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Clause 4 Context of the Organisation

Clause 4 Context of the Organisation.

4.1 Understanding the organisation

  • Have external and internal issues have been identified that are relevant to the business?

  • Were these issues and any recent changes been discussed at a senior level?

  • Add evidence of the discussion of issues at a senior level.

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

4.2 Understanding the needs of interested parties.

  • Has senior management identified interested parties and their requirements?

  • Add evidence of the discussion of issues at a senior level.

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

4.3 Determining Scope.

  • Has the business scope been reviewed within the last 12 months?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Add evidence of the discussion of issues at a senior level.

4.4 QSHE Management System

  • Does the a top level business overview determine the business process and including inputs, processes and outputs?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Add evidence of the discussion of issues at a senior level.

Clause 5 Leadership

Clause 5 Leadership

5.1 Leadership and Commitment

  • Provide examples of how the management has demonstrated involvement with the management system.

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide examples of how the management demonstrates a commitment to promoting continual improvement and protect employee H&S

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

5.2 Communicating the Policy

  • Is the HSE Policy approved by senior management?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Add evidence of the discussion of issues at a senior level.

  • Does the policy cover all aspects of Clause 5.2?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Is the current policy available to stakeholders?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

5.3 Organisational Roles

  • Is there a company organisational chart available?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Add evidence of the organisational chart.

5.4 Consultation and Participation of Workers

  • Is there an established group of workers who regularly discuss H&S?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Have the H&S representatives been provided training and resources to carry out their role?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Have the H&S representatives (non-managerial) been involved with consultation on all aspects of clauses 4.4 d) and e)

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

Clause 6 Planning

Clause 6 Planning

6.1.1 Actions to address risk and opportunities

  • Have the risks to the business been identified in the business continuity plan for the facility?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Add evidence of the business continuity plan.

  • Has the plan been tested within the last two years?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Add evidence of the business continuity plan test

  • Have branch opportunities been identified via the business KPI's or via a SWOT analysis?

  • Add evidence of the business KPI's and/ or SWOT analysis

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • 👷🏽 Compliance obligations - Has the health and safety legal register been reviewed to ensure compliance and has identified any actions?<br>

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Add evidence demonstrating at least three relevant pieces of legislation identified by the business and how they comply

6.1.2 `Hazard Identification and assessment of risk opportunities

  • Is there an established hazard identification process?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of the process and subsequent examples of the process being followed.

  • Is there an established process for identifying aspects?

  • Is there an established risk assessment process?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of the process and subsequent examples of the process being followed.

  • Is there an established process to determine the significance of aspects?

  • Is there evidence of assessing HSE opportunities within the business?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of the process and subsequent examples of the process being followed.

6.1.3 Determination of Legal and other Requirements

  • Does the business have up-to-date, applicable legal requirements determined for HSE?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of the process and subsequent examples of the process being followed.

6.1.4 Planning Action

  • Does the business have action plans to address the requirements in clause 6.1.4?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of the process and subsequent examples of the process being followed.

Clause 6.2 Objectives and planning

  • Has the business completed the requirements for reporting HSE objectives?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • How are the objectives reviewed and communicated?

  • Please specify how the objectives are reviewed and communicated

Clause 7 Support

Clause 7 Support

7.1 Resources

  • People - Are there sufficient and suitably trained staff members within the facility in order to adequately process the requirements of the business?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence a sample of relevant training records

  • Infrastructure - Are the facilities, equipment and IT systems suitable to operate effectively?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence and images to demonstrate the suitable infrastructure

  • Environment for the operation - Is the environment and work culture suitable for productive working.

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence and images to demonstrate the suitable infrastructure

  • Organisational Knowledge - Have the operators' job descriptions taken into consideration the requirements of the role? Do operators hace access to the organisational knowledge they require to meet HSE requirements?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of job descriptions and knowledge requirements to carry out the role.

  • How does the business obtain information regarding the stakeholde's future requirements?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of how the customer's future requirements are considered

  • Please specify how the business obtains information regarding customers future requirements (include evidence)

7.2 Competence

  • Do the staff members have the education, training or experience deemed necessary to fulfil their job role.

  • Is there a program to enhance the staff members competence level?

  • Are records relating to competence, complete, correct and current?

  • Provide evidence of training records and knowledge in order to carry out the role.

7.3 Awareness

  • Are staff members aware of the H&S policy? Are they aware of current branch KPI's and their contribution towards it? Are they aware of the latest outcomes to an incident investigation?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of staff awareness of their role within the management system

7.4 Communication

  • How is the Internal workforce communicated with?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of internal communication

  • Please specify other methods internal workforce is communicated with (include evidence)

  • How are external stakeholders communicated with?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of external communication

  • Please specify other methods external stakeholders are communicated with (include evidence)

7.5 Documented Information

  • Creating and Updating - Are documents created using standardised, controlled templates?.

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of templates and their method of control

  • Control of Documents - Are the documents controlled in a manner that can not be edited by unapproved personnel?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of controlled documents

  • Have documents ben reviewed and updated to ensure they are adequate?

  • Retention of Documents - Is document retention managed relevant to the process?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

Clause 8 Operation

Clause 8 Operation

8.1 Operational Planning and Control

  • Are there processes available to meet the H&S requirements of the business?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of the business processes

8.1.2 Eliminating hazards and reducing H&S risk

  • Is there a process available for eliminating hazards and reducing risks consistent with the hierarchy of control?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Does the process follow the hierarchy of control?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of the process, including the hierarchy of control

8.1.3 Management of Change

  • Is there a process available for managing change?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of the process and examples of it being followed

8.1.4 Procurement

  • Is there a process available for managing HSE requirements for contractors and outsourced functions?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence for the management of contractors and outsourced functions

8.2 👷🏽 Emergency Preparedness and Response.

  • Is the emergency contact list available and complete?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Is the evacuation plan available and displayed ?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Is the Fire risk assessment and First aid provisions assessment suitable and sufficient?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • When was the last emergency situation at the facility? Was this recorded?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • When was the last evacuation/emergency drill completed and recorded?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Are the first aid kits and fire protection/detection equipment adequate and regularly checked?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Are the spill kits suitable and checked?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Is there adequate first aiders and fire wardens within the facility - demonstrate evidence of training?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Is there a loss of containment risk of chemicals and or hazardous materials being stored/ handled?

  • When was the last spill drill completed and recorded?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Was the last evacuation/emergency drill reviewed? What were the results?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Which staff are trained as the spill team? How are emergency situations communicated to visitors?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

Clause 9 Performance Evaluation

Clause 9 Performance Evaluation

9.1 Monitoring, measurements, analysis and evaluation

  • General - Can the business demonstrate recent KPI results?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Add evidence demonstrating the latest KPI results

  • Analysis and evaluation - How has the business reacted to KPI/ OKR/ objectives results?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Add evidence demonstrating how the business has reacted to

  • Please describe how the business has reacted to the KPI/ OKR/ Objective results

  • Add evidence demonstrating how environmental compliance is being monitored

  • Can the business demonstrate the evaluation of its legal and other compliance?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

9.2 Internal Audit

  • Has the audit schedule been followed? Have the results documented, recorded and communicated to management?

  • Determine the level of competence of auditors. Sample completed audit reports.

  • Does an internal audit schedule exist?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Has the schedule been followed?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Have the results from the internal audits been communicated with relevant parties?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

9.3 Management Review

  • General - Has there been a senior management meeting that discussed H&S aspects as required on the ISO standards?

  • When was the last senior management meeting attended by QSHE? Have minutes been recorded?

  • Please add evidence of the agenda

  • Are minutes of the meeting available?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Please add minutes as evidence

  • Management review outputs - What opportunities for improvement, changes to the MS or resource were identified?

  • Have all of the issued identified in clause 9.3.1 been addressed with decisions and actions?

Clause 10 Improvement

Clause 10 Improvement

  • Does the business have an incident management process?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Provide evidence of the process and examples of it being used

  • Sample three incidents to determine the effectiveness of the process

  • Non-conformity and corrective action - Is there a relevant non-conformance process available?

  • What level of non-conformance is determined? (Raise an action to rectify)

  • Demonstrate the last non-conformance and the investigation, closure and improvement processes

  • Sample three incidents/non conformities to determine the effectiveness of corrective action and close out. Sample 2 OHSAS and 1 environmental.

  • Continual Improvement - Provide evidence of an example of continual improvement within the business - process updates, customer satisfaction, environmental improvements etc.

Sign Off

  • Name and signature of Auditor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.