Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • What GF Product are you evaluating?

  • What Competitor Product are you evaluating?


Purpose: Assess the quality of packaging and bread tags for both our product and the competitor's product.

  • Packaging Evaluation Parameters

    Packaging Eval.JPG
  • GF Packaging Score

  • Competitor Packaging Score


  • Shape Evaluation Parameters

    Shape Eval.JPG

Purpose: Evaluate the overall shape and appearance of the bread loaves

  • GF Shape Score

  • Competitor Shape Score


Purpose: Determine the consistency and appropriateness of bread volume.

  • Volume Evaluation Parameters

    Volume Eval.JPG
  • GF Volume Score

  • Competitor Volume Score


Purpose: Assess the quality and consistency of bread slices.

  • Slicing Evaluation Parameters

    Slicing Eval.JPG
  • GF Slicing Score

  • Competitor Slicing Score

Colour and Nature of Crust

Purpose: Evaluate the color and texture of the crust on both bread products.

  • Colour and Nature of Crust Evaluation Parameters

    Colour Eval.JPG
  • GF Colour/Crust Score

  • Competitor Colour/Crust Score


Purpose: Evaluate the distribution and adherence of any toppings on the bread (if no topping score 5)

  • Topping Evaluation Parameters

    Topping Eval.JPG
  • GF Topping Score

  • Competitor Topping Score

Overall Internal Texture

  • Internal Texture Evaluation Parameters

    Internal Eval.JPG

Purpose: Assess the texture and consistency of the bread crumb.

  • GF Internal Texture Score

  • Competitor Internal Texture Score


  • Softness Evaluation Parameters

    Softness Eval.JPG

Purpose: Evaluate the softness and springiness of the bread.

  • GF Softness Score

  • Competitor Softness Score

Colour of Crumb

Purpose: Evaluate the color consistency and appropriateness of the bread crumb.

  • Crumb Colour Evaluation Parameters

    Crumb colour Eval.JPG
  • GF Crumb Colour Score

  • Competitor Crumb Colour Score

Foreign Matter

Purpose: Assess the presence of any foreign matter in both bread products.

  • Foreign Matter Evaluation Parameters

    Foreign Matter Eval.JPG
  • GF Foreign Matter Score

  • Competitor Foreign Matter Score

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.