces in good condition? (Slips & Trips)

  • 2. Warehouse floors: construction joints repairs? Or Caulking required?

  • 3. Any impact damage to bollards/columns?

  • 4. Are stairways and aisles kept clear and useable?

  • 5. Are lighting levels satisfactory?

  • 6. Is the general presentation and cleanliness satisfactory?

  • 7. Are the common area kitchen/tea rooms clean?

  • 8. Is the line marking & signage adequate in the car park area?

  • 9. Are vacant areas clean and presentable?

  • 10. Are public facilities and large common areas (i.e food courts, etc) well presented?

  • 11. Any Ceiling Tiles damaged?

Exterior Environment

  • 1. Are exterior walls, windows, gutters and surfaces clean and in good repair?

  • 2. Are paths and external stairs in good condition?

  • 3. Are parking areas clean & tidy?

  • 4. Are driveways clear and free of hazards?

  • 5. Are landscaped areas well presented & free from rubbish?

  • 6. Are all Roller Doors in working order and no visible damage?

  • 7. Are all Dock Levellers in working order and no visible damage?

  • 8. Any damaged bollards & fences/gates damaged?

  • 9. Are there any wooden pallets stored up against any buildings? If so ask tenants to relocate away from the buildings?


  • 1. Are all restricted access areas locked?

Plant & Equipment

  • 1. Are all access ladders and stairways in good condition?

  • 2. If required, are the roof anchor points/lines been maintained?

  • 3. Does the car park/storage ventilation system appear to be working correctly?

  • 4. Are ALL plant rooms neat and tidy, free from debris and trip hazards?

  • 5. Is the roof area free from debris and trip hazards?

  • 6. Mechanical: Cooling Tower(s) registered?

  • 7. Are the Sump Pump(s) been serviced in the past 12 months?

  • 8. Has the back flow device been tested?

Other Hazards

  • Please make a note of any hazards not already identified in this report.

General Comment

  • Is the Lease Expiring shortly? Tenant comments on long term plan?

  • Comment on the typical volume levels of tenants stock from previous inspection?

  • Any security breaches, accidents occurred since last inspection?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.