Title Page
Document No. rev 1.2
Daily Food Safety Gemba
Leclerc Montgomery pa
Conducted on
Prepared by Charles Bruce
Plant Floor
Wash bays
Are all utensils clean? Are only clean utensils stored on clean rack?
Are Non- food contact items stored with food contact items?
Are dispensers labeled with proper chemical?
Are any food contact tools/equipment stored on floor?
Is any standing water present inside bowls/container or on floors
Look in cabinets, are cabinets clean? Utensils clean? Stored in correct bins?
Are correct color utensils used?
Are utensils in good condition? No tape used for repairs. Are conveyor belts in good condition?
Are pre-op forms filled out correctly? Look for scribbles and if issues recorded have corrective actions?
Is there any standing water on floors?
Are tools and utensils laying around?
Are chemicals stored in correct locations? Not over food products?
Are only correct rework in production? Are they labeled correctly?
Are Cooling tunnels visibly clean?
Check cleanliness where exposed wires are. Is there food build up present?
Is there any standing water present on floors?
Are only correct reworks in production? Are they all labeled properly?
Are utensils in good condition? No tape used for repairs. Are conveyor belts in good condition?
Are chemicals stored in correct locations? Not over food products?
Are tools and utensils laying around?
Are there any chemicals present and not secured?
Are correct colored utensils used?
Are pre-op forms filled out correctly? Look for scribbles and if issues recorded have corrective actions?
Are there any personal items present?
Are correct colored utensils used?
Do hand sinks have hot water, soap, hand dryer, and sign (wash hands)? Nothing can be stored in sink.
Are only correct reworks in production? Are they all labeled properly?
Are utensils in good condition? No tape used for repairs. Are conveyor belts in good condition?
Are pre-op forms filled out correctly? Look for scribbles and if issues recorded have corrective actions?
Are chemicals stored in correct locations? Not over food products?
Are tools and utensils laying around?
Is there any standing water present on floors?
Are there any chemicals present and not secured?
Are there any chemicals present and not secured?
Are there any personal items present?
Is daylight present around exterior doors? Are seals in good condition?<br>
Is there any old packaging from other products present?
Do hand sinks have hot water, soap, hand dryer, and sign (wash hands)? Nothing can be stored in sink.
Any old product present on piping? Cheese/peanut butter
Are correct colored utensils used?
Are utensils in good condition? No tape used for repairs. Are conveyor belts in good condition?
Are pre-op forms filled out correctly? Look for scribbles and if issues recorded have corrective actions?
Are tools and utensils laying around?
Are chemicals stored in correct locations? Not over food products?
Are there any chemicals present and not secured?
Are there any personal items present?
Do hand sinks have hot water, soap, hand dryer, and sign (wash hands)? Nothing can be stored in sink.
Is there any standing water on floors?
Are only correct reworks in production? Are they all labeled properly?
Are utensils in good condition? No tape used for repairs. Are conveyor belts in good condition?
Are pre-op forms filled out correctly? Look for scribbles and if issues recorded have corrective actions?
Are correct colored utensils used?
Are tools and utensils laying around?
Are chemicals stored in correct locations? Not over food products?
Are there any chemicals present and not secured?
Are there any personal items present?
Are correct colored utensils used?
Are there any personal items present?
Do hand sinks have hot water, soap, hand dryer, and sign (wash hands)? Nothing can be stored in sink.
Are there any chemicals present and not secured?
Do hand sinks have hot water, soap, hand dryer, and sign (wash hands)? Nothing can be stored in sink.