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Citalopram 10mg tablets, One To Be Taken Each Day
Citalopram 20mg tablets, One To Be Taken Each Day
Clonazepam 500microgram tablets, One Tablet Three times daily, plus ONE as needed [for prolonged tremors] (Should only be one balance PRN and daily as one balance)
Colecalciferol 400unit / Calcium carbonate 1.5g tablets, One To Be Taken Twice A Day
Lamotrigine 100mg tablets, One To Be Taken Twice Daily
Utrogestan 100mg capsules, One to be taken at Night
Estradiol 0.06% transdermal gel (750microgram per actuation), Use ONE pump Once Daily In The Evening [apply to outer arms/shoulders of both arms or mid inner thigh - avoid using near breasts/genital area] **1x 80g pack should last 8 weeks**
Zonisamide 50MG Take two twice a day
Lamotrigine 50MG One to be taken twice a day (as well as 100mg total dose 150MG)
Levothyroxine sodium 50microgram tablets, One To Be Taken Each Morning Preferably 30-60 Minutes Before Breakfast, Caffeine-containing Drinks Or Other Medication
Metformin 500mg tablets, One To Be Taken Twice A Day
Atorvastatin 20mg tablets, One To Be Taken Each Day
Amlodipine 5mg tablets, One To Be Taken Each Day
Lansoprazole 15mg gastro-resistant capsules, Take ONE capsule TWICE daily
Gabapentin 300mg capsules, Two in the Morning, One at Lunchtime and Two at Night
Paracetamol 500mg tablets, Take TWO tablets in the MORNING and at TEATIME regularly. Can take an additional 2 tablets TWICE daily as needed (space 4-6 hours between doses). Top up from homely remedy as needed
Tegretol 100mg tablets, Take ONE tablet TWICE daily
Tegretol 200mg tablets, Take ONE tablet THREE times daily
Midazolam 10mg/2ml oromucosal solution pre-filled oral syringes sugar free
Colecalciferol 400unit / Calcium carbonate 1.5g chewable tablets, Take ONE tablet TWICE daily
Losartan 50mg tablets, One To Be Taken Each Day
Rivastigmine 1.5mg capsules, One To Be Taken Twice A Day
Zopiclone 3.75mg tablets, One To Be Taken WHEN REQUIRED At Night if awake and restless after 22.00
Atorvastatin 20mg tablets, One To Be Taken Each Night
Acetazolamide 250mg tablets, One To Be Taken Twice A Day as advised by Eye Clinic
Sodium Hyaluronate 0.1% eye drops. One drop twice a day
Tegretol 400mg tablets , One To Be Taken Twice A Day (morning and evening)
Tegretol 100mg tablets, One To Be Taken Twice A Day (morning and evening)
Brivaracetam 50mg tablets, One To Be Taken Twice A Day (morning and evening)
Tamsulosin 400microgram modified-release capsules, One To Be Taken Each Morning
Ezetimibe 10mg tablets, One To Be Taken Each Day in the Morning
Metformin 500mg modified-release tablets, Two with Breakfast and One with Evening Meal
Ramipril 5mg capsules, One To Be Taken Each Day
Buccolam 5mg/1ml oromucosal solution pre-filled oral syringes
Mirtazapine 30mg tablets, One To Be Taken At Night
Fluoxetine 20mg capsules, Three [60mg] to be taken Daily
Ramipril 1.25mg tablets, Take One Tablet Every Morning
Ramipril 2.5mg capsules, Take One Capsule Every Morning
Atorvastatin 20mg tablets, One To Be Taken Each Morning
Sertraline 50mg tablets, Take one 50mg tablet in the morning after completing increasing dose regime.
Tegretol 200mg tablets, One To Be Taken Twice A Day
Lansoprazole 15MG, one to be taken each morning
Tegretol 100mg tablets, One To Be Taken Twice A Day With 200mg Tablets To Make Total Dose 300mg Twice A Day (to prescribe by brand as advised by Neurology Sep-23)
Clenil Modulite 100micrograms/dose inhaler, Two Puffs To Be Inhaled Twice A Day vi spacer
Mirtazapine 45mg tablets, One To Be Taken At Night
Quetiapine 25mg tablets, One to be taken ALTERNATE Mornings and One to be taken in the Evening (Should only be one stock balance not daily and PRN separate)
Estradiol 2mg tablets, One To Be Taken Each Day