Title Page

  • Site Conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Location and Surroundings

  • Is the facility located in a safe and low crime area?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Are there any potential security risks in the immediate vicinity? (e.g. protests, demonstrations, high crime neighborhoods)

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Does the country have a low crime rate?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

Access Control

  • Does the facility have controlled access points with security personnel at entrances and exits?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Are there security barriers (gates, barricades, vehicle inspection areas) to prevent unauthorized vehicle access?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

Security Personnel

  • Does the facility employ trained security personnel who are visible throughout the premises?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Are there sufficient security staff to maintain 24/7 coverage?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

How easy or difficult will it be for the security team to cover the venue adequately considering the following:

  • Number of entrances/exits into the meeting places

  • Size of the property

  • Spread of rooms across multiple buildings

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

CCTV Surveillance

  • Are there security cameras strategically placed to monitor common areas, entrances, parking lots, other sensitive locations?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Is the CCTV system regularly maintained and actively monitored?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

Emergency Response Plan

  • Does the facility have a comprehensive emergency response plan that includes procedures for evacuations, medical emergencies, and security incidents?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Is there a designated security team responsible for executing the emergency plan?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

Security Screening

  • Are attendees and their belongings subject to security screening upon entry to the facility, especially during high-profile events?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Is there an X-Ray machine or metal detector for screening bags and personal items?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

Access Credentials

  • Are access cards or badges issued to authorized personnel only, and are they required for entry to restricted areas?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Are attendees provided with identification badges and lanyards?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:


  • Does the facility have robust cybersecurity measures in place to protect against data breaches, hacking, and unauthorized access to sensitive information?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Is secure and encrypted Wi-Fi available, and are guests educated about safe internet practices?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Is the facility willing to give a separate, private network to our group?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Is the network robust enough to handle the number of guests attending assuming at least one device connection per person?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

Fire Safety

  • Are fire alarms, smoke detectors, and sprinkler systems in place and regularly tested?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Is there a fire evacuation plan in case of emergency?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

Secure Meeting Spaces

  • Do conference rooms have secure access controls and the ability to be locked down if necessary?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Are there private meeting spaces for VIPs to discuss sensitive matters?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

VIP Escort Services

  • Does the facility offer VIP escort services from security personnel for high-profile attendees when they move within and outside the facility premises?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

Privacy Protections

  • Are there measures in place to protect the privacy of HVAs, such as ensuring that guest lists are not disclosed to unauthorized individuals?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Is there a procedure in place for handling media requests and paparazzi?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

Communication and Coordination

  • Is there a dedicated security command center for coordinating security efforts during the conference? Or will the facility provide one for the contracted security team to utilize?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Are security personnel equipped with two-way radios or communication devices?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

Local Law Enforcement Liaison

  • Has the facility established a liaison with local law enforcement agencies for additional support and coordination in case of emergencies?

  • Risk Levek

  • Recommendation:

Guest Education

  • Does the facility provide guests with security guidelines and information on how to report suspicious activity?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

Vendor and Service Provider Vetting

  • Are all vendors and service providers thoroughly vetted and required to meet security standards?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

Incident Response Plan

  • Does the facility have a documented incident response plan that outlines steps to be taken in the event of a security breach or threat?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:


  • Is the arrival airport(s) within a reasonable driving distance of the venue? (No more than 1.5 hours)

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

  • Are large busses and vans available for contracting, and are they suitable?

  • Risk Level

  • Recommendation:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.