
  • Document No. 974000-0055-00-126 Issue 01

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Attendance Register

Attendance Register

  • Date:

  • Name:

  • Surname:

  • Occupation:

  • Email:

  • Phone Number:

  • Add signature

Appointment of Lamproom Personnel

Appointment of Lampsman

  • 1.1 Is he/she appointed by the manager?

  • 1.2 Is he/she certificated by the department (Reg 28.46.1)?

  • 1.3 Is the certificate available in the lamproom (Reg 28.46.1)?

  • 1.4 Is he/she certified for the region where the Lampsman is appointed or employed (Reg 28.46.1)?

  • 1.5 Lamps person's duties and responsibilities defined in writing?

Appointment of Relief Lampsman

  • 1.6 Does the lamp person have a relief?

  • 1.7 Is the relief officially appointed by the manager?

  • 1.8 Is the relief certificated by the department (Reg 28.46.1)?

  • 1.9 Is the certificate available in the lamproom (Reg 28.46.1)?

  • 1.10 Is he/she certified for the region where the Lampsman is appointed or employed (Reg 28.46.1)?

  • 1.11 Relief lamps person's duties and responsibilities defined in writing?

Appointment of Lamproom Attendants

  • 1.12 Are the lamproom attendants appointed by the Lampsman?

  • 1.13 Lamproom attendants duties and responsibilities defined in writing?

Training of Lamproom Personnel

Training of Lamproom Personnel

  • 2.1 Is the Lamps person and Relief trained by the various OEM's?

  • Gas Detection Intrumentation

  • Lampsman
  • Supplier

  • Model

  • Certificate Number

  • Date of Issue

  • Expiry Date

  • Portable Lamps

  • Lampsman
  • Supplier

  • Model

  • Certificate Number

  • Date of Issue

  • Expiry Date

  • Self-Contained Self-Rescuers

  • Lampsman
  • Supplier

  • Model

  • Certificate Number

  • Date of Issue

  • Expiry Date

  • Is training done annually by the OEM's?

  • Portable Cap Lamps

  • Portable Loco Lamps

  • Self-Contained Self-Rescuers

  • Gas Detection Instruments

  • Are certificates to this effect issued and displayed?

  • Lampsman
  • Name and Surname:

  • Training Course:

  • Reason:

  • Is the Lamproom attendants trained by the various OEM's?

Training of OEM and/or Accredited Person

  • Is the OEM Technician or accredited person certified to do repairs?<br><br>

Lamproom Code of Practice

Lamproom Code of Practice

  • Signed copy of Lamproom Code of Practice available (Section 9(1))? Does it cover all types of equipment in use?

  • Does it comply with the guidelines issued by the Chief Inspector of Mines?

  • Is the COP displayed on a notice board for everyone to see?

  • Is everybody concerned aware of the requirements? Is the lamproom personnel informed (by the Lampsman) on the contents of COP?

  • Has provision been made for it to be reviewed?

  • Document reference number:

  • Effective Date:

  • Last Revision Date:

  • Next Revision Date:

Storage of Equipment

Storage of Equipment

  • Must include:

    - Gas Detection Equipment
    - Self-Contained Self-Rescuers
    - Portable Lamps
    - Gas Cylinders

    Work environments and infrastructure:

  • Are storage areas well ventilated and illuminated?

  • Are storage areas clean and free from sensor poisoning agents (e.g. Brasso, paint, any polish cleaning agents containing silicon's)?

  • Is there a separate room available for maintenance and repair?

  • Are equipment stored as per statutory requirements? Stored in accordance with OEM's recommendations?

  • The handling and storage of chemicals correctly identified, recorded and addressed?<br><br>- Acid e.g. Sulphuric compound <br>- Lead compounds <br>- Paint <br>- Silicon <br>- Cleaning agents and detergents <br>- Gasses<br>- Chlorine products <br>- OEM guidelines <br>- Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)<br><br>

Storage of Gys Cylinders

  • Gas Cylinder Information:

  • Gas Cylinder(s):

  • Cylinder
  • Supplier of the Gas:

  • Gas Type(s):

  • Cylinder Number in Use:

  • Number of FULL Gas Cylinders on site

  • Number of EMPTY Gas Cylinders on site

  • Certificate Number of in USE Gas:

  • Expiry Date of in USE Gas:

  • Gas Concentration:

  • Carbon Monoxide (CO) /ppm

  • Methane (CH4) /%

  • Oxygen (O2) / Balance Air /%

  • Nitrogen (N2) /ppm

  • Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) /ppm

  • Are gas cylinders stored in a wire mesh gage outside the Lamproom?

  • Is the store properly locked?

  • Is the storage compartment so designed that in the event of a fire, the cylinders are easily removable?

  • Are gas cylinders stored in a vertical/upright position and properly secured?

  • Is the store properly clean, oil free, free of silicone based cleaners, well ventilated and illuminated?

  • Are gas cylinders kept cool, protected from sunlight, rain, frost, wet soil, and corrosive conditions?

  • Is the gas concentration displayed on the cylinder?

  • Does the gas concentration on the certificate correspond with the cylinder concentration?

  • Is the expiry date displayed on the certificate still valid (all cylinders in use)?

  • Does the cylinder number correspond with the number on the certificate?

  • Is all the required symbolic safety signs available and displayed at the gas cylinder storage compartment?

  • No open flame or naked light?

  • Flammable Gas - i.e. Methane (CH4)

  • Toxic Gas - i.e. Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

  • Danger Gas

  • No smoking

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be worn i.e. gloves, safety glasses, safety shoes, etc.

  • Is there a spare full cylinder for each type of gas available?

  • Are full and empty combustible gas cylinders kept apart using "full" and "empty" notices?

  • Are fire-protection equipment available or in the vicinity of the gas cylinder storage compartment?

  • Is the location of the fire-fighting equipment uniformly marked and identified?

  • Is the gas supplier or manufacturer's material safety data sheet (MSDS) available and displayed at the gas cylinder storage compartment?

  • Is the flow rate "cylinder pressure" set and marked to OEM specifications?

  • Are correct regulator(s) fitted to each gas cylinder? i.e. toxic/flammable or special gasses. Flow and pressure regulators approved by the OEM?

  • Are cylinders subjected to a daily/weekly leak test and inspection and are records kept in support of such checks and tests conducted?

  • Is a gas cylinder record book available?

  • Do records reveal the following information for each gas cylinder available?

  • Are all gas cylinders available recorded on file?

  • Date received and by whom?

  • Gas concentration?

  • Expiry date?

  • Date connected and by whom?

  • Date disconnected and by whom?

  • Date return to manufacturer and by whom?

  • Cylinder number?

  • Certificate number?

Allocation of Equipment

Allocation of Equipment

  • Allocation of equipment in compliance with SANS specifications.

    Must include:

    - Gas Detection Instrumentation
    - Self-Contained Self-Rescuers
    - Portable Lamps

  • Is there a system or programme in place for monitoring equipment allocations?<br><br>- Allocated or Assigned To<br>- Job categories<br>- Make of the unit (manufacturer and model) <br>- Mine reference number<br>- Manufacturers serial number<br>- Date of purchase <br>- Date of manufacturing <br>- Date of first issue

  • Is there a record of users allocated?

  • Are equipment allocated on a personal basis?

  • Is there a allocation history available for each unit/user?

  • Are records kept of equipment de-allocation and re-allocation?

  • Is there a record of non-moving equipment?

  • Are Allocations completed to written procedure?

  • Are cap lamps Allocated according to written procedure?

  • Are SCSR Allocated according to written procedure?

  • Are Gas Detection Instrument Allocated according to written procedure?

Asset Clearance

Asset Clearance

  • Is there a asset/shift clearance procedure in place?

  • Are shift clearance procedures adhered to and the necessary reports submitted?

Portable Mine Lighting Equipment

Certification of Specifications Compliant

  • Portable Lamps (SANS 1438:2013)

  • Is the product approved by the Chief Inspector of Mines (DMR Approved)?

  • PN Certificate(s) for all model/type's approved?

Risk Assessment

  • Is there a risk assessment covering portable lamps available?

  • Is everybody concerned aware of the requirements of the risk assessment?

  • Is the risk assessment displayed on the notice board for everyone to see?

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

  • Is the manufacturer material safety data sheet (MSDS) available and displayed?

Approved Equipment Requirements

    Portable Lamps
  • Model

  • Supplier

  • "TOTAL" number of Portable Lamps placed in service?

  • Number of Portable Lamps "FAULTY"?

  • Number of Portable Lamps "RETURNED" to manufacturer "OEM" for repairs?

  • Number of Portable Lamps "MISSING"?

  • Number of Portable Lamps "DAMAGED" (destroyed or uneconomical to repair)?

  • Number of Portable Lamps "REPAIRED" or "REFURBISHED" placed back into service (MTD and YTD as %)?

  • Number of Portable Lamps "NOT TAKEN" (Should be Nil)?

  • Number of Portable Lamps "NOT RETURNED" (Should be Nil)?

  • Number of Portable Lamps "ALLOCATED" on a personal basis (In use)?

  • Total number of Portable Lamps "AVAILABLE" at present (In working order)?

  • Total number of Portable Lamps "SPARE" at present? excl. damaged/faulty, missing and issued

  • Number of spare Portable Lamps issued (At time of audit)?

  • Number of Portable Lamps "UNDERGROUND" (At time of audit) (includes allocated and spare)?

  • Is there sufficient number of portable lamps available? Is each user issued or allocated with his/her own personal portable lamp?

  • Is there 10% spare portable lamps available?

Records of Spare Portable Lamps Issued

  • Is a "Spare Allocation List" available?

  • Does the list reflect the company number ("details") of the end user?

  • Does the end user sign/clock for the portable lamp allocated to him/her for the shift, when receiving?

  • Do the end user / lamproom personnel sign/check the portable lamp back?

  • Are battery burn downs conducted on portable mine lighting equipment in relation to site specific and OEM requirements?

    Must include:

    - Cap Lamps
    - Loco-Lights

  • Are all portable lamps checked and discharged accordance with the OEM's recommendations?

  • Units not inspected removed from service?

  • Do repair and maintenance records correlate?

  • Are re-test and re-burn downs conducted?

Battery Charging Equipment

  • Are battery charging racks securely installed?

  • Are enough charging racks/points available to accommodate the total number of portable lamps in use?

  • Are batteries charged as per OEM specification? (Voltage and ampere testing)?

  • Are battery charging equipment checked in accordance with site specific and OEM requirements?

  • Are all charging points in working order? If "NO" how are unserviceable charging points identified and not used?

Gas Detection Instrumentation

Certification of Specifications Compliant

  • Gas Detection Instrumentation

  • SANS 101515 Batch Test Reports Available, All serial numbers covered?

  • SANS 6079-0&11 Compliance, Intrinsically Safe Apparatus Report Available?

Risk Assessment

  • Is there a risk assessment covering gas detection equipment available?

  • Is everybody concerned aware of the requirements of the risk assessment?

  • Is the risk assessment displayed on the notice board for everyone to see?

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

  • Is the manufacturer material safety data sheet (MSDS) available and displayed?

Approved Equipment Requirements

    Gas Detection Instruments
  • Model

  • Supplier

  • "TOTAL" number of Instruments placed in service?

  • Number of Instruments "FAULTY"?

  • Number of Instruments "RETURNED" to manufacturer "OEM" for repairs?

  • Number of Instruments "MISSING"?

  • Number of Instruments "DAMAGED" (destroyed or uneconomical to repair)?

  • Number of Instruments "REPAIRED" or "REFURBISHED" placed back into service (MTD and YTD as %)?

  • Number of Instruments "NOT TAKEN" (Should be Nil)?

  • Number of Instruments "NOT RETURNED" (Should be Nil)?

  • Number of Instruments "ALLOCATED" on a personal basis (In use)?

  • Total number of Instruments "AVAILABLE" at present (In working order)?

  • Total number of "SPARE" units at present?

  • Number of spare Instruments issued (At time of audit)?

  • Number of Instruments "UNDERGROUND" (At time of audit) (includes allocated and spare)?

  • Is there sufficient number of instruments for each user per section/shift?

  • Is there 10% spare instruments available?

Gas Detection Instruments Pouches

  • Do all GDI pouches have an attachment / means which entitles the user to elevate the instrument?

  • How are pouches maintained? - On users onus

  • Is there a sufficient number of spare pouches available?

Issuing and Controlling Gas Detection Instruments

  • Equipment tested / checked as per OEM recommendation and site specific requirements?

  • Are pre-shift functional tests and checks conducted?

  • Proof that the user has tested/checked the instrument? (Exception Report)

  • Does the end user sign for the instrument allocated to him for the shift, when receiving it? (Issue/self-help)

  • Do the end user / lamproom personnel sign/check the instrument back?

Records of Spare Gas Detection Instruments Issued

  • Is a "Spare Allocation List" available?

  • Does the list reflect the company number ("details") of the end user?

  • Does the end user sign for the instruments allocated to him/her for the shift, when receiving?

  • Do the end user / lamproom personnel sign/check the instrument back?

Checking and Testing Gas Detection Instruments

  • Routine inspections and tests?

Gas Detection Instruments Performance Check

  • Note1: As per calibration certificate i.e. CH4 = 1,4% v/V
    Note2: As per calibration certificate i.e CO = 113ppm actual
    Note3: As per calibration certificate i.e NO2 = 10ppm actual
    Note4: CO cylinder must be aluminum. Steel cylinders cause rapid deterioration of CO gas (check with magnet)

    (CH4) - The instrument should respond to the CH4 test gas and display 80% of the gas concentration value within 20sec (T80).

    (CO) - The The instrument should respond to the CO test gas and display 80% of the gas concentration value within 45sec (T80).

    (NO2) - The instrument should respond to the NO2 test gas and display 80% of the gas concentration value within 45sec (T80).

  • CH4 Test Gas Concentration (%)

  • CO Test Gas Concentration (ppm)

  • NO2 Test Gas Concentration (ppm)

  • O2 Test Gas Concentration

  • Gas Detection Instruments:

  • Instrument
  • Make:

  • Model:

  • Unit Number:

  • Serial Number:

  • Visual Inspection:

  • Time setting correct?

  • Battery Capacity (V) Correct?

  • Zero Display CO (0 ppm)

  • Zero Display CH4 (0.00%)

  • Zero Display NO2 (0.0 ppm)

  • Visual Inspection Passed?

  • Quick Bump Test:

  • Quick Test (CH4 %) Display?

  • Quick Test (CO ppm) Display?

  • Quick Test (NO2 ppm) Display?

  • Quick Test (O2) Display?

  • Functional Check Passed?

General Maintenance of Gas Detection Instruments

  • Is an OEM user manual available?

  • Are battery burn downs conducted on gas detection instrumentation in relation to site specific and legal requirements?

  • Are all gas detection instruments checked and discharged in accordance with the OEM's and Site recommendations?

  • Units not inspected removed from service?

  • Repair and maintenance records?

  • Re-test and Re-burn down?

Gas Test Points (GTP) and Flow Meters

  • Are enough test points available?

  • Is the gas concentration displayed at the GTP's?

  • Methane

  • Carbon Monoxide

  • Oxygen

  • Nitrogen Dioxide

  • Notice displaying type and % or ppm of gas at testing points, and duration of test? (alarm level, response time)

  • Are records kept of maintenance and inspections conducted on GTP?

  • Is an OEM accreditation / compliance certificate available and displayed at the GTP's?

Calibration of Gas Detection Instruments

  • Are gas detection instruments calibrated in accordance with site specific and OEM requirements?

  • Are calibration masks available for all models, OEM designed / identified and correctly used?

  • Are calibration done according to a written procedure?

  • Are calibration records available?

  • Are all gas detection instruments calibrated and recorded on file, including units not in service and/or use?

  • Do calibration records reveal the following information:

  • GDI (Product Information)

  • undefined

  • Visual inspection

  • undefined

  • Calibration reference gas

  • undefined

  • Calibration results

  • undefined

  • Checking and Testing (T80)

  • undefined

  • Reference to repair and maintenance records

  • undefined

  • Re-test and Re-calibration

  • undefined

GDI Management System

  • Is the GDI Data Acquisition Unit Operational?

  • Can calibration reports be printed?

  • Can exception reports be printed?

  • Is an GDI allocation list available and updated?

End User Training

  • Is there a mine specific training programme in place for all types of Instruments used?

  • Is it drawn up in consultation with the OEM of the equipment used?

  • At what intervals is training conducted?

  • Are employees paraded or reminded for refresher training?

  • Are all persons issued with Gas Detection Instruments trained in the use thereof? Are records of training conducted kept?

  • Is there a list of job categories identified to take flammable gas measuring and carbon monoxide warning devices underground on a daily basis?

  • Are the relevant training posters displayed?

  • User check procedure?

  • User Guidelines

  • Calibration Procedure?

Self-Contained Self-Rescuers

Certification of Specifications Compliant

  • Self-Contained Self-Rescuers (SANS 101737)

  • Batch Testing Reports Available, All serial numbers covered?

Risk Assessment

  • Is there a risk assessment covering SCSR's available?

  • Is everybody concerned aware of the requirements of the risk assessment?

  • Is the risk assessment displayed on the notice board for everyone to see?

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

  • Is the manufacturer material safety data sheet (MSDS) available and displayed?

Approved Equipment Requirements

    Self-Contained Self-Rescuers
  • Model

  • Supplier

  • "TOTAL" number of SCSR's placed in service?

  • Number of SCSR's "FAULTY"?

  • Number of SCSR's "RETURNED" to manufacturer "OEM" for repairs?

  • Number of SCSR's "MISSING"?

  • Number of SCSR's "DAMAGED" (destroyed or uneconomical to repair)?

  • Number of SCSR's "OPENED" or "ACTIVATED"?

  • Number of SCSR's send to "CSIR" for annual testing (>=1%)?

  • Number of SCSR's "REPAIRED" or "REFURBISHED" placed back into service (MTD and YTD as %)?

  • Number of SCSR's "NOT TAKEN" (Should be Nil)?

  • Number of SCSR's "NOT RETURNED" (Should be Nil)?

  • Number of SCSR's "ALLOCATED" on a personal basis (In use)?

  • Total number of SCSR's "AVAILABLE" at present (In working order)?

  • "REQUIRED" 10% spare units?

  • Number of spare SCSR's issued (At time of audit)?

  • Number of SCSR's "UNDERGROUND" (At time of audit) (includes allocated and spare)?

Records of Spare Self-Contained Self-Rescuers Issued

  • Is there a required 10% spare units available? Do the figures and information correlate with the actual 10% requirements?

  • Is a "Spare Allocation List" available?

  • Does the list reflect the company number ("details") of the end user?

  • Does the end user sign for the SCSR allocated to him for the shift, when receiving?

  • Do the end user and lamproom personnel sign/check the SCSR back?

  • Do units multi shift? Have any unit issued as a spare appeared more than once with a 24hr cycle?

  • Are SCSR's issued on random basis?

Checking of Self-Contained Self-Rescuers

  • Is an OEM maintenance/user manual available?

Condition Monitoring Service

  • Are leak/pressure tests on SCSR's conducted as per OEM and site specific requirements?

  • Is there a document procedure available, relating to the required testing to be carried out?

  • Date of last leak test conducted?

  • Are all units inspected/checked?

  • Defective units removed from service?

  • Number of units failed leak test?

  • Units not inspected removed from service?

  • Reporting of suspect / defective units (Incident reports)?

Repair and Refurbishment

  • Replacement of primary seals?

  • Replacement of defective / damaged units?

  • Are unserviceable units returned to the OEM if "No", how are they disposed of (Must be disposed of by OEM, or accredited waste disposal concern, e.g. WASTECH)

  • Procedure in relation to discontinued equipment as per site specific and legal requirements:

  • Expired / Withdrawal

  • Removal and disposal

  • Replacement to re-stock

Functional Performance Testing (CSIR)

  • Is a functional performance testing programme by an approved testing authority in place?

  • Date of last functional performance testing?

  • Proof of submission?

  • Waybills?

  • Waybill Number:

  • Sample size - Must not be less than than 1% of SCSR at the mine

  • Number of units send to CSIR:

  • Is a copy of the annual functional performance assessment report available, including test certificates (All samples covered)

  • Updated on history records?

  • Replacement units to re-stock?


  • Is an SCSR History record available?

  • Do records reveal the following information on all units?

  • - Make of the unit (manufacturer and model)

  • - Manufacturer's serial number

  • - Mine reference number (if different from manufacturers number)

  • - Date of manufacture

  • - Date of first issue

  • - Date of purchase

  • - Allocation history

  • - Service history

  • Are records kept in terms of regulation 16.4.(2) covering the preceding 24 months?

  • Total number and make of SCSR's in service?

  • Number and make of SCSR's purchased by the mine in that period?

  • Number and make of SCSR's withdrawn by the mine in that period?

  • The number of shifts worked per day (1,2 or 3)?

  • Number of SCSR's in daily use (average per month)?

  • Number of employees underground (average per shift)?

  • Number of spare SCSR's available (average per month)?

  • A tabulation of the types of defects found (component breakdown)?

  • Number of SCSR's repaired/refurbished/upgraded?

  • Number of SCSR's tested in terms of regulation 16.4(1) i.e CSIR?

  • Number of SCSR's lost or destroyed by the mine in that period?

  • Information relevant to routine service agreement checks?

End User Training

  • Is there a mine specific training programme for SCSR's in place?

  • Is it drawn up in consultation with the OEM of the SCSR's used?

  • Is training posters visible and displayed at the Lamproom?

  • Donning procedure

  • Maintenance procedure (Inspection and checking)

  • Exploded view

  • Is the lampsman trained and certified by the OEM and/or accredited authority to train visitors in the use of SCSR's?

  • Are visitors who require a SCSR trained in the use of a SCSR?

  • Is a record kept of visitors who have been trained?

Maintenance and Repair Process (All Lamproom Equipment)

  • Are engineering drawings and specifications readily available and displayed? Poster with exploded view displayed? All model/type's covered?

  • Does the Lampsman ensure that equipment are checked on a daily basis to verify that equipment is in a workable order prior to each shift?

  • Select a sample of units and verify quality checks:

  • Portable Lamps Checked:
  • Lamp Mine No.:

  • Serial Number:

  • Non-Conformities:

  • Observations
  • Observations at time of audit:

  • SCSR Checked:
  • SCSR Mine No.:

  • Serial Number:

  • Non-Conformities:

  • Observations
  • Observations at time of audit:

  • Gas Detection Instrument Checked:
  • GDI Mine No.:

  • Serial Number:

  • Non-Conformities:

  • Observations
  • Observations at time of audit:

  • Is there a maintenance and repair process is place for all types of equipment in use?

  • Are faulty equipment identified removed from service and recorded?

  • Proof that faulty equipment have been repaired and tested before placing it back into service?

  • Maintenance history record available per unit/instrument?

  • Maintenance history record updated with equipment details (as per guidelines)?



  • Are statutory requirements regarding the reporting of faulty / damage / abused / missing equipment and replacement thereof applied?

  • Are statutory requirements regarding equipment not tested for functionality applied?

  • Are statutory requirements regarding reporting of equipment not taken or returned applied?

  • Are statutory requirements regarding exposure limits (PK), (STEL) and (TWA) adhered to and the necessary reports submitted? <br><br>- exception report and graph<br>- statements <br>- investigation and close out

  • Are statutory requirements regarding the issue and control of padlocks/keys applied?

  • Does the lampsman (monthly) report, in writing, to the manager on all matters pertaining to the control and condition of equipment? Is the report in detail / comprehensive enough showing new equipment purchased or received, components breakdowns, repair and refurbished units, calibration and measurement, damage or lost equipment, allocation and de-allocation of equipment, equipment movement etc.

  • Purchasing and receiving of new equipment

  • undefined

  • Component breakdowns

  • undefined

  • Repair and refurbishment

  • undefined

  • Calibration and Measurements

  • undefined

  • Damaged or beyond economical to repair

  • undefined

  • Lost or stolen

  • undefined

  • Equipment send off-site for repairs (RTF)

  • undefined

  • Allocation and de-allocation of equipment

  • undefined

  • Equipment movement

  • undefined


  • Are audits planned and conducted as per legal and site specific requirements?

  • Date of last audit

  • Frequency:

  • Conducted By:

Complaint Register

  • Is an compliant register available in the Lamproom?

  • Date of last complaint

  • Number of incidents / complaint's recorded within the last month

  • Actions taken?

  • Complaint(s) resolved?

  • Is there any reoccurrences within the last month?

  • Was there any follow-up or feedback after the complaint was resolved?


  • Are records kept for the period as specified as per legal and site specific requirements?

  • Period:

  • Are records easily identified, retrievable and traceable?

Lamproom Management System

Lamproom Management System (LMS)

  • Does the lamproom personnel know how to do the following on the LMS?

  • Add new employee

  • Modify employee details

  • De-allocate equipment

  • Show employee instrument information

  • View/print GDI daily exception report

  • View/print GDI daily exception graphs

  • View/print daily GDI user report

  • View/print successful calibration report

  • View/print allocation register


  • Regulations Applicable to this Checklist: Regulation 2.10.2 - Incompetent or inexperienced workmen must not be employed on work upon the performance of which the safety of persons depends. Regulation 16.2(2) - In mines other than coal mines, no person to go underground without the SCSR complying to the SANS 1737 where the risk assessment shown a significant risk. Regulation 16.2(3) - Every employee to use the SCSR must be allocated with the SCSR for that employee's sole use for the duration of the employment of the SCSR or until the SCSR becomes defective. Regulation 16.3(1) - Employer to ensure that no defective SCSR is issued for use. Regulation 16.4(1) - Employer to annually have not less than 1% of the SCSR tested for functional performance. Regulation 16.4(2) - Employer to keep record covering the preceding 24 months. Section 7(4) - Appointment of the Lampsman Section 9(1) - Code of practice to be prepared by the employer Section 10(1)a - Employer to provide employees with any information, instruction, training or supervision to work safely and without risk to health. Regulation 28.4 - Lampsman Certificate

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