Title Page

  • Site

  • Report Type

  • Incident Title (Employee Name or Short Incident Description)

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by



  • Employee(s) Involved

  • Describe how the incident occurred (Include work being performed , how the incident occurred, include photos here to illustrate how incident happened).

  • Describe injuries that resulted from incident.


  • Date of Incident?

  • Date Supervisor was first notified

  • Date Safety Team was notified


  • Incident occurred at a CVA Facility

  • CVA Branch (Town/Division)

  • Describe area within facility (shop, office, etc.)

  • Incident Occurred on a Public Road

  • State

  • County

  • Town or City (if occurred in city limits)

  • Road or Highway

  • Nearest Mile Marker or Intersecting Road

  • Location Pin if available
  • Incident Occurred on Private Property

  • State

  • County

  • Nearest Town or City

  • Property Owner Name and Contact Information

  • Description of location

  • Location Pin if available


  • Supervisor Name

  • Supervisor Phone Number


  • Check Box to use this section

Employee Information

  • Employee Name

  • Employee ID Number

  • Employee Address

  • Employee Phone

  • Employee Emergency Contact Person and Phone Number

  • First Aid received?

  • Who performed the first aid

  • Describe the first aid performed

  • Treatment received at a Medical Facility

Medical Care

  • Ambulance/Life Flight Service Used

  • Name of Ambulance Service

  • Phone Number for Ambulance service

  • Medical Facility

  • Medical Facility Name and Address

  • Phone Number for Medical Facility

  • Treating Physician (if known)

  • Describe Medical Care Provided at this facility (Inpatient or Outpatient and exams or treatment if known).

  • Employee transferred to other facility for additional care

  • Medical Facility Name and Address

  • Phone Number for Medical Facility

  • Treating Physician (if known)

  • Describe Medical Care Provided at this facility (Inpatient or Outpatient and exams or treatment if known).

  • Describe any work restrictions provided. (Include a photo of the doctor's work restrictions note if available).


  • Check box to use this section

Incident Information

  • Describe the weather and road surface conditions

  • Incident Diagram / State Motor Vehicle accident diagram (notes and photos)

  • Incident Scene Notes and Photos (take images from distance to capture road departure, vehicle position, etc.)

  • Law Enforcement Agency that performed investigation

  • Investigating officer name/badge/phone

  • Witness Information
  • Name of Witness

  • Witness Phone Number

  • Witness Statements

  • Property Damage Information
  • Describe any property damage resulting from the incident

  • Owner of property and phone number (if known)

  • Images of property damage (Notes and Photos)

  • CVA Vehicle(s) and occupant(s) Involved in accident
  • Driver Name

  • Was driver wearing a seatbelt?

  • Driver's License State / Number (add photo optional)

  • Names of all other vehicle passenger(s), their position in the vehicle

  • Known injuries/condition of driver and occupants

  • Were occupants wearing seat belts?

  • Other notes about vehicle driver/occupants (age, sex, intoxication, comments, etc.)

  • Vehicle Year / Make / Model

  • Vehicle Odometer

  • Registration State/License (add photo optional)

  • Insurance company, policy number, agent, phone (add photo optional)

  • Description of Vehicle Damage (add photos)

  • Was this vehicle towed?

  • Name of Towing Company?

  • Where was vehicle towed?

  • Was vehicle pulling a trailer?

  • Trailer Year / Make / Model

  • Registration State and License (Photos optional)

  • Description of Trailer Damage (Add photos)

  • Was this vehicle towed?

  • Name of Towing Company?

  • Where was vehicle towed?

  • OTHER Vehicle(s) Involved in accident
  • Driver Name

  • Was driver wearing a seatbelt?

  • Driver's license State/Number (Photo Optional)

  • Total number of passengers including driver

  • If driver or occupants were injured describe known injuries/condition

  • Were occupants wearing seatbelts?

  • Other notes about vehicle driver/occupants (age, sex, intoxication, comments, etc.)

  • Ambulance and hospital information for driver or passengers

  • Vehicle Owner

  • Vehicle Year / Make / Model

  • Vehicle Odometer

  • Registration State / License (Photo optional)

  • Insurance company, policy number, agent, phone (Photo optional)

  • Description of Vehicle Damage (Add Photos)

  • Was this vehicle towed?

  • Name of Towing Company?

  • Where was vehicle towed?

  • Was vehicle pulling a trailer?

  • Trailer Year / Make / Model

  • Trailer registration (Photos Optional)

  • Photos of trailer damage (Add Photos)

  • Was this vehicle towed?

  • Name of Towing Company?

  • Where was vehicle towed?


  • Check box to use this section

Chemical Release Information

  • Product Spilled/Released

  • Amount Spilled/Released

  • Describe how the spill/release occured


  • Spill Site Photos and Notes

Emergency Response

  • Emergency Departments/Teams who Responded to Incident

  • Describe how the area was isolated after the release

  • Other emergency processes or procedures performed

Regulatory Reporting

  • Regulatory Agency The Spill Was Reported To

  • Date and Time of Report

  • Contact Person / Phone Number

  • Notes Pertaining to Spill Reporting

Containment / Clean-up

  • Describe how the spill was contained

  • Describe how the site was cleaned

  • Describe how contaminated materials/soils were disposed

  • Photos and Notes
  • Clean-up Photos and Notes


  • Check box to use this section

Incident Description

  • Person(s) involved

  • Description of how Incident occurred

  • Resulting Damage

  • Incident Photo #
  • Photos and Notes

  • Witness Information
  • Witness Name

  • Witness Phone Number

  • Witness Statements


  • Check box to use this section


  • Name of Person Tested?

  • Type of testing performed?

  • Date and time collection was made?

  • Person or Facility performing drug testing collection?

  • Other Notes


  • Check box to use this section


  • Reported by

  • Date and Time

  • Describe method of reporting (Online, Phone, Etc)

  • OSHA Agent taking the report / contact info if available

  • OSHA Report Number

  • Other Notes


Root Causes

  • Describe root causes and/or contributing factors.

Corrective Actions

  • Describe corrective actions necessary to prevent future similar incidents.


  • Signature of incident investigator

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.