Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Shift

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Untitled Page

  • Weather Conditions (select as appropriate)

  • Communication of the OCE report and hazards at pre-start?

  • Topics covered at pre start/return to work?

  • Are there any JSA’s in place?

  • What are the JSA's in place?

  • Any safety concerns or injuries during shift? * Yes/No. If yes add details

  • Provide details

  • Excavators
  • EXD

  • Location

  • Is the work area set up with LV park-up areas outside the AMA and correct signage present?

  • Is lighting in place and sufficient for night shift operations?

  • Is there any above/below interactions?

  • Is there any hazards (geotechnical, water, misfires etc.) present on the bench?

  • Is all pit edge and high wall standoff bunding in place and to standard?

  • Is the bench height and standoff distances appropriate for material category?

  • If double benching is there any over height material?

  • Is the angle/grade of the dig bench suitable?

  • Is the dig compliant to design?

  • *Add photo of dig face

  • Number of trucks on the circuit?

  • BMA truck interaction?

  • How many?

  • What is the primary dump? *

  • Any other notes?

  • Dozer Activities
  • Was a dozer activity required near a highwall or primary standoff? If yes add detail of controls in place

  • Was there a requirement to push over the highwall? If yes add detail of controls in place

  • Dumps
  • Location

  • Dump Dozer

  • Is Dozer Guidance System operational? *If no add note or action required

  • Which dig unit is running material here?

  • Category of material?

  • Is the work area set up with LV park-up areas outside the AMA and correct signage present? * Yes/No. Submit photo of LV park-up area

  • Is lighting in place and sufficient for night shift operations?

  • Is access restricted to the toe of the dump?

  • Is there any sign of geotechnical hazards, slumping, cracking or pooling water at the dump? If yes add detail of controls in place

  • Can co-disposal be achieved at this dump? * Yes/No If no add note or action required

  • Is there a requirement to dump short and push? (cell dump or water at toe of dump etc.)

  • If V drains are required are they in place?

  • Is the dump on design?

  • Is the dump face straight and 90 degree corners?

  • Is the dump height less than 20m?

  • Is all bunding in place and compliant (1.8m or half the height of the largest vehicle)?

  • Add photo of dump area

Haul Roads and Ramps

  • Are roads, ramps and intersections compliant with suitable surface conditions?

  • Has a new intersection been added or changes made? (including speed restrictions?)

  • Has the BMA Contracts Supervisor been notified to update Magnet?

  • Is all required traffic signage in place on the circuit? *

  • Circuit delineation in place? (100m spacing on straights, 50m spacing at corners)

  • Are all Haul Roads compliant (High Risk Bunds, Min Width 35m, 10% grade and surface conditions maintained)

  • Does cross grade exceed 4% on any road/ramp?

  • Does the circuit have proper drainage and correct cambers?

  • Any controls or restrictions in place on the circuit? * Yes/No If no add note or action required

  • Additional Notes

Water Trucks

  • Water Trucks Communicating with haul truck operators when entering the circuit

  • Has the Water Truck operator communicated the “dry line” and “watered line”?

  • Has the water truck operator reduced watering rate 30m before intersections, stop signs and access points?

  • Water Truck observations

  • Water Truck

  • Time

  • Water Truck

  • Time

  • Water Truck

  • Time

In-Pit Refuel Bays

  • Has an in-pit refuel bay been established? * Yes/No and location

  • Has the location been communicated to the service person?

  • Has the in-pit refuel bay been constructed to site standard?

Crib Huts and Park Up

  • Is there a high risk bund between truck park up and crib hut?

  • Are the park up areas at go lines/crib huts compliant with signage in place?

  • Are the go lines/crib huts free of rubbish and other trip hazards?

  • Is lighting at the go line/crib hut adequate for night shift operations?

  • Crib hut compliance checks (first aid kit/fire extinguisher/electrical tag n test) * Yes/No If no add note or action required

  • Has the crib hut been restocked for the following shift? *

  • *Add photo of crib hut and park up area

  • Have vehicle prestarts being completed? Add photo of at least 2 LV prestarts

  • Add photo of LV prestart

Acknowledgment and Sign Off

  • Supervisor Name

  • Signature:

  • Date:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.