Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Cycle call sign

  • Event name

  • Conducted on

  • Completed by :

Air & Tyres

  • Tyres inflated to correct pressure

  • Tyres in good condition


  • Wheels spinning freely

  • Wheels lock when brakes applied

  • Brake discs in good condition

  • No movement in brake calliper

Cranks & chain

  • Chain Clean & lubricated

  • Chain moves freely

  • Pedals secure

  • Cranks secure

  • Gears change up & down freely

  • No play in bottom bracket

Quick & Other

  • Quick release on wheels tight

  • Quick release on seat & adjusted to correct height

  • Pannier fixings secure

  • Reflectors undamaged

  • Bell working

  • Lights working and secure

Damage or other comments

Black clinical waste holder pouch

  • Empty

Top Pannier

  • Patient report forms

  • Cycle lock

  • Puncture repair kit

  • Tyre levers

'D' compartment

  • Clinell hand rub

  • Clinell wipes

  • Clinical waste bags (yellow)

  • Examination Gloves

Left pannier

Medication pouch

  • Complete and in date

First aid kit

  • Plasters - quantity - 20

  • Conforming bandages 7.5cm - quantity - 4

  • Dressings - low adherent 10x10 - quantity - 5

  • Gauze squares 7.5x7.5 - quantity - 5

  • Saline steripods - quantity - 6

  • Triangular bandage - quantity - 2

  • Scissors - quantity -1

Monitoring kit

  • Bm machine - quantity 1

  • Bm Test strips - quantity - 10

  • Bm lancets - quantity - 10

  • Manual sphygmomanometer - quantity - 1

  • Stethoscope - quantity - 1

  • Peak flow meter - quantity - 1

  • Peak flow mouth piece - quantity - 2

  • Pulse oximeter - quantity - 1

  • Tympanic Thermometer - quantity - 1

Oxygen masks

  • Adult 100% - quantity - 2

  • Paediatric 100% - quantity - 2

  • Adult 28% mask - quantity - 1

  • Nebuliser pot - quantity - 1

  • Paediatric Nebuliser - quantity - 1


  • Sharps box - quantity - 1

Centre compartment

  • Oxygen ZA cylinder - quantity - 1

Right pannier

  • AED - quantity - 1

  • Spare AED Pads - quantity - 1

  • Bag valve mask (adult) - quantity - 1

  • Bag valve mask (paediatric) - quantity - 1

  • Manual suction - quantity - 1

  • Oropharyngeal airway - quantity - 1 of each size (4)


  • Multi tool in pouch - quantity - 1

  • Completed and restocked

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.