Title Page
*** Please do not instal the meter until it is requested. ***
Operator name
Meter serial number
BEFORE installation
BEFORE meter installation
ATTENTION : Do not install or flow water through meter.
Add a visible photo of "mechanical register"
Enter the 6 last digit of 'mechanical register' (000054)
AFTER Meter instalation
Proceed the meter installation. <br><br>ATTENTION : Keep the manual valve closed. Do not create any water flow through the meter until it is requested.
Meter startup test
STEP 1 : Observe the mechanical register and <br> 1) Gently OPEN manual valve to generate 10L of water flow through the meter. <br> 2) Immediately CLOSE the manual valve after 10L.<br> 3) Keep valve CLOSED, do not generate any flow.
STEP 2 : Listen for buzzer signal
Did the buzzer emit noise after 10 L of water flow ?
Select the appropriate result
Add a visible photo of "'mechanical register"
Attention :
If the meter does not emit buzzer noise after 10L water flow, click + to repeat another 'startup test' cycle