Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Left Vestibule
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Are the fire sensors in order on the door exits and roof?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Are the doors operating to safe standards? Eg opening and locking properly.
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the chairs safe for purpose?
Is the under stair cupboard safely packed and stacked?
Are the chairs safely stacked no higher than 6 chairs?
Are all stairs, ladders and railings safe and fit for purpose?
Stage Left - Are there trip hazards around the camera tripods legs?
Stage Right - Are there trip hazards around the camera tripods legs?
Are the cables safe?
Have the cables been left in a safe manner?
Electrical Safety
Are all safety lights on the stairs working?
Are the electrical cupboards clear of obstructions?
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Stage Left - CO2 - Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?
Are fire extinguishers within service dates?
Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?
Are exits clear of obstructions?
Does fire equipment appear to be in good condition?
Stage Right - CO2 - Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?
Auditorium Back - CO2 - Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Sound/TV/AV Back of auditorium
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Server Room
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Are the fire sensors in order on the door exits and roof?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Are the doors operating to safe standards? Eg opening and locking properly.
Right Vestibule
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Are the fire sensors in order on the door exits and roof?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Are the doors operating to safe standards? Eg opening and locking properly.
Overflow Area
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are all cupboard packed safely?
Are the chairs safely stacked no higher than 6 chairs?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?
Are fire extinguishers within service dates?
Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?
Are exits clear of obstructions?
Does fire equipment appear to be in good condition?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Fellowsip Area/Kitchen
House Keeping
Is the sink area clean and safe?
Are the fridges and freezers fit for purpose?
Are the fridges and freezers clean and tidy free of decaying foods?
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are all draws, cupboards including cupboard next to disabled toilet packed safely and clean?
Are bench tops clean and tidy?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the chairs safely stacked no higher than 6 chairs?
Electrical Safety
Are the electrical cupboards clear of obstructions inside and out?
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
CO2 and Water - Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?
Are fire extinguishers within service dates?
Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?
Are exits clear of obstructions?
Does fire equipment appear to be in good condition?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the chairs safely stacked no higher than 6 chairs?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
CO2 and Water - Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?
Are fire extinguishers within service dates?
Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?
Are exits clear of obstructions?
Does fire equipment appear to be in good condition?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Crib - Crèche
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the chairs safely stacked no higher than 6 chairs?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Female Toilets
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Electrical Safety
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Male Toilets
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Electrical Safety
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Disabled Toilets
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Electrical Safety
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the cupboards safely packed?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?
Are exits clear of obstructions?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Upstairs Switch/Server Room
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the cupboards safely packed?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?
Are exits clear of obstructions?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Boiler Room
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Are exits clear of obstructions?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the chairs safely stacked no higher than 6 chairs?
Are the cupboards safely packed?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?
Are exits clear of obstructions?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Upstairs Kitchen Area
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the cupboards safely packed?
Is the fridge clean, tidy, no food food decaying needing to be thrown out?
Is the microwave clean and safe?
Are the refuse bins clean, tidy, no food hanging out of the bin or on the floor?
Is the sink area clean and tidy?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
CO2 - Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?
Water - Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?
Are fire extinguishers within service dates?
Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?
Are exits clear of obstructions?
Does fire equipment appear to be in good condition?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Upstairs Toilet
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the cupboards and draws safely packed?
Is the sink area clean and tidy?
Are there enough paper towels and toilet roles?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Pastors Fellowship Area
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the chairs safely stacked no higher than 6 chairs?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
CO2 - Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?
Water - Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?
Are fire extinguishers within service dates?
Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?
Are exits clear of obstructions?
Does fire equipment appear to be in good condition?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Room 1 - Accounts
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the cupboards and filling cabinets packed safely?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Lift Area
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Room 2 - Pastors Office
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Is there enough paper towels and toilet roles in the toilet?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Room 3 - Counselling Room
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Room 4 - Neil and Trish Office
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the cupboards and filling cabinets packed safely?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Upstairs Auditorium - Left
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the chairs safely stacked no higher than 6 chairs?
Electrical Safety
Are the electrical cupboards unobstructed inside and out?
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Water - Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?
Are fire extinguishers within service dates?
Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?
Are exits clear of obstructions?
Does fire equipment appear to be in good condition?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Upstairs Auditorium - Right
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the chairs safely stacked no higher than 6 chairs?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Back Stair and Fire Exit
House Keeping
Are there any visible trip or slip hazards?
Are there any obstructions?
Is the floor area clean of rubbish?
Are the stairs and railings fit for safe use?
Electrical Safety
Are there any cables creating a hazard?
Are there any broken plugs or outlets?
Have all electrical items been PAT tested.
Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?
Is PAT testing up to date?
Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?
Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Water - Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?
Are fire extinguishers within service dates?
Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?
Are exits clear of obstructions?
Does fire equipment appear to be in good condition?
Photograph of any issues.
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Outside Parking Area and Gardens
Do all security lights work according to manufacturer and safety standards?
Are all entry and exit points free from obstruction.
Are there any broken or damaged windows?
Are emergency assembly points clearly defined.
Is the garden area clean and safe free from all rubbish?
Is the area safe?
Are disabled parking spaces clearly defined?
Are vehicle spaces clearly marked?
Are there any obstructions?
Are the bins full and overflowing?
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Rubbish Storage Area
Is the area safe?
Are there signs of rat and or mouse infestations?
Are there any obstructions?
Are the bins full and overflowing?
What other observations can you make?
What actions are required to rectify these issues.
Signature and date
Please type your full name.
Please sign
Please set today's date and the time.