Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Company details


  • Project(s) Status:

  • Site Manager:

  • Other participants:


  • Copyright and Disclaimer
    Work Safety Systems Pty Ltd
    Po Box 306
    Black Rock VIC 3193
    PH: 1300 610 059

    Copyright © Work Safety Systems Pty Ltd 2023

    This document is, and shall remain the property of Work Safety Systems Pty Ltd. The document may only be used for the purpose for which it was commissioned by the client, in accordance with the terms of the engagement of the commission. Unauthorised use or reproduction of this report, except in its entirety, is prohibited.
    Whilst this report is accurate to the best of the authors’ knowledge and belief, Work Safety Systems Pty Ltd cannot guarantee completeness or accuracy of any data, descriptions or conclusions based on information provided by others. Responsibility is disclaimed for any loss or damage, including but not limited to that of the client, arising from the use of this report or suffered by any person for any reason whatsoever.

The audit was conducted against the Health and Safety legislation for construction work

Each requirement audited, was classified as one of the following categories:

  • Conformance (C): there is evidence of compliance with this criterion/requirement

  • Non-conformance (NC): there has been a failure to ensure legislative compliance or there is a clear safety breach and continual improvement action is required

  • Opportunity for improvement (OI): Minor non-conformance, whilst some evidence of the criteria/requirement was evident, continual improvement is required

  • Not applicable (NA): The auditor determined that this criterion/requirement was not applicable to the work/operations being carried out at the site

Executive Summary

  • undefined

Coordination Plan

  • HS Policy displayed, signed by CEO and has a current review date

  • Site specific policies

  • Site safety roles identified

  • Emergency contacts communicated

  • Builder Identification Lic. No. & signage posted - Principal Contractor

Contractor Management

  • How does the organisation ensure that the HS requirements are met by contractors and their workers?

  • How does the organisation ensure outsourced functions and processes are controlled?

  • What is the pre-tender qualification process?

  • Pre-tender Safety Management System provided? - Providing site supervisor’s roles on site, - Set consultation frequency, - SWMS task observation frequency and review processes, - Supervisor’s touch points and feedback frequency to PC?

  • How does the organisation identify hazards, assess and control the HS risks arising from: a.) the contractors’ activities and operations that impact the organisation? b.) the organisation’s activities and operations that impact the contractor’s workers?

  • How are contractors monitored?

  • Have all subcontractor workers carrying out construction work received the general construction induction training?

  • Worker induction records available with competencies recorded?

  • Have all subcontractor workers been informed of the site-specific health and safety rules? as per Coordination Plan

  • Have all workers undergone Site Specific Induction’ training prior to starting work on site?

  • Are trainees or inexperienced workers onsite under the direct supervision of experienced workers?

  • Are workers trained and licenced as per the high-risk work licence class

  • Where is the licence verification recorded?

  • How are licence expiration dates monitored?

  • During Induction has the organisation identified the consultative arrangements made available to everyone involved in the project – evidence sighted

Public & Visitor Safety:

  • Public site Safety Signage

  • Footpath safe and clean (cross over in place)

Site Establishment

  • Visitor Registers (inductions)

  • Emergency Evacuation Plan

  • Perimeter fencing and gateways secure

  • Adequate site fencing

  • First Aid signage

  • Site Signage is appropriate; alerts to associated site risks

First Aid

  • Qualified Personnel available

  • Adequate FA provisions

  • Under 100 workers; adequately stocked first aid kit

  • Medical contacts communicated

  • Register of injuries in use


  • Adequate washing and sanitation facilities

  • Are toilet facilities being maintained regularly

  • Availability of cool drinking water, separate to construction water


  • Are workers complying with the PPE requirements as stipulated in the WHS Coordination Plan

  • Are workers complying with the PPE requirements as stipulated in their high risk work SWMS, according to work activity

Housekeeping & Waste:

  • Waste collection processes in place

  • Slips, trips and falls managed

Emergency Management

  • Adequate fire prevention

  • Fire extinguishers maintained

  • Emergency planning

  • Adequate signage provisions (evacuation map)

  • Fire fighting equipment easily accessible and not blocked (1m clearance)


  • Are there regular top management 'Safety Committee meetings' occurring? verify minutes with HSR contribution

  • Toolbox's occurring to the expected frequency

  • Toolbox talk recorded

Hazard Identification

  • Is there a procedure in place for identifying hazards on site?

  • Verify the procedure by sighting a risk assessment

  • Verify hazard identification by sighting a task observations

  • Verify the procedure with the most recent hazard report

  • Is there a Risk Assessment available for this project?


  • How are hazards being reported?

  • Is there a illness/injury reporting procedure? sight last reported

  • Is there an Issue Resolution procedure?

  • Has there been an Issue reported, following the Issue Resolution procedure

  • Is there an Incident Response procedure? sight last reported


  • Is there a process is in place for the regular monitoring of the health and safety of the workplace (verify with a site inspection report)

  • Is there a schedule planned and executed for safety compliance audits, self-assessment including the identification of the person(s) responsible for undertaking such audits? • Internal (weekly, monthly) • External (quarterly)

  • Are Corrective Actions being managed


  • Electrical tools and leads – tested and tagged

High Risk Works - SWMS

  • Is there a process in place (if so what is it) to ensure SWMS are provided for a project, and are reviewed before commencement of works?

  • Have all Safe Work Method Statements been reviewed / signed off?

  • High Risk license validation

  • Are Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) available on site for all site activities currently being undertaken assessed as having a high risk?

  • Does each SWMS identify the high risk construction work to which it applies?

  • Do SWMS state the hazards relating to the high risk construction work and risks to health and safety associated with those hazards?

  • Do SWMS describe the control measures to be implemented?

  • Do SWMS describe how control measures are to be implemented, monitored, and reviewed?

  • Are relevant workers and HSRs consulted in the preparation of each SWMS. Worker involvement and consultation in developing project specific SWMS, not just signing off?

  • Where control measures have been revised, the relevant SWMS has been reviewed and, if necessary, revised?

  • Are workers on site working in accordance with their SWMS?

  • A copy of each SWMS has been kept by the principal contractor for the required period and is readily available for inspection by the auditor and by any worker carrying out the relevant high risk construction work on the project?

Prevention of falls/working at heights

  • Ladders stable, secure and conforming to regulations (Industrial 120kg)

  • SWMS developed for high risk work

  • Emergency evacuation plan with the use of EWP

  • Provisions for fall arrest systems implemented and compliant (secure, regulation safe distance <2m live edge)

  • Harness and arrestors compliance monitored

  • Open stairwells & voids protected

  • Contractor has working at heights licence

Plant and Equipment:

  • Plant register

  • Operator licensing

  • Competency assessment conducted

  • Maintenance and inspection records

  • Daily log book inspected/ pre-starts

  • Guards fitted and operational

  • People and plant exclusion zones

  • SWMS provided

Permit to Work Systems

  • Are there any Permit to Works in place for relevant site activity? verify permit and activity

Traffic Management Plan

  • Plan in place

Chemical Management

  • SDS register in use

  • Methods for controlling hazardous substance in use

  • Hazardous substance storage

  • Adequate storage signage

  • SDS maintained and controls applied

Health Monitoring

  • Have workers health been monitored and assessed due to the potential of exposure to a substance in the workplace? as listed in Regulations. Asbestos, Silica, Noise, Vibration, Hazardous Chemicals, Fumes, Gases, Vapours.

  • Is there a Records Management procedure in place to ensure the records of sensitive information is being legislative compliant around record keeping, information identification, privacy and security, storage, retrieval, retention and disposal of records?

Other findings

  • Finding 1

  • Finding 2

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.