Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Biosafety Permit Number
Responsible Person
Personnel Present
Physical Requirements
1. Door Sign for Hazardous Materials Posted with emergency contacts (CBS 3.2.2)
1.1. Door Hazard Sign is Up-To-Date
2. Biosafety Permit Posted (SFU)
2.1. Biosafety Permit is current
3. International Biohazard Symbol Posted (CBS3 3.2.2)
4. Entrance Requirements Posted (CBS3 3.2.2)
Physical requirements
5. Lab Has a Door (CBS3 3.2.4)
5.1. Door is kept closed
5.2. Door is lockable
5.2.1. Door is kept locked
5.3. If not, access is otherwise restricted
6. Lab Has Windows (CBS3 3.1.1)
6.1. Windows Open (CBS3 3.1.1)
6.1.1. Windows Have Screens (CBS3 3.1.1)
- SOP - Windows not to be Opened (CBS3 3.1.1)
7. PPE Storage Space (CBS3 3.2.9))
8. Personal clothing and belongings stored way from PPE. (CBS3 4.4.8, 4.4.9)
9. Sink for Hand Washing available in the lab (CBS3 3.5.4)
10. Eyewash and Shower available inside the containment zone or nearby (WorkSafe BC)
11. Lab clean and free of obstructions, unnecessary materials, and items that cannot be easily decontaminated (CBS3 4.5.3)
12. Surfaces cleanable, non-absorbent, and resistant to physical damage and damage caused by decontamination (Benchetops, Casework, Floors, Chairs) (CBS3 3.3.1)
13. Paperwork/office work in the lab ( CBS3 4.5.2)
13.1. Mechanism in place to separate the paperwork/ office work area from the lab bench to prevent the spread of contamination (CBS3 4.5.2)
14. Biosafety Cabinet (BSC) in the lab (CBS3 3.6.1)
14.1. BSc installed at an appropriate location (CBS3 4.5.22)
14.2. BSC Certified? (CBS3 5.1.6)
14.3. Lab members trained on safe work practices with BSC (CBS3 4.2.2)
14.3.1. Normal working conditions of BSC verified before use (CBS3 4.5.9))
15. Other primary containment devices or ventilated devices (CBS3 3.6.2, CBS 5.1.8)
15.1. Designed to prevent the release of biohazards or have a mechanism in place to contain a potential release (CBS3 3.6.2)
15.2. Routinely verified and tested (according to an accepted SOP) (CBS3 4.5.9, CBS3 5.1.6)
15.3. SOP to transfer biohazards from one to another without aerosols/release (closed systems) (CBS3 4.5.19)
16. Does the lab have its OWN autoclave? (CBS3 3.6.5)
16.1. Following Biohazard Transport SOP to transport waste to the autoclave room (CBS3 3.6.5, CBS3 4.7.7)
16.1.1. Lab Specific SOP (CBS3 3.6.5, CBS3 4.7.7)
16.2. Parameters monitored and recorded?
16.3. Validation records? (annual)
17. Biologicals Aspirated or under Vacuum (CBS3 3.6.8)
17.1. Vacuum protected by Filter/Trap and/or disinfectant trap (CBS3 3.6.8)
17.1.1. Filter inspected routinely (e.g. monthly), replaced regularly (e.g. annually) and documented (CBS3 4.5.8)
18. Centrifuges
18.1. Centrifuges have sealed rotors/cups (CBS3 4.5.23)
18.1.1. Inhalation is the primary route of infection for agents centrifuged Centrifuges have sealed rotors/cups (CBS3 4.5.23)
19. Is there a telephone in the lab?
19.1. Other 2-way communication from Lab?
20. Biological material stored outside the containment zone.
20.1. Containers labelled, leakproof, impact resistant (CBS3 4.5.14)
20.2. In locked storage equipment or within an area with limited access. (CBS3 4.5.14) with biohazard signage, risk group, and emergency signage posted at the point of entry or on the equipment (CBS3 3.2.3)
21. Closed Shoes
22. Covered legs
23. Lab coat
24. PPE is specific to each Containment Zone (CBS3 4.4.13) and donned appropriately
25. Gloves for biohazards (CBS3 4.3.3)
25.1. Gloves removed and hands washed before exiting (CBS3 4.4.19)
26. Face protection for splashes or flying objects (CBS3 4.4.13)
27. Long hair is tied up (CBS3 4.5.5) and jewelry that may become contaminated or compromise PPE must be removed or covered (CBS3 4.4.12)
28. Respirators Used
28.1. Respiratory protection program in place (WorkSafe BC)
29. PPE is to be doffed in a manner that minimizes contamination of the skin and hair (CBS3 4.4.18)
30. New Staff Receive Lab-Specific Orientation and Training
30.1. Includes physical design and operation of the containment zone and containment systems (CBS3 4.2.2)
30.2. Includes use and operation of laboratory equipment, including primary containment devices (CBS3 4.2.2)
30.3. Includes exposure control (CBS3 4.2.2)
30.4. Includes signs and symptoms of exposure (CBS3 4.2.2)
30.5. Personnel to demonstrate knowledge of and proficiency in the SOPs on which they were trained (CBS3 4.2.2)
30.6. Trainees directly supervised till all training complete (CBS3 4.2.2)
32. Wounds, Cuts, Scratches Covered with waterproof dressings (CBS3 4.4.11)
58. Lab has an appropriate spill kit & procedure (CBS3 4.8.8)
33. No admin work/laptops (except in designated Paper/Computer work stations) (CBS3 4.5.2)
34. Procedure in place to prevent personal exposure (good microbiological laboratory practices, decontamination of surfaces and items that may be contaminated, and removal of PPE when it may have become contaminated.) (CBS3 4.5.1)
35. Needles/Sharps used
35.1. Are there suitable alternatives? (CBS3 4.5.6)
35.2. Bending, shearing, re-capping, or removing needles from syringes
35.2.1. SOP for doing safely. (CBS3 4.5.7)
35.3. Sharps containers used (CBS3 4.7.4)
36. Work with human tissue/fluids (except cell lines, urine)
36.1. Staff offered Hep B Vaccine and record documented? (CBS3 4.1.9)
37. Lab handling non-human primates?
37.1. Personnel issued Emergency medical contact cards (CBS3 4.8.3)
38. Disinfectant & neutralizing chemicals for toxins available in the lab. (CBS3 4.7.3)
38.1. Disinfectant & neutralizing chemicals for toxins are effective against biohazards and toxins used (CBS3 4.7.3)
39. Work Surfaces Routinely Decontaminated (CBS3 4.7.2)
39.1. Disinfectant is effective against agents being used (CBS3 4.4.18)
40. Samples opened outside containment zones (CBS3 4.5.13)
41. Regulated materials are to be inactivated with a validated and routinely verified method prior to removal from the containment zone for use at a lower containment level. (CBS3 4.5.18)
42. Work may produce infectious aerosols or aerosolized toxins
42.1. Only in BSC (CBS3 4.5.20)
42.1.1. Other means of containment (CBS3 4.5.20)
43. High concentrations or High volumes of infectious material
43.1. Only in BSC (CBS3 4.5.20)
43.1.1. Other means of containment (CBS3 4.5.20)
44. Personnel know to report incidents to the supervisor (CBS3 4.8.5)
45. Supervisor knows to report incidents to EHS (CBS3 4.8.9)
46. SOP: PPE requirements (CBS3 4.1.10)
47. SOP: Entry/Exit (CBS3 4.1.10)
48. SOP: Use of BSCs or other Containment Devices (CBS3 4.1.10)
48.1. Prevents the inadvertent spread of contamination from items removed from the BSC after handling infectious material or toxins. (CBS3 4.5.1)
48.2. Decontaminated before maintenance
49. SOP: Animal Work Considerations (CBS3 4.1.10)
50. SOP: Decontamination (CBS3 4.1.10)
51. SOP: Waste Management (CBS3 4.1.10)
51.1. Liquids decontaminated before entering sewer (CBS3 4.7.6)
52. SOP: movement and transportation of infectious material and toxins (CBS3 4.1.10 and CBS3 4.5.19)
53. SOP: Other tasks (CBS3 4.1.10)
54. Training and refresher training records for all staff (CBS3 4.9.4)
55. Is the Biohazard Inventory on Bio-permits up to date? (CBS3 4.9.5)
56. Monthly self-inspection checklists (CBS3 4.9.8 and CBS3 5.1.2)
57. Import permits & records (2 years past disposal) (CBS3 4.9.1)
Responsible Person (or designate)