Title Page

  • Site Code

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Is this a CoLO Site?

  • Compound showing any colocated outdoor cabinets / shelters / towers

  • XXXX_S02

  • Photo of power reading before

  • XXXX_S11

Site Access

  • Site Access Main entrance door or first gate off road

  • XXXX_S03

  • Site Access Internal entry door(s) and stairway(s) or subsequent access track gates or track intersections

  • XXXX_S04

  • Site Access Building / Rooftop walkways

  • XXXX_S05

  • Site Access other (e.g. "4WD only" or other sitespecific signs)

  • XXXX_S06

General Site Photos

  • General site overview of shelter and tower, plus surrounding buildings (taken from standing position showing ground and about 20m either side of antenna). Must be taken postscaffolding removal

  • XXXX_S01

  • Signage yellow PPE sign at entrance to site, or on shelter or cabinet door, showing site code

  • XXXX_S08

  • Signage RF Hazard tower; mast; streetlight pole; rooftop (wall or parapet)

  • XXXX_S09

  • Roof exclusion zones showing roof markings / signage / chain barriers

  • XXXX_S10

Housing (Shelter / Cabinet / Room)

  • Are there outdoor cabinets?

  • Outdoor cabinet(s) wide shot of all cabinets with doors closed

  • XXXX_H01

  • Outdoor cabinet(s) wide shot with all doors open

  • XXXX_H02

  • Outdoor cabinet(s) separate photos for each individual cabinet, with the door open showing installed units and associated cabling

  • XXXX_C8_H01

  • Shelter / Outdoor Cabinet Outside front Close Up

  • XXXX_H09

  • Shelter / Outdoor Cabinet Outside back Close Up

  • XXXX_H10

  • Shelter / Outdoor Cabinet Outside left side Close Up

  • XXXX_H11

  • Shelter / Outdoor Cabinet Outside right side Close Up

  • XXXX_H12

  • Shelter / Outdoor Cabinet Roof Close Up

  • XXXX_H13

  • Is this a Shelter or Indoor site?

  • Shelter / Room Inside LHS corner inside door, photo to include floor and ceiling

  • XXXX_H03

  • Shelter / Room Inside LHS far corner from door, photo to include floor and ceiling

  • XXXX_H04

  • Shelter / Room Inisde RHS far corner from door, photo to include floor and ceiling

  • XXXX_H05

  • Shelter / Room Inisde RHS corner inside door, photo to include floor and ceiling

  • XXXX_H06

  • Shelter / Room Inside nonstandard (e.g. equipment room with a different shape)

  • XXXX_H07

  • Cable entry from inside (floor or wall some sites may have both)

  • XXXX_H08

  • Shelter / Outdoor Cabinet Outside front Close Up

  • XXXX_H09_1

  • Shelter / Outdoor Cabinet Outside back Close Up

  • XXXX_H10_1

  • Shelter / Outdoor Cabinet Outside left side Close Up

  • XXXX_H11_1

  • Shelter / Outdoor Cabinet Outside right side Close Up

  • XXXX_H12_1

  • Shelter / Outdoor Cabinet Roof Close Up

  • XXXX_H13_1

  • Air Con Unit Outdoor

  • XXXX_H14

  • Air Con Unit Indoor

  • XXXX_H15

  • Fresh Air fan indoor

  • XXXX_H16

  • Fresh Air fan outdoor

  • XXXX_H17

  • Is FirePro in Utility Cabinet Required?

  • FirePro Unit installation Utility Cabinet (where site in public land or road reserve)

  • XXXX_F01

  • Is Firepro in Pole Base Required?

  • FirePro Unit installation Tower (where site in public land or road reserve)

  • XXXX_F02

  • Fire Stopping (Building Penetrations, Utility Cabinet, Feeder Ducts)

  • XXXX_F03

  • Supervisory Close Up Krone / Alarm?)

  • XXXX_H18

Equipment / Base Station

  • Are new outdoor cabinets installed?

  • Photo of Outdoor cabinet(s) installed

  • XXXX_C8_E1

  • Photo of the 16mm2 Earth connected

  • XXXX_C8_E2

  • Photo to show Malfoid installed

  • XXXX_C8_E3

  • Photo to show Anchors properly installed / Cabinet bolted down

  • XXXX_C8_E4

  • Existing tower foundations / anchor blocks

  • XXXX_T15

  • Cabinet door open (3900L, 37U)

  • XXXX_E01

  • Front of cabinet door closed

  • XXXX_E02_Y

  • Close up BBU/d2u/d4u (showing Labelling, earthing, DC, Fibres)

  • XXXX_E03_Y

  • S1 Equipment Implemented?

  • RRU/ RRH plus mount close up

  • XXXX_E04_S_1

  • W850 Filter installed (showing cabling and labelling)

  • XXXX_E06_S_1

  • Indoor Diplexer / Combiner installed (showing cabling and labelling)

  • XXXX_E07_S_1

  • S2 Equipment Implemented?

  • RRU/ RRH plus mount close up

  • XXXX_E04_S_2

  • W850 Filter installed (showing cabling and labelling)

  • XXXX_E06_S_2

  • Indoor Diplexer / Combiner installed (showing cabling and labelling)

  • XXXX_E07_S_2

  • S3 Equipment Implemented?

  • RRU/ RRH plus mount close up

  • XXXX_E04_S_3

  • W850 Filter installed (showing cabling and labelling)

  • XXXX_E06_S_3

  • Indoor Diplexer / Combiner installed (showing cabling and labelling)

  • XXXX_E07_S_3

  • S4 Equipment Implemented?

  • RRU/ RRH plus mount close up

  • XXXX_E04_S_4

  • W850 Filter installed (showing cabling and labelling)

  • XXXX_E06_S_4

  • Indoor Diplexer / Combiner installed (showing cabling and labelling)

  • XXXX_E07_S_4

  • RRU / RRH plus mount group close up

  • XXXX_E05_Y

  • First DCDU on site

  • XXXX_E08_1

  • Each additional DCDU on site

  • XXXX_E08_2

  • First MTP tray / fibre patch panel on site

  • XXXX_E09_1

  • Each additional MTP tray / fibre patch panel on site

  • XXXX_E09_2

  • DMR/eDMR dish Close Up (multiple photos also showing radio head behind dish if applicable)

  • XXXX_B01

  • DMR/eDMR indoor unit

  • XXXX_B02

Power Systems

  • Indoor cabinet whole cabinet view showing number of rectifiers and battery banks installed (note: do not remove grill just to take this photo)

  • XXXX_P01

  • Indoor/Outdoor cabinet door closed Rectifier and/or Batteries installed whole cabinet view

  • XXXX_P02

  • DC power system controller (Close Up)

  • XXXX_P03

  • DC Circuit Breaker Panel (in both Eaton and 37U cabinets)

  • XXXX_P04

  • DC Circuit breaker panel Legend Sheet in Eaton cabinet (label card must match circuit breakers)

  • XXXX_P05

  • Battery String(s)

  • XXXX_P06

  • Battery Install Date

  • XXXX_C8_P06

  • AC distribution cabinet

  • XXXX_P07

  • AC power meter and Metering Installation Certificate (needed for asbuilts only on new sites)

  • XXXX_P08

  • Load current in Eaton rectifier cabinet before integration

  • XXXX_P09_Before

  • Load current in Eaton rectifier cabinet after integration

  • XXXX_P09_After

  • All cabinets close up of batteries to show amp/hours rating. Take this photo through the front grill of indoor cabinets unless this has already been removed

  • XXXX_P10

  • Earth resistivity label

  • XXXX_P11

  • New batteries Photo of multimeter showing battery string voltage prior to turning on the breaker

  • XXXX_P12

  • Is this a Chorus Site?

  • CHORUS ONLY Photo of AC distribution board feeding the mobile site

  • XXXX_P13

  • CHORUS ONLY Photo of AC breaker feeding the mobile site

  • XXXX_P14

Tower, Antenna and Rigging

  • Is S1 Implemented?

  • Antenna close up showing labelling

  • XXXX_T01_S_1

  • S1 - RRU/ RRH Installed? Photo plus mount close up (unit mounted individually) showing labelling

  • XXXX_T02_S_1

  • RRU / RRH plus mount close up (units mounted in a group) showing labelling

  • XXXX_T03_S_1

  • Building & Tower / Antennas / RRU / RRH wide shot

  • XXXX_T04_S_1

  • S1 - TMA Installed? Photo of TMA showing cabling and labelling

  • XXXX_T05_S_1

  • Outdoor W850 Filter installed (showing cabling and labelling)

  • XXXX_T06_S_1

  • Outdoor Diplexer / Combiner installed? Photo showing cabling and labelling

  • XXXX_T07_S_1

  • Bulkhead at top of the tower showing the DC leads & fibre leads

  • XXXX_T08_S_1

  • Sector coverage (ideally taken looking over the top of the antenna). Technology ID required only if there are multiple antennas on a sector

  • XXXX_T14_S_1

  • Photo of arm looking out from centre

  • XXXX_C8_S_1

  • Is S2 Implemented?

  • Antenna close up showing labelling

  • XXXX_T01_S_2

  • S2 - RRU/ RRH Installed? Photo plus mount close up (unit mounted individually) showing labelling

  • XXXX_T02_S_2

  • RRU / RRH plus mount close up (units mounted in a group) showing labelling

  • XXXX_T03_S_2

  • Building & Tower / Antennas / RRU / RRH wide shot

  • XXXX_T04_S_2

  • S2 - TMA Installed? Photo of TMA showing cabling and labelling

  • XXXX_T05_S_2

  • S2 - Outdoor W850 Filter installed (showing cabling and labelling)

  • XXXX_T06_S_2

  • S2 - Outdoor Diplexer / Combiner installed? Photo showing cabling and labelling

  • XXXX_T07_S_2

  • Bulkhead at top of the tower showing the DC leads & fibre leads

  • XXXX_T08_S_2

  • Sector coverage (ideally taken looking over the top of the antenna). Technology ID required only if there are multiple antennas on a sector

  • XXXX_T14_S_2

  • Photo of arm looking out from centre

  • XXXX_C8_S_2

  • Is S3 Implemented?

  • Antenna close up showing labelling

  • XXXX_T01_S_3

  • S3 - RRU/ RRH Installed? Photo plus mount close up (unit mounted individually) showing labelling

  • XXXX_T02_S_3

  • RRU / RRH plus mount close up (units mounted in a group) showing labelling

  • XXXX_T03_S_3

  • Building & Tower / Antennas / RRU / RRH wide shot

  • XXXX_T04_S_3

  • S3 - TMA Installed? Photo of TMA showing cabling and labelling

  • XXXX_T05_S_3

  • S3 - Outdoor W850 Filter installed (showing cabling and labelling)

  • XXXX_T06_S_3

  • S3 - Outdoor Diplexer / Combiner installed? Photo showing cabling and labelling

  • XXXX_T07_S_3

  • Bulkhead at top of the tower showing the DC leads & fibre leads

  • XXXX_T08_S_3

  • Sector coverage (ideally taken looking over the top of the antenna). Technology ID required only if there are multiple antennas on a sector

  • XXXX_T14_S_3

  • Photo of arm looking out from centre

  • XXXX_C8_S_3

  • Is S4 Implemented?

  • Antenna close up showing labelling

  • XXXX_T01_S_4

  • S4 - RRU/ RRH Installed? Photo plus mount close up (unit mounted individually) showing labelling

  • XXXX_T02_S_4

  • RRU / RRH plus mount close up (units mounted in a group) showing labelling

  • XXXX_T03_S_4

  • Building & Tower / Antennas / RRU / RRH wide shot

  • XXXX_T04_S_4

  • S4 - TMA Installed? Photo of TMA showing cabling and labelling

  • XXXX_T05_S_4

  • S4 - Outdoor W850 Filter installed (showing cabling and labelling)

  • XXXX_T06_S_4

  • S4 - Outdoor Diplexer / Combiner installed? Photo showing cabling and labelling

  • XXXX_T07_S_4

  • Bulkhead at top of the tower showing the DC leads & fibre leads

  • XXXX_T08_S_4

  • Sector coverage (ideally taken looking over the top of the antenna). Technology ID required only if there are multiple antennas on a sector

  • XXXX_T14_S_4

  • Photo of arm looking out from centre

  • XXXX_C8_S_4

  • Tower head

  • XXXX_T09

  • Tower whole

  • XXXX_T10

  • Inside of tower base showing the cable ducts / earthing

  • XXXX_T11

  • Inside of tower base showing ducts

  • XXXX_T12_S_Y

  • GPS Antenna (showing location e.g. exchange rooftop, tower, shelter)

  • XXXX_T13

Safety Systems

  • Is a Latchway Installed?

  • Top Anchor

  • XXXX_L01

  • Bottom Tensioner

  • XXXX_L02

  • Tag

  • XXXX_L03

  • View looking up tower shaft with Latchway completed

  • XXXX_L04

  • Are Anchor Points Installed?

  • Tagged Anchor Points

  • XXXX_C04

Civil and Structural Work

  • Any Concrete Work completed?

  • Pre pour and after photo of any changes to the foundations

  • XXXX_C01_PrePour

  • Any Steelwork Installed / Upgraded?

  • Before photo of any new steelwork or strengthening on the tower (hold down bolts, flanges, mounts, headframes, guy wires and hardware)

  • XXXX_C02

  • After photo of any new steelwork or strengthening on the tower (hold down bolts, flanges, mounts, headframes, guy wires and hardware)

  • XXXX_C03

  • Any GuyWire Work Completed / Tensioned / Upgraded?

  • Guy wire photo with ruler/caliper showing the actual size of the new guy wires

  • XXXX_C03_1

Completion Photos - General

  • Site Clean and Tidy

  • XXXX_C8_S12

  • Is this a COLO Site?

  • Colo Power after

  • XXXX_S12_1

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.