Title Page

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Completed by Flood Evacuation Plan Leader

  • Contact details of Flood Evacuation Plan Leader

Overall Risk Rating on Completion of the Flood Risk assessment

  • What is the likelihood of an incident occurring? (1= rare, 2 = unlikely, 3 = moderate, 4 = likely, 5 = almost certain)

  • What would be the impact of the incident? (1= insignificant, 2 = minor, 3 = moderate, 4 = significant, 5 = severe)

  • Risk number is:

  • The overall risk rating for this assessment is

  • The overall risk rating for this assessment is

  • The overall risk rating for this assessment is

    high bost.jpg
  • The overall risk rating for this assessment is

    medium bost.jpg
  • The overall risk rating for this assessment is

  • The overall risk rating for this assessment is

    very low.jpg
  • Culligan RA matrix.jpg
  • Actions will be raised within this assessment to reduce the flood risk rating for this site by implementing an improved control measures

Flood Assessment

Flooding for planning

  • Flood Zone Level

  • Flood zone level can be found at https://flood-map-for-planning.service.gov.uk/

  • Add image of flood map

  • It is advisable to review this plan on an annual basis

Long Term Flood Risk

  • https://check-long-term-flood-risk.service.gov.uk/

  • Yearly chance of flooding risk level from Rivers and Sea

  • Yearly chance of flooding risk level from Surface Water

  • Is a drainage plan available?

  • Add a copy of the drainage plan for the site

  • Yearly chance of flooding risk level from Ground Water

  • Yearly chance of flooding risk level from Reservoirs

Previous events

  • Has the building flooded previously? (not including pipe leaks)

  • When was the last flooding event?

  • What damage was caused to the property? (this can include photos, documents etc)

  • Were there any personal injuries?

  • Please provide details (this can include documents)

  • How long were operations closed?

  • What was the budget to rectify the damage

Flood Plan


  • Who is the site manager?

  • Who is the Deputy Flood plan Evacuation Leader?


  • This section contains information regarding how to ensure that local flood information is available and how to contact colleagues in case of a flood emergency

  • What is the local radio station?

  • Environment Agency Flood Line Contact number 0345 988 1188

  • Environment Agency Flood warnings Website: https://www.gov.uk/check-flooding

  • What is the local authority contact information?

  • How will employees be informed about the flood risk?

  • Please specify how employees will be contacted


  • Does the evacuation plan displayed on site to include aspects relevant to flood?

  • Raise action to update the evacuation plan to include flood evacuation aspects

  • Include an image of the evacuation plan (either photo of plan displayed on site or .pdf of plan)

Site Preparation for Flood

  • Do you have a store of spare warm clothes?

  • Raise an action and obtain warm clothing enough to provide for employees on site and visitors.

  • Do you have a store of food and drinks for use during an emergency?

  • Raise an action and obtain food and drinks enough to provide for employees on site and visitors.

  • Are there Flood Warning Notices displayed in reception and other key areas in the building?

  • These should be updated by the Flood Evacuation Plan Leader

    flood signs.jpg

Post Food Checks

  • check safety of electricity and gas before use

  • boil tap water until it is declared safe by water supply company

  • Avoid contact with any remaining flood water

During a flood

  • Less abled, disabled staff and visitors may require help at this stage to get to the refuge at the higher level. Provide assistance where necessary.

  • Undertake a headcount

  • Continue to listen to radio updates, and check the EA website for updates

  • If safe to do so, stay in the building/property until advised otherwise by emergency services

  • Do not walk or drive through floodwater, due to hidden debris, loose manholes etc.

  • Do not walk along the rhines or pond, due to the danger of falling in

  • Avoid contact with floodwater and wash any exposed parts before handling food or attending to wounds.

Flood Evacuation Plan Sign off

  • Ensure that this document is communicated and available to all colleagues on site.

  • Signed off by Flood Evacuation Plan Leader

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