Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Product Recall

  • Are product recall/withdrawal procedures being followed?

  • Are there any outstanding recalls/withdrawals?

  • Is recall area segregated and tidy?

Temperature Management

  • In all fresh departments have them demonstrate how they take a temperature (must be of the product, not the shelf or air temperature, or from dial)

    Ask what the team member dies if temperature is not to specification.

  • Deli

  • Seafood

  • Meat

  • Produce

  • Perishables

  • Bakery

Pest Control

  • Check the pest control book. Have any issues been raised by routine pest control contractors and have they been addressed?

  • Have any pest sightings been appropriately addressed by rentokil?

Staff Training

  • Has 5 steps training been completed on success factors for last 5 people?

Inwards Goods

  • Does the thermometer have a current calibration sticker with "add" or "sub" written on it?

  • Do the team know how to apply the add or sub instruction?

  • Are goods receipted into store as per required guidelines?

  • Is the area clean and free of debris?

  • No build up around the compactor and cardboard crusher?

  • Is the area around the external bins clean and free of build up?


  • From a customers perspective does the serve over case and display shelving look clean and appealing?

  • Dues the thermometer have a current calibration sticker with "add" or "sub" written on it?

  • Do the team know how to apply the add or sub instruction?

  • Are the products in the hot case at or above 65 degrees? Take a temperature at a number of different products.

  • Are any products overdue from being removed from hot case?

  • Take some random temperatures in hot case and check temp book.<br><br>Do your temps match those recorded?

  • Is corrective action recorded for any non compliant temperatures in the record book?

  • Are products in serve over and retail chillers below 4 degrees? Take a temperature at a number of different places.<br><br>Check the temperature book.<br><br>Do your temps match those recorded?

  • Is corrective action recorded for any non compliant temperatures in the record book?

  • Are there signs of condensation in the serve over? If do do the team know what to do to control this?

  • Are any spoons left in salads inside the serve over?

  • Have any items from the serve over been pre-packed, and available for sale in the self serve case without ingredients labelling?

  • Do "day dots" in the serve over case align with that in the shelf life and slicing books (verify number of days on display are appropriate/time and date on dot appropriate)?<br>Challenge this by doing a random check in the case.

  • Is the two bucket system in place for spoons and tongs? Salad utensils are used once then placed in "dirty bucket" containing detergent solution / "clean bucket" stores clean, dry utensils (no water or cleaning solution). Sliced meat tongs can stay in the case so long as the handle does not touch the food.

  • Have record books been signed off by manager on a weekly basis?

  • Is jewellery policy being adhered to?

  • Deli rear chiller, is all product and packaging off the floor?

  • Are all products labelled, particularly if transferred from suppliers packaging?

  • Are any items exposed to the air?

  • Does the cleaning standard of the department match the signed off records?

  • Is the service case completely cleaned 3 times per week?


  • Are the display shelves and fittings clean and appealing?

  • Aside from the days operation, is the preparation area clean?

  • Does the thermometer have a current calibration sticker with "add" or "sub" written on it?

  • Do team know how to apply the add or sub instruction?

  • Are the allergens segregated (both in the dept as well as in the retail display case)?

  • Is there an allergen warning sticker attached to the glass door of the retail display case (loose items)?

  • Are tongs clean?

  • Is an ingredient book available for customers on request ( should be at checkouts)?

  • Are products in retail chiller below 4 degrees?

  • Are any ingredients or products in the rear chiller, rear freezer, or preparation and storage areas exposed to the air?

  • Is fresh cream only used on day one of production?

  • When ingredients are opened and decanted into alternative storage containers, are all these containers labelled with appropriate traceability labels?

  • Are any containers or ingredients expired?

  • Has the defrost log been fully completed for all items thawed for production (eg bacon, capsicum, mock cream, blueberries)?

  • Are all baking trays stored in an inverted manner when not in use?

  • Are drink bottles appropriate, and stored in a designated area?

  • Have record books been verified and signed off by management on a weekly basis?

  • Is the jewellery policy being adhered to?


  • Does the thermometer have a current calibration sticker with "add" or "sub" written on it?

  • Do team know how to apply the add or sub instruction?

  • Are retail cases clean/free of mould and condensation build up?

  • Is product within date? Verify by random check.

  • Is segregation between raw and cooked in place?

  • Are products I. The retail chillers below 4 degrees? And freezers below -18 degrees?

  • Is pet food fully segregated from human food?

  • Has the calibration variance been recorded in them temperature monitoring book? Has the instruction been recorded on the dot which is stuck on the probe/infra red (using the words "add" or "sub" as appropriate)?

  • Have record books been verified and signed off by store management in a weekly basis?


  • Does the thermometer have a current calibration sticker with "add" or "sub" written on it?

  • Do team know how to apply the add or sub instruction?

  • Are retail cases clean/free of mould and condensation build up?

  • Are products in the retail chillers below 4 degrees?

  • Are disposable hats and gloves available for use when cutting ready to eat fruit?

  • Are designated chopping boards available for cutting ready to eat fresh fruit and also vegetables?

  • Are the boards in a clean condition?

  • Has the calibration variance been recorded in the temperature monitoring book?

  • Have record books been verified and signed off by management on a weekly basis?

Bulk Foods

  • Are nuts segregated from non nuts on retail display (nuts not above any non but product)?

  • Are nuts segregated from non nut products in storage area?

  • Are cleaning plannograms completed as per defined frequency? Are bins and scoops visually clean on inspection? (Verify by way of random selection)

  • Is the full ingredient list either on the label or near self serve bin area? Or is there notification to customer advising them that this is available from checkouts (if so, is this the case)?


  • Does the thermometer have a current calibration sticker with "add" or "sub" written on it?

  • Do the team know how to apply the add if sub instruction?

  • Is the random temperature check completed and recorded before orders are collected (for at least 2 different pick up times each day)?

  • Are drivers books verified by the dept manager on a weekly basis?

  • Are temperatures monitored for all click and collect (spoke store only) receipted into store at inwards goods?

  • Has the calibration variance been recorded in the temperature monitoring book? Has the instruction been recorded on the dot which is stuck in the probe /infra red (using the words "add" or "sub" as appropriate)?

  • Have the record books been verified and signed off by management on a weekly basis?


  • Does the thermometer have a current calibration sticker with "add" or "sub" written on it?

  • Do the team know how to apply the add or sub instruction?

  • Are the products in retail chillers below 4 degrees? and in freezers below -18 degrees?

  • Are the products in storage chillers below 4 degrees? And in freezers below -18 degrees?

  • Are their any signs of condensation/ice buildup in freezer storage and retail display cases?

  • Are there any signs of mould/dirt build up in chiller retail display cases?

  • Are the load limits been adhered to?

  • Have record books been verified and signed off by management on a weekly basis?

  • Has the calibration variance been recorded in the temperature monitoring book?


  • Are the shelves clean?

  • Does the store have a plannogram to systematically date check sections of shelving?

  • Does the store have a plannogram to systematically clean sections of shelving?

  • Does the store have records to show this is happening?

  • Verify the checking dates on infant formula and products? And check under the base boards of cereal and baking bays.


  • From a customers perspective does the serve over case and display shelving look clean and appealing?

  • Does the thermometer have a current calibration sticker with "add" or "sub" written on it?

  • Do team know how to apply the add or sub instruction?

  • Are products in serve overs and retail chillers below 4 degrees? And freezers below -18 degrees?

  • Any signs of condensation in the serve over? <br>If so, do staff know what to do to control this?

  • Do team know the correct salt ratio to use for the mussel machine?

  • Do staff know what to do if the mussel case is above 10 degrees?

  • Is a probe thermometer available for recording tampers tire of mussels?

  • Is fish being pre-packed from fresh only on day one in the serve over?

  • Have thawed products being recorded in the defrost log?

  • Have these items been labelled both in the serve over and the retail case as "previously frozen/thawed" if the customer could potentially believe they may be fresh?

  • Have any items from the serve over been pre-packed, and available for sale without ingredients labelling I the self serve case?

  • Do "day dots" in the serve over align with that in the shelf life and slicing books (verify number of days on display at appropriate / time and date on dot appropriate)?<br>Challenge this by doing a random check in the case.

  • Is the two bucket system for spoons and tongs in place? Utensils are used once then placed in "dirty" bucket containing detergent solution /"clean" bucket dry utensils (no cleaning solution)

  • Has the calibration variance been recorded in the temperature monitoring book?

  • Have the records been verified in a weekly basis?

  • Is the jewellery policy being adhered to?

  • Seafood rear chiller, is all product and packaging off the floor?

  • Are all products labelled, particularly if transferred from suppliers packaging?

  • Are any items exposed to the air?

  • Does the cleaning standard of the department match the signed off records?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.