Title Page

  • Waterway

  • Site Name

  • Other Information

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Service Provider & Frequency

  • Who services this site?

  • What is the collection Frequency?

Compound Details

  • Is the compound big enough?

  • Please provide approximate dimensions of the bin/skip compound?

  • Provide photos here.

Current Provision of Bins/Skips at location

  • Please provide the number and size of the General Waste bins?

  • Please enter the number and size of the recycled waste bins?

  • Please enter the number and size of the skips? (if possible)

  • Please enter the number and type of Hazardous waste bins/receptacles?

  • Provide photos here.

Who produces the waste?

  • Who are the producers of the waste at this site? (please mark multiple answers)

  • Please provide further information here, please include percentages where possible.

  • Provide photos here.


  • Does the site currently have appropriate signage?

  • Is the signage clear and visible to all users?

  • Provide photos here.

Access / Security

  • How is the site secured?

  • Provide photos here.

  • Is there Vehicle Access?

  • Provide photos here.

  • Are there any restrictions on accessing the site?

  • Please provide details on restrictions on accessing the site here.

  • Provide photos here.

  • Is the site manned?

  • Please provide additional comments on how the site is manned here.

  • Is the site monitored by CCTV?

  • Please provide additional comments here.

  • Provide photos here.

  • Is the Site Access Plan up to date or does it require a review?

What waste is in the bins/skips?

  • Please describe the waste found in each RECYCLE bin? Please provide approximate percentages of potential contamination in each bin. The main things to look for here is black/opaque bin bags, engine oil in containers, paint tins or small electrical items.

  • Provide photos here.

Please describe the waste found in each skip? Please provide approximate percentages of potential contamination in each skip. Please split out the waste types into Cardboard, Glass, Green waste, Metal, Plastics, Wood, Inert Material, Other.

  • Cardboard

  • Glass

  • Green Waste

  • Inert Material (Stone / Soils / Aggregates)

  • Metal

  • Plastics

  • Wood

  • Other specifics, please note.

  • Provide photos here.

Dredged Waste

  • Is there a specific dredged waste provision at this location?

  • Provide photos here.

Good Practice

  • Provide examples of good/best practice experienced on site.

  • Provide photos here.


  • Provide any/all site specific recommendations.

  • Provide photos here.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.