Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


  • Are adequate welfare facilities in place?

  • Are there a sufficient number of First aiders on site and details published?

  • Is there a fire plan and is this displayed?

  • Are Client and CDM inductions completed by all operatives and are operatives displaying induction stickers on their hardhats?

  • Have all operatives signed onto the approved RAMS for the works that they are undertaking?

  • Do the RAMS reflect the work being undertaken on site? Are all risks and control measures accurately recorded and followed?

  • Do the operatives undertaking the work have the necessary competencies and have they provided copies for site records?

  • Are all operatives signed in on the site CDM register?

  • Have contractors got the appropriate permits-to-work in place and have all operatives signed onto them?

Access/Egress/Work Areas

  • Is the site boundary / CDM Areas demarcated and secure?

  • Is the correct safety signs displayed and in good order at site entrance?

  • Is there safe access to all work areas?

  • Are work areas cordoned off where required?

  • Is housekeeping to an acceptable standard in all areas?

  • Is cable management to an acceptable standard? i.e. no trip hazards, cables run at high level where possible or under appropriate matting etc.

  • Are materials and equipment stored safely in designated laydown areas?

  • Are access routes/doorways free of obstructions?

  • Are appropriate safety signs displayed? i.e. men working at height etc.

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Are all operatives wearing site mandatory PPE?

  • Is PPE in good condition?

  • Is additional task specific PPE worn as specified in RAMS? i.e. RPE, fall protection etc

  • Are all items of fall protection PPE (harnesses and lanyards) thoroughly inspected by a competent person within the last 6 months?

Hot Works

  • Is there a hot works permit in place?

  • Has the contractor supplied suitable firefighting equipment within the immediate area? (minimum of two appropriate extinguishers as specified in RAMS).

  • Have fire retardant screens been erected where necessary?

  • Have all combustibles been removed from the vicinity of the hot works?

  • Has a designated firewatcher been identified and is he aware of his dutys?

  • Is all hot works equipment in good condition?

Hand Tools/Electrical Tools/Electrical Equipment

  • Are all power tools battery powered or 110v?

  • Is all electrical equipment PA tested within the last 3 months with stickers displayed?

  • Are all guards in place and effective?

  • Are tools and equipment in good condition and being used for their intended purpose?

Live Energy

  • All work taking place is dead?

  • Where applicable, live energy sources have been isolated and locked out?

  • LOTO register is up-to-date?

  • LOTO key cabinet is secured with restricted access?

Equipment (Plant, MEWPs, FLTs, Cranes, etc.)

  • Thorough examinations are evident for all lifting equipment and accessories?

  • Pre-use inspections are completed and documented?

  • Operator competencies are confirmed prior to use?

  • Areas are cordoned off and marshalled as required?

  • Emergency rescue plans are available for work involving MEWPs?


  • Fixed scaffolding erected by CISRS qualified persons only?

  • Fixed scaffolds inspected at intervals not exceeding 7 days by qualified personnel with an inspection tag displayed at the access point?

  • Mobile scaffold towers by PASMA qualified persons only?

  • Mobile towers inspected at intervals not exceeding 7 days by qualified personnel with an inspection tag displayed at the access point?

  • Access gates, trapdoors, toe boards, fall protection and brick guards in place to prevent falls and falling objects?

  • Emergency rescue plan in place?

Unprotected Edges

  • Access to open edges is closed off where practicable?

  • Personnel working near open edges are wearing appropriate fall protection/prevention equipment and attached to a suitable anchor point?

  • Thorough examination certificates are available for harnesses and lanyards and dated within the last 6 months?

  • Emergency rescue plan in place?

  • Access restricted to any open edges with barriers and warning signs in place?


  • All ladders/stepladders are manufactured to BSEN 131 Professional standard?

  • All ladders/stepladders/podiums are inspected and tagged?

  • Leaning ladders are secured in place (tied at top and footed at bottom with three points of contact maintained at all times?

  • No excessive twisting or leaning from ladders/stepladders observed?

  • Leaning ladders are used for access only?

  • Stepladders are used for short duration work only (>20 mins) and where no other practicable solution is available?

  • Stepladders are used to work straight on?


  • Safety Data Sheets and COSHH assessments submitted for approval and approved before use?

  • COSHH items are stored appropriatley?

  • Where applicable, safety showers are available with contractors aware of location?

  • Control measures are in place to prevent spillages and where required, contain them?

Confined Spaces

  • All personnel entering confined spaces are confined space trained?

  • Emergency rescue plan is in place?

  • Watcher is in place and aware of duties?

  • Adequate ventilation is present?

  • All equipment is inspected and calibrated as required with documentation available?

  • Live energy sources have been isolated and locked out?


  • Service plans and drawings are available?

  • CAT scans/GPR scans undertaken to detect and locate underground services? (Drawings alone are not sufficient!)

  • Adequate barriers are in place to prevent unauthorised access and falls?

  • Excavation shoring is in installed where required?

  • Where required, excavations are inspected daily by a competent person and recorded?

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment

  • Lifting plans have been submitted and approved by an Authorised Person?

  • Lift points are identified on the load?

  • Ground conditions are suitable for the lifting operation and equipment?

  • Evidence of all relevant competencies? i.e. slinger, signaller, crane operator etc.

  • All lifting equipment and accessories have in-date certificates of thorough examination and are inspected prior to use?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.