Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • 153-Enter Restaurant name<br>

  • 154-Enter Host/Hostess name(s)

  • 155-Host/Hostess seating procedure meets standard<br><br> Escort the guest to their table<br>-It is acceptable if the escort is provided by a server or manager as well<br> -If guests wait for table, inconvenience is acknowledged<br><br>Ensure table is set up with appropriate place settings<br>- Correct number of place settings for guests at table (e.g. removing extra place settings if needed)<br> -It is acceptable if another host/hostess provides these services (e.g. server attendant)<br><br>Mark NO if you encounter or observe any of the above criteria not followed

  • 156-Host/Hostess - If standing in a queue, an attempt to acknowledge the guest was made in a timely manner

  • 157-Host/Hostess - Warm welcome/greeting provided

  • 158-Host/Hostess - Good posture, smile, eye contact, and attentive listening maintained throughout the interaction

  • 159-Host/Hostess uses appropriate verbiage and shows genuine concern<br><br>Use appropriate verbiage with genuine delivery<br>-For example: "Certainly", "My Pleasure", "Immediately", "I would be happy to" <br>-It is not acceptable to use slang or hotel jargon (e.g. 86'd, “What’s up?, “OMG”)<br> -Language that matches brand identity is acceptable (W)<br><br>Engage in genuinely warm conversation to connect to your emotions<br>- Only engage in work-related conversation with other host/hostess when guests present<br> -Includes cell phone and radio conversations<br> -Earpiece must be used for all radio conversations<br><br>Offer to escort guests rather than pointing out directions<br><br>Mark NO if you encounter or observe any of the following:<br>- Earpiece not used<br> -Host/hostess does not engage in warm conversation<br> -Escort/offer to escort not made<br> -Inappropriate verbiage or jargon used<br> -Non-work related matters discussed in your presence

  • 160-Host/Hostess - Well-groomed and professional, wearing a uniform

  • 161-Host/Hostess - Guest name used during the experience, when known

  • 162-Host/Hostess - Further assistance offered to the guest

  • 163-Host/Hostess - Warm and sincere closing offered and appreciation demonstrated

  • 164-Host/Hostess - The overall experience met guest expectations and was free of negative detractors

  • 165-W pin is worn and meets standard<br>-Mark N/A if:<br> -Talent is not present<br>- Restaurant is operated by a 3rd party<br><br>W Pin must minimally be:<br>- W – silver<br> -Years of Service jewel imbedded in W is acceptable<br> -In brand specification<br> -Worn on the left hand side at all time<br><br>Observe Talent and mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

  • 166-Enter Server name(s)

  • 167-Server is knowledgeable about menus<br><br>Servers Must-<br>- Inform guest of the specials and/or house specialties, if applicable<br>- Provide recommendations of menu items, if asked<br>- Provide explanation of preparation, if asked<br><br>Interact with server and mark NO if any of the above standards are not met

  • 168-Order taking meets standard<br><br>Server must minimally:<br>Take order first from:<br>- Ladies (US/CAN, CALA, EUR)<br>- Head of table or host of party (AP, MEA)<br>-Repeat order back to guest to ensure accuracy<br>- React graciously and accommodatingly if the guest asks for something off menu or a special preparation<br><br>Interact with server and mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

  • 169-Food and beverage service must be provided in a timely fashion<br><br>Pace of meal must never be noticeable<br>-Service is not delayed or rushed:<br>-Server must approach table within 1 minute after being seated<br>- It is acceptable if a supporting staff member provides the initial greeting after seating<br>- All courses must be delivered in order and not overlap each other<br>- Soiled plates must be removed within 2 minutes after all guests at table have completed their course<br><br> Total maximum time: 30 minutes, unless guest lingers over courses (RC, RCDC)<br><br>Interact with server and mark NO if you encounter or observe one of the following:

  • 170-Food and beverage must be provided in a timely fashion<br><br>Full buffet restaurants: only beverage and check timing standards apply Breakfast:<br>-Coffee and tea offered upon being seated (SR, LC)<br>- Coffee (non-specialty) and/or juice served within 1 minute upon acceptance of offer<br>- Server greets table with coffee pot in hand (JW)<br>- It is acceptable if individual coffee servings are freshly brewed from a machine or specialty coffee (e.g. Americano, cappuccino, espresso) is offered (AP, EUR, MEA)<br>- Other beverages (e.g. specialty coffee, Bloody Mary) served within 5 minutes<br>- Entree brought within 10 minutes unless a longer preparation time has been advised at the time of order<br>- Drinks refilled within 1 minute of being fully empty<br>Interact with server and mark NO if you encounter or observe one of the following<br>- Two or more items take longer than the allowed time<br>- One item is five minutes or more late<br>

  • 171-Cold beverages and juices meet standards<br><br>A choice of juices are offered:<br>-At least two must be fresh or distinctive<br><br>Cold beverages other than juices must be served, at time of delivery, with:<br>- Solid, square ice cubes, if ice is used (RC, RCDC)<br>- Fresh garnish on rim of glass for mixed drinks<br><br>Order a beverage and mark NO if any of the above are not followed

  • 172-Coffee and specialty coffee presentation meets standard<br><br>Coffee Service<br>- Server must ask for guest's preference of accompaniments (i.e. sugar, milk, cream)<br>- It is acceptable for the accompaniments to be preset on the table at buffet only restaurants<br>- Requested accompaniments must be delivered at or before time of delivery<br><br>Espresso/espresso type beverages<br>- Must be available upon request (LC, SR)<br>- Must be served in appropriate cup<br>- Must be presented with sugar and/or sweeteners at or before time of delivery<br>- It is acceptable for sugar/sweeteners to be presented in other than caddie/container<br><br>Order a beverage and mark NO if any of the above are not followed<br>

  • 173-Hot tea presentation meets standards<br><br>TEA<br>If served loose:<br>- Brewed in a pot<br>- Strainer provided<br>- It is acceptable if strainer is built into the pot<br>- Additional hot water is provided (RC, RCDC)<br><br> If served tea bags<br>- At least 2 tea bags<br>- Presented in a service box/tray (RC, RCDC) or on a B&B plate (JW)<br>- Served with a pot of hot water<br><br>Served with a pot of hot water<br><br> China pot or insulated pot specifically for tea service<br> With a timer to ensure prefect tea (JW, optional in MEA)<br> Server must ask if guest prefers honey and lemon or milk (optional AP, EUR, MEA)<br> Server must offer to brew tea for the guest (RC, RCDC)<br> Requested accompaniments must be delivered at or before time of delivery<br><br> China pot or insulated pot specifically for tea service<br>- With a timer to ensure prefect tea (JW, optional in MEA)<br>- Server must ask if guest prefers honey and lemon or milk (optional AP, EUR, MEA)<br>- Server must offer to brew tea for the guest (RC, RCDC)<br>- Requested accompaniments must be delivered at or before time of delivery<br><br>Order a beverage and mark NO if any of the above are not followed

  • 174-Server provides exceptional service<br>Server provides exceptional service:<br><br>Courses simultaneously brought to table for all guests<br>- Ladies served first (US/CAN, CALA, EUR)<br>- Head of table first (AP, MEA)<br>- Food delivered to correct person without asking<br>- Courses were not cleared before finished or without asking if finished<br>- Cutlery replaced as needed (e.g. for buffet)<br>- Non-specialty coffee and juice are refilled when empty<br>- Napkin refolded when guests are away from the table<br>-The level of interest in service remains constant and positive throughout the meal<br>Interact with server and mark NO if you encounter or observe any of the items listed above are missing<br>

  • 175-Server provides additional luxury service elements<br><br>Server provides luxury service elements:<br>- Server asks if food satisfactory at every course and takes corrective action if needed<br>- Glasses were not lifted from table to pour unless there is a physical barrier<br>- Repeat back beverage type when offering to refresh beverage (e.g. "Would you like another Absolut Espresso Martini?", "Certainly, I would be happy to bring you another Mondavi chardonnay")<br>- Food and beverage served from right, unless not accessible<br>- Food not served over guest's shoulder, but from the side<br>- Plates are cleared from right, unless not accessible<br>- Sauces and passed items are served from left, if applicable<br>- Children are provided with an appropriate drop snack prior to bringing meal (i.e. apple slices) (RC, SR, LC)<br><br>Interact with server and mark NO if you encounter or observe more than 2 of the items listed above are missing

  • 176-Server properly presents the check<br><br>Check must be:<br>- Accurate and complete<br>- Presented inside a brand folder with a brand pen (SR, RC, LC, RCDC)<br>- Restaurant concept specific branded folders/clipboards/vessels and pens are acceptable<br>- Presented inside presenter/folder with a W branded pen (W)<br>- Check presenter and pen must be in good condition<br><br>Mark NO if you encounter or observe one of the following:<br>- Check not accurate<br>-Check not presented according to standards

  • 177-Table setting enlivens the senses<br><br>Table must be level and stable<br>- Be clean and in good condition<br>- Bud vase/arrangement is neat, fresh and presentable (optional)<br>- Flatware - free of tarnish/wear<br>- Linens neat (if applicable)<br>- Napkins - pressed all-cotton or linen<br>- It is acceptable for outdoor restaurants to use a different type of napkin<br>- Salt and pepper shakers are present<br>- It is acceptable if salt and pepper are served/offered<br>-It is acceptable to not offer salt and/or pepper if the restaurant concept is a cuisine that does not utilize salt and pepper (e.g. Japanese, Chinese)<br><br>Check decor items, flatware, linens, plates, settings, table and table top items and mark NO if you experience or observe any of the following:<br>-Any of the above standards are not met<br>- Cleanliness issues<br>- Condition issues<br>- Gum underneath table<br>- Table uneven or unstable

  • 178-Restaurant menu meets standards<br><br>Menu must:<br>- Be clean and in good condition<br>- Offer at least 2 healthy options<br>- Contain signature food and beverage offerings<br>- Signature item(s) must be identified on the menu (e.g. by formatting, item name) or verbally explained by the server<br>- Daily special(s) are not acceptable for signature item(s)<br>- It is acceptable for buffet restaurants to not have printed menus<br><br>Review menu and mark NO if you observed the following:<br>- Healthy options not offered<br>- Menu not clean/in good condition<br>- Signature item(s) not identified or explained

  • 179-Food is designed to be visually appealing<br><br>Food and beverage presentations must be:<br>- Adequate in portion size<br>- Show attention to detail and visual appeal<br>-Food in different courses served on tableware that is varied in appearance (e.g. size, shape, color or patterns), if applicable<br>- Food presentations are interesting (e.g. varying heights, color contrasts, textures)<br>- Food is not presented in a way that is difficult to eat<br>- Beverages served in appropriate glassware<br>Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met<br><br>

  • 180-Food was properly prepared and met guest expectations for taste<br>Food and beverage presentations must be:<br>- Made of high quality and fresh ingredients<br>- Complete, with no missing or incorrect items<br>- Delivered at right temperature (cold/hot/warm)<br>- Properly prepared to guest request (e.g. well-done, no salt) or cooked to meet the guest expectations for taste<br><br>Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

  • 181-Beverage was properly prepared and met guest expectations for taste<br><br>Beverage must be:<br>- Made of high quality and fresh ingredients<br>- Complete, with no missing or incorrect items (e.g. correct alcohol type used)<br>- Delivered at right temperature (cold/hot/warm)<br>- Properly prepared to guest request (e.g. type of garnish) or cooked to meet the guest expectations for taste<br>- Served in correct glassware (e.g. martini glass for martini)<br><br>Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

  • 183-Server - Warm welcome/greeting provided

  • 184-Server - Good posture, smile, eye contact, and attentive listening maintained throughout the interaction

  • 185-Server uses appropriate verbiage and shows genuine concern<br><br>Beyond the delivery of universal service elements of good posture, smile, eye contact, and attentive listening maintained throughout the interaction server must:<br>- Use appropriate verbiage with genuine delivery<br>- For example: "Certainly", "My Pleasure", "Immediately", "I would be happy to" (RC, RCDC, SR, LC, JW)<br>- It is not acceptable to use slang or hotel jargon (e.g. 86’d, DND , “What’s up?”, “dude”, “habibi”, “OMG”)<br>- Language that matches brand identity is acceptable (W)<br>- Engage in warm conversation to Show genuine concern and interest in the guest<br><br>Mark NO if you encounter or observe any of the following:<br>- Server does not engage in warm conversation<br>- Inappropriate verbiage or jargon used

  • 186-Server owns and resolves guest's requests and opportunities immediately<br>Server must:<br>- Listen actively<br>- Empathize - Express empathy<br>- Apologize and assume ownership<br>- Resolve/Solve the problem and also provide an extra touch that goes beyond mere resolution<br>- Notify/Thank the guest to confirm their satisfaction<br>- Record the problem in Mystique (RC, RCDC)<br>- Record the problem in Starguest (SR, LC, W)<br><br>Mark NO if the server:<br>- Does not actively listen to you<br>- Does not express empathy<br>- Does not offer an apology<br>- Does not solve the problem within 10 minutes<br>- Does not provide any special touch beyond mere resolutio<br>- Does not confirm your satisfaction<br>- Does not record the problem in Mystique (RC, RCDC)<br>

  • 187-Server does not decline a request without offering alternatives<br><br>

  • Mark N/A if:<br>- No request is made above and beyond normal services offered<br>- Server meets request<br>- Restaurant is a licensed concept<br><br>If guest makes a special request Server must:<br>- Not just say “No” but offer alternatives that may help meet the need in another way<br>Mark NO if you encounter or observe any of the following:<br><br>

  • 188-Server - Well-groomed and professional, wearing a uniform

  • 189-Server - Guest name used during the experience, when known

  • 190-Server - Further assistance offered to the guest<br>

  • 191-Server - Warm and sincere closing offered and appreciation demonstrated<br>

  • 192-W pin is worn and meets standard<br><br>Mark N/A if you find:<br>- W – silver<br>- Years of Service jewel imbedded in W is acceptable<br>- In brand specification<br>- Worn on the left hand side at all time<br><br>Observe Talent and mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

  • 193-Server is knowledgeable and confident<br><br>Ask server a general, position/interaction appropriate question during the interaction and mark NO if they are unable to answer

  • 194-Server - The overall experience met guest expectations and was free of negative detractors

  • 195-Rate Emotional Engagement with interaction<br>Mark N/A if you find any of the following:<br><br>

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.