Datel Report
Project Information
Project Name
Address Location
Principal Contractor Details
Datel Managers
- SM - Chavdar Harchev, Contact number: 07498467186
- PM - Tom Nial, Contact number: 07845465921
Supervisor filing the form:
- Supervisor names be added here
Engineers on Site
Engineers on site (Select how many engineers are on site and provide their details.)
- Only me
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Engineer 1 - Full name
Engineer 1 - Full name
Engineer 2 - Full name
Engineer 1 - Full name
Engineer 2 - Full name
Engineer 3 - Full name
Engineer 1 - Full name
Engineer 2 - Full name
Engineer 3 - Full name
Engineer 4 - Full name
Engineer 1 - Full name
Engineer 2 - Full name
Engineer 3 - Full name
Engineer 4 - Full name
Engineer 5 - Full name
Engineer 1 - Full name
Engineer 2 - Full name
Engineer 3 - Full name
Engineer 4 - Full name
Engineer 5 - Full name
Engineer 6 - Full name
Engineer 1 - Full name
Engineer 2 - Full name
Engineer 3 - Full name
Engineer 4 - Full name
Engineer 5 - Full name
Engineer 6 - Full name
Engineer 7 - Full name
Engineer 1 - Full name
Engineer 2 - Full name
Engineer 3 - Full name
Engineer 4 - Full name
Engineer 5 - Full name
Engineer 6 - Full name
Engineer 7 - Full name
Engineer 8 - Full name
Engineer 1 - Full name
Engineer 2 - Full name
Engineer 3- Full name
Engineer 4 - Full name
Engineer 5 - Full name
Engineer 6 - Full name
Engineer 7 - Full name
Engineer 8 - Full name
Engineer 9 - Full name
Engineer 1 - Full name
Engineer 2 - Full name
Engineer 3 - Full name
Engineer 4 - Full name
Engineer 5 - Full name
Engineer 6 - Full name
Engineer 7 - Full name
Engineer 8 - Full name
Engineer 9 - Full name
Engineer 10 - Full name
Sub contractor company
Site check OUT
Site check OUT
Daily Start Briefing - Before works start
What type of works will take place? (Please select from list)
- Site Survey
- Containment installation
- Cabling 1st fix
- Cabling 2nd fix
- Testing
- Cabinets installation
- Builder works requests
- Deliveries / Collections
- WAP Installation
- Materials - Check list
- Resolving issues
- Other works ( Not listed above)
- No works completed
Health and Safety in place !
Safe Start Form completed ? (If Yes - Please provide pictures of documents.)
PPE - required ?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
Please confirm what of following PPE is being worn by all engineers on site:
- Hard Hat
- Safety glasses
- Protective gloves
- Safety boots
- Hi-Vi Vest
- Hear Defenders - only if required
- Safety Face Mask - only If required
Manual Handling Assessment -Please confirm that the following being read by all engineers on site.
Please provide details who didn't ready and sign the RAMS and stop them working
Risk Assessment and Method Statement - Please confirm that RAMS being read by all engineers and signed on site.
Please provide details who didn't read and sign the RAMS ?
Dynamic Risk assessment required ?
Evaluating the environment, situation, tasks, and persons at risk
Identifying the risk type, severity, and likelihood of an incident
Selecting a system of work: a strategy, tactic, or task
Assessing the system of work for safety / control to be used
Considering if the risks are proportional to the benefits
Proceeding with work or delaying the work until additional safety measures can be introduced and a safe system of work is possible
Any COSHH materials will be used ?
Have you complete COSHH assessments ?
What substances are workers exposed to?
What harm can these substances cause?
How might people be exposed to the substances?
How often and for how long are people exposed to the substances?
Who else might be exposed to the substances?
What is currently being done to control exposure?
What needs to be done to improve control?
What are the exposure limits for the substances?
What are the routes of entry for the substances?
Tool Box Talk completed ? (If Yes - Please provide topic of TBT in notes and pictures of signed engineers and documents.)
Peco - Inspection completed ?
How many Pecos will be in use ? ( Please provide evidence of signed daily checks sheet for each.)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Scissor lift - Inspection completed ?
How many Scissor Lifts has been in use ? ( Please provide evidence of signed daily checks sheet for each.)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Scaffold Podiums - Inspection completed?
How many Scaffold podiums will be in use ? ( Please provide evidence of signed daily checks sheet.)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Step Ladder - Inspection Completed ?
How many step ladders will be in use? ( Please provide evidence of signed daily checks scaf tag.)
New engineers ?
Did new engineers sign Datel - Risk Assessment and Method Statement? (If Yes - Please provide their names in notes and pictures of signed documents.)
Provide information why not signed?
Any additional Information or help required before start works ?
Provide information what help it's required?
Works on site can start
Any Issues, Blockers or Stopers
Select how many Blockers /Issues and provide more detailed information for each.
- Blocker/Issue - 1
- Blocker/Issue -2
- Blocker/issue -3
- Blocker/Issue -4
- Blocker/Issue -5
Describe Blocker/ Issue - 1 (Add information, location and pictures to media)
Describe Blocker/ Issue - 2 (Add information, location and pictures to media)
Describe Blocker/ Issue - 3 (Add information, location and pictures to media)
Describe Blocker/ Issue - 4 (Add information, location and pictures to media)
Describe Blocker/ Issue - 5 (Add information, location and pictures to media)
End of Day report
Completed works ( Please select form list and provide detailed information for each one.)
- Site Survey
- Containment installation
- Cabling 1st fix
- Cabling 2nd fix
- Testing
- Cabinets installation
- Builder works requests
- Deliveries / Collections
- WAP Installation
- Materials - Check list
- Resolving issues
- Other works ( Not listed above)
- No works completed
What type of containment works ?
How many cables 1st fix?
Please provide picture of updated drawing!
How many cables 2nd fix completed ?
Please provide picture of updated drawing!
How many links has been tested ?
Please provide more information and reason?
What type of Survey has been completed ? Please provide infomartion into notes and attach pictures.
Builder work request ? (If Yes - Please provide location and pictures.)
Outstanding works ( If YES - Please provide detailed information of what outstanding )
Please describe outstanding works !
Next Day Works
Do you have plan for next day works ?
Description of planed work
Materials required ?
Please provide list of materials and quantity required.
What stopping the days works
DO NOT START ANY WORKS - Please complete Safe Start Form first - If it's not possible or there is any issues, please confirm who you contact and raise the issue.
- SM - Chavdar Harchev, Contact number: 07498467186
- PM - Tom Nial, Contact number: 07845465921
Name & Signature ( To be signed by person filling the report)
Full Name
Please sign the report.