Conducted on
Completed by
- Kay Hawthorne
- Justin Menzies
- Vicky Temple
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Exterior Environment
Is there good housekeeping
Are Paths and external stairs in good condition
Is fencing in good condition?
Access - Entry and Exit
Do the steps, ramps and landings have sufficient lighting?
Are access ways kept clear of obstructions?
Are there any obstructions restricting access to doorways, steps, halls,
Interior environment
Are floor surfaces in good condition?
Is furniture safe and fit for use
Are vents and air-conditioners regularly maintained?
Notice Board
Is the Current Health and Safety Policy displayed?
Is the RTW Program Displayed?
Are the following names displayed
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Emergency Contact details?
Are the latest safety alerts on display?
Is the SafeWork NSW "If you get injured at work poster on display?
Emergency Plans
Are written procedure/plan in place and current?
Is there a site plan on display illustrating the locations of the fire equipment, first aid kits and muster points?
Are all workers and visitors instructed and trained in the emergency procedures and muster point?
Is there a fire warden available? Is there a sign?
Are emergency contact details displayed? Are they relevant to the workplace? Are they updated regularly?
Is there a bell, siren or alarm for alerting everyone in time of emergency?
Has a practice drill been conducted in the last 12 months
Are warning systems clear (audible) in all areas?
Welfare Facilities (Amenities)
Are facilities clean?
Is housekeeping in good order?<br>Fridge, Cupboards, Microwave, Benches and Floors?
Is waste regularly removed?
First Aid
Has the first aid kit been checked in the last 12 months?
Is the content in date? (Check expiry dates)
Is there a first aid sign above the kit?
Do all personnel know the location of the first aid kits?
Fire Protection
Have the fire extinguishers been tested in the last 6 months
Have the fire hose reels been tested in the last 6 months
Are the fire extinguisher clear from obstructions?
Are fire blankets available in the kitchen?
Is electrical equipment tested and tagged and in date?
Are RCD's in use for portable plug in equipment?
Are RCD's tested and tagged for switch tripping time?
Are there any damaged electrical equipment? Switches, leads, light fittings etc.
Are there out of service tags available?
Workshops and Sheds
Are the aisles kept clear
Is ventilation and lighting adequate?
Are all gas cylinders chained, secures and upright?
Are any gas cylinders separated from flammable liquids by 3 metres?
Are gas cylinders at least 1 metre from a doorway?
Power tools
Are portable power tools in good condition?
Are guards and shields in place?
Lifting Equipment
Is there any lifting equipment on site
Lifting beams
Is lifting gear tested in the relevant time frame , tagged and stored appropriately and is in good condition?
Is the correct lifting equipment being used for lifting activities?
Is the overhead gantry crane/hoist regularly serviced?
Plant and equipment
Are ladders in good condition, fit for use and commercial ladders? (Electrical ladders must be fiberglass)
Are all manual handling aids (hoists, trolleys) well maintained? (Note any damage)
Is there items of plant on site?
After selecting an item of plant to inspect. <br>Are all warning lights and reversing beepers operating?<br>
Is there a in date tagged fire extinguisher in the plant?
Are the daily pre-starts filled out?
Is the plant serviced regularly?
Are the guards in place and secure? (e.g. PTO guards on slashers)
Has the operator been sighed off on VOC and where the plant item (or undergoing training whilst being supervised) requires a high risk work license does the operator have a license for the item of plant?
If the plant is a ride on lawn mower does the seat cut out switch work?
Is the plant locked when unattended?
Are the seat belts worn by the operator?
Are out of service tags available for use?
Are signs in good condition?
Are relevant signs displayed near equipment?
Are unauthorised entry signs displayed?
Personal protective equipment
Is appropriate PPE available and being used and maintained correctly?
Which PPE is being used and stored
- Foot
- Ear
- Eye
- Head
- Hand
- Respiratory
Are workers trained in the correct use and care of PPE
Are employees working outdoor wearing broad brimmed hat, sunscreen and long sleeves?
Are contractors on site wearing correct PPE for sun safety?
Hazardous Chemicals
Is there a hazardous chemicals register?
Are chemicals on ChemWatch?
Are the SDS sheets current and readily available?
Are all chemicals on the register?
Where there is enough chemicals requiring placards is there adequate signage?
Where there is enough chemicals for manifest quantities is has the storage facility manifests been reported to SafeWork?
Are spill kits available or a means to contain spills of hazardous chemicals appropriate for the chemicals and quantity of Chemicals stored and used? <br>(Absorbent pads, Sand, Kitty litter, 200L spill kit)
Are chemicals bunded appropriately?
Are chemicals appropriately segregated?
Are hazardous chemical containers well marked and labelled correctly?
Is the appropriate PPE available for the chemicals used and stored?